Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 667 Wedding Live Broadcast

Chapter 667 Wedding Live Broadcast
Chapter 711 Wedding Live Broadcast
The little girl is not talented: [God knows how long I have been waiting all day!It was finally officially announced that they were going to get married. I thought they would get married on the last day of the end of the year. It was a day of tears of joy, oh, I was so happy! 】

Baiyou: [Hahahaha, I laughed when I saw the comments above, it turns out I wasn't the only one who thought they would get married on the last day. 】

Sick Li Bao'er: [Does the marriage of Xu Shanghao and Ruan Wenfan mean that the flower demon and the Taoist priest are also married? Their ending is happy, right!Woohoo, half a year has passed and the movie is over, I'm still upset...]

October will work hard: [Oh, the flower demon and the Taoist priest are also together!The looks of Xu Shanghao and Ruan Wenwen are the best match I have ever seen! 】

Hold the lid of the pot on your head: [I'm just concerned about whether the wedding scene will be videotaped?Ahhh, I'm so looking forward to it, and I'm actually nervous, why am I so nervous that my cp is getting married. 】

Crying: [Maybe it's premarital phobia, hee hee. 】

Happy Double Festival Duck: [Quickly push me up, everyone! !May I ask where Xu Daoruan always holds the wedding? Will the wedding be videotaped?Will it be live? 】

I love you all so much: [Ask!Please let us hit the candy on the spot, I want to see the picture of my cp getting married!The paper man who has been addicted for so many years and the cp who knows it is impossible... Finally a pair is real!I really want to see the scene of the wedding sprinkling sugar. 】

The fans are screaming from below.

All are looking forward to where the wedding will take place, and whether the specific wedding pictures will be revealed to the outside world.

As soon as the official announcement Weibo was posted, many people logged on to Weibo to comment. The number of comments has been soaring, and there are various reposts and discussions.

So... the Weibo system crashed.

Everyone couldn't log in to Weibo. In an instant, many people were stupefied, and then they slapped their thighs and burst out laughing.

"Mom, I remember that the last Weibo system crashed was caused by the famous actor's official marriage announcement the year before last."

"Hahahaha, I also remember that time, when Weibo technicians rushed to repair it in the middle of the night, and the official issued a statement the next day, vowing that there would never be a system crash again, because their system was strengthened a lot .”

"I didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly, hahaha, so how many people in the country are beating Director Xu and President Ruan?"

"Not to mention the whole country, Chuntan movies are also very popular abroad. Once I logged on to the external network, good guy, they are also addicted to CP, and they all slam their heads without looking up!"

After several hours of emergency repairs by Weibo technicians, Weibo was finally restored.

The news of the Weibo crash was also on the hot search.

All the words under this hot search are ridiculed by netizens.

Who made the official vow that the technology has been deepened and there will be no collapse.

At the same time, the Weibo official also tweeted Xu Shanghao and Ruan Wenwen, expressing their blessings for their newlyweds, and at the same time replying to the breakdown in a lovely tone.

#微博系统消息# Thank you Director Xu and Mr. Ruan for overhauling our system again. I hope we will become more and more perfect in the future!
Ruan Xiao didn't know what happened until he came out after leaving the meeting.

Cheng Shan smiled: "Right now, what fans are calling for the most is to know where your wedding with Director Xu will take place."

"Let's keep it secret now, and we'll publicize it three days before the wedding."

The wedding of Ruan Xiaoli and Xu Shanghao did not intend to hide from the outside world.

Although the wedding is a matter for the two of them, the fact that many people like them has become everyone's matter.

In order to live up to the love of fans, Ruan Xiaoli and Xu Shanghao planned to broadcast their wedding live.

Both of them are public celebrities, and Ruan Xiaoli has a lot of power in his hands, no one dares to cause trouble at their wedding.

At that time, the wedding scene will be broadcast live, which can be regarded as giving back to fans for their love and waiting this year.

As for the wedding venue, in fact, they had already chosen it long ago.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't go back to the hotel after get off work, and she hasn't stayed in a hotel for half a year.

She is now living with Xu Shanghao, who has a small villa in the city center.

The villa is not big, but the facilities are very good. This kind of house is most suitable for young couples.

Ruan Xiaoli would come back here every time after get off work, she usually gets off work late.

And Xu Shanghao has changed from a workaholic to a self-disciplined man who gets off work early.

He will finish his work rigorously every day, and then he will leave work early, Xu Shanghao is a good cook, as long as he comes back early, he will cook a dinner for Ruan Xiaoli.

Occasionally, if Ruan Xiaoli came back at noon, she would cook for him.

As soon as Ruan Xiaoli came back, he could smell the aroma of the food. It seems that Xu Shanghao got off work earlier today.

"What time did you come back today, Director Xu?"


"Tsk tsk, you came back at five o'clock yesterday, and it's past four o'clock today. Aren't you very busy as a big director? Every time you get off work so early, are you done with your work?"

"Busy working."

Xu Shanghao is preparing for a new movie, and he hasn't turned on the machine yet during the preparation of the new movie, so he is very busy but not that busy.

Ruan Xiaoli should be the one who is busy. He manages so many companies by himself. Although several companies have been handed over to professional personnel, Ruan Xiaoli still needs to check every quarter.

The two sat down to eat, Ruan Xiaoli tasted his cooking, and felt that he would never get tired of the dishes he made in his life.

"Brother, how is the layout of our wedding scene?"

Ruan Xiaoli didn't care about the wedding, this matter was completely in charge of Xu Shanghao.

Xu Shanghao chuckled: "The arrangement is very good, then you just need to marry me with peace of mind."


Little Evil's goosebumps came up: "You two are so tired."

"That's probably what falling in love is all about."

"That's right, every time I can always witness a boring moment between you and the hero of the world."

"Little Evil, can you buy me another pillowcase? That soft pillow is gray. Although it matches the color of your space, it's too dull. Buy me a red pillowcase and put that pillow on it. It's a gift. My wedding present."

"Hmph, you've already talked about this, can I not buy it for you if I'm in love with you?"

It's said that it's a wedding gift, can I still buy it?

Ruan Xiaoli smiled, she took Xiao Evil seriously.

Last time she took a nap, she went to the Little Evil Space. Not to mention, that pillow is very comfortable!

Xiao Evil swiped the light screen to buy a red pillowcase, and put the pillowcase on the soft pillow: "...so ugly."

It doesn't match the color of its space at all.

But unexpectedly, it added a touch of warm color to the space. At first glance, it seemed that a fire suddenly ignited in this space full of black, white and gray.


Three days before Director Xu and Mr. Ruan's wedding, all major official Weibo reposted an official announcement.

This news hit the hearts of all CP addicts like a huge thunder, it was so sweet!
Wedding Live Streaming!

How many people were stimulated by these six words, and how many people were excited to roll on the bed.

The venue of the wedding has never been announced, and on the day of the wedding, many people waited in front of the screen of their mobile phones for the live broadcast.

Everyone was shocked when the camera of the live broadcast was turned on.

The barrage has been taking off.

"Holy shit, this place looks familiar, isn't this the scene in the movie, the canyon where the flower demon lives!"

"It's the Valley of Hundred Flowers!!"

"This really fulfills our regret. Director Xu and Mr. Ruan are too fond of fans."

"This place is really suitable for a wedding. There are flowers on both sides of the creek, and the couple will hold a ceremony on the small bridge!"

The live broadcast is not ambiguous at all, and there is no prelude to the live broadcast to prepare for the backcourt work.

The live broadcast time is straight to the point, as if all the audience are guests invited to the scene, and the wedding has already started as soon as they enter.

By the time the newcomers came out, the barrage was almost maxed out.

The wedding dress worn by Ruan Xiaoli has a slight resemblance to the flower demon's wedding dress in the original movie, which can be regarded as satisfying the regrets of some fans, but the wedding dress still has more modern elements.

After all, today's theme is that the two have been married for a hundred years.

The barrage has been swiping the screen rapidly.

There are still many people staring at the mobile phone not knowing what to say, looking at the picture of people without blinking.

Don't want to miss this kind of wedding of the century.

The two got married under the witness of all the people.

This wedding satisfied all the fans and envied many people at the same time.

I really envy such a love, I really envy such a wedding.

That day, the trending searches were all over the screen again, and the trending searches about two people getting married were all over the screen again.

There are all kinds of strange things on the hot search, from the wedding dress to the wedding design, the flower next to the wedding is on the hot search, and the barrage comments posted by netizens are also on the hot search.

The two contracted the trending search and no one sprayed it. Every trending search was full of blessings.

"There is a big guy who made the right analysis. The Hundred Gardens were closed a few days ago, and suddenly they couldn't make a reservation for tickets. The big guy said that Director Xu and Mr. Ruan's wedding will be arranged in the Hundred Gardens. At that time, I still didn't believe it. , I didn’t expect that big guy’s analysis to be correct!”

"Blessings, because I was so envious when I watched the live broadcast, how can such a good-looking person be so happy!"

"They're finally married!"

"It's Chinese New Year, and it's another new year's day. I can watch this wedding video over and over a hundred times!"


Xu Shanghao arranged the wedding very well, and Ruan Xiaoli got married very easily and hardly felt tired all day long.

But at night I'm tired...

Ruan Xiaoli's voice was hoarse and he was sweating all over the bed: "Brother, I suspect that you make me tired during the day just for now..."

Xu Shanghao's fiery body pressed up: "Do you still have the strength?"

He didn't take a breath for so long, Ruan Xiaoli deeply felt the terrifying physical strength of this man.

"No strength..."

"Then you still call me brother." Xu Shanghao made a fuss.

Ruan Xiaoli's body tensed instantly: "I...uh..."

A spring night is worth a thousand dollars, and Ruan Xiaoli couldn't even lift his fingers that were squeezed that night.

After marriage, the two managed their own jobs very self-disciplined and ran their small family.

Every now and then they will be photographed with sweet pictures.

Gradually, some people feel that no matter how well-matched people stay with the person they like all the year round, sooner or later such things as the seven-year itch will appear.

The fans couldn't believe it, our CP is really strong, so we won't have the seven-year itch!
Witnessed by all the people, the two are getting sweeter every year.

Seven years passed in the blink of an eye, and there was no rift between the two of them at all.

Some people also said that the two of them hadn't had children for many years, so they must have lost their relationship.

In the end, they were slapped in the face again. Xu Shanghao and Ruan Xiaoli issued an official announcement at the same time that they only wanted to live a life of two and prepare to become DINKs.

The fact that two people don't want children makes many people feel regretful.

It is the fans who come to bless the person they like, not to influence the person they like.

The fans all have a blessing attitude and support the opinions of the two.

Because it is a two-person world where two people have spent their whole life sweetly.

Although they had no children, they adopted two children.

At the same time, they trained one of the two children to be a film worker and the other to be the emperor of a business empire.

After middle age, the two let go and handed over the things in hand to the children, and they lived a peaceful and beautiful ordinary life.


(End of this chapter)

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