Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 668 World 16: Dangerous: She is an antisocial personality

Chapter 668 World 16 Dangers: She Is Antisocial

Chapter 712 World 16: Dangerous: She is an antisocial personality

"Xiao Li, let's enter the new world."


With a sense of dizziness, Ruan Xiaoli's soul entered the black wormhole.


The Third People's Hospital of City A is the most famous hospital in the city that specializes in the treatment of mental disorders.

A black BMW drove into the hospital's underground parking garage. A man in casual clothes got out of the car and opened the door for the people in the back seat.

A delicate-looking girl got down from the back seat, and she was still holding the hospital's medical records in her hand.

The man reached out and took the medical record in her hand: "I have already made an appointment with the doctor, let's go."


Gu Ammon was a little helpless, he had a class to attend today, but his sister called him.

Gu Ammon is a university professor, and he is not very busy except for classes, so his sister called him to accompany his niece to the doctor.

The handsome junior high school girl next to her is Gu Ninglin's niece.

The high school entrance examination is about to be over, and I suffered from campus violence at school. Unfortunately, I suffer from depression, and it is troublesome to be bipolar.

Gu Ammon seldom has contact with his niece. As an uncle, all he can do is to accompany her to the hospital, and then pay a little attention to her.

The hospital here is not as overcrowded as other hospitals, and the corridors of this hospital are very deserted.

Occasionally a few people pass by.

A person in a hospital gown passed by. The person's eyes were a little dull, and he was still wearing medical handcuffs on his feet, so he couldn't walk too far.

Lin Anan immediately approached Gu Ammon.

Gu Ammon was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Don't be afraid."

"Uncle, will I be like them in the future?" Lin Anan was a little scared.

Gu Ammon is used to facing a group of students with a cold face, but now facing his little niece, he tried his best not to speak so harshly: "No, An'an is just a little mental cold, as long as he cooperates with the treatment, he will soon recover. Come on, you're different from them."

The man wearing medical handcuffs just now is obviously an aggressive and dangerous person.

Generally, such people are very serious psychological disorders.

Gu Ammon took Lin Anan upstairs by elevator, and they had already made an appointment with the doctor.

Just when the two of them entered the elevator, they didn't see several doctors and nurses suddenly appearing in the corridor. The eyes of the doctors and nurses were all flustered.

"Have you found that Mu Li yet?"

"I searched all over the building and didn't see her. I'd better call her parents quickly. She may have run out of the hospital."

"It's impossible to run out. She still has shackles on her feet. There must be no way to break them in such a short time. She can't run very far. Let's look for them carefully."

"Okay, keep looking. If Mu Li doesn't find it, he'll be in trouble if he runs out."

That Mu Li is a mentally disabled person with an antisocial personality. She was admitted to the hospital when she was very young. During the years of hospitalization, she escaped no less than ten times, and once almost cut a doctor's throat with a scalpel. Fortunately, a doctor next to her quickly injected her with a tranquilizer.

Now that she is running away again, what worries her most is that she will hurt others.

Antisocial personality, this kind of person is naturally indifferent, has no sense of responsibility, no compassion, and selfishness.

But at the same time, most people with antisocial personality have high IQ.

You must find her, if you run out and hurt someone, you will be finished!

In a toilet of the hospital, a very thin girl in a hospital gown was using the sharp lower door panel of the toilet to sharpen the straps of the medical handcuffs on her feet.

Ruan Xiaoli touched the strap quickly and skillfully.

Xiao Evil told her about the plot: "You are a perfect villain in this world, a person who can commit crimes at any time."


When Ruan Xiaoli just woke up from the ward, Xiao Evil gave her the first mission before she could accept the plot.

The first mission of the villain is to escape from the ward, avoid all the doctors and nurses to escape from the ward, and escape from this hospital!

With handcuffs on his feet, Ruan Xiaoli had no choice but to find a place to hide and get rid of the handcuffs.

When Ruan Xiaoli ran out of the ward, he looked at the things posted on his bed.

Antisocial personality disorder, Mu Li.

Seeing the words antisocial personality, Ruan Xiaoli knew that he was definitely a villain who did evil in this world.

Xiao Evil slid the light screen and introduced: "Your body is called Mu Li, and your family is rich. Mu Li is beautiful and has a high IQ, so his parents like him, but the original owner's parents gradually realized that Mu Li was different from others when he was in kindergarten.
When other children were in class, they interacted with the little rabbit brought by the teacher to touch the little rabbit, but the original owner directly strangled the little rabbit, and strangled the little rabbit to death.

In addition to this incident, the original owner has done many cold-blooded things. She has no shame at all, and she doesn't feel that what she did is wrong.

She has been alone in school, and she doesn't like to talk when she comes home. She is very affectionate and indifferent to her parents, and she doesn't cry or make trouble and doesn't depend on anyone.

In the end, the original owner was determined to be an antisocial personality. The original owner's parents felt distressed and had to send her to the hospital for psychological treatment. After many years of treatment, the original owner's parents would come to visit at first, and later they gave birth to a son. Never been to the hospital again,
The original owner's parents and younger brother have already settled abroad, and their monthly contact with the original owner is that Father Mu's secretary will take the initiative to call for medical expenses every month. "

Ruan Xiaoli was still grinding the bandages on his hands, and after hearing what Xiao E said, he only felt sad.

The original owner, Mu Li, was an outcast.

Xiao Evil: "This world is half-cleared. Why did the original owner do bad things? It's because she is uncontrollable. She is born with an anti-social personality, which is what she was born with."

It was born like this, all the bad things she did were uncontrollable, they were whitewashed but not whitewashed.

Xiao Evil: "Your villain's task in this world is to be like Mu Li in the original plot, to do all the bad things she will do in the future."

"What are the specific tasks?"

"Escape from the hospital, pretend to be a normal person to approach the hero of the world, kill the pet that the hero gave to his niece, and threaten the hero in various ways. You arrange it yourself."

If you are a villain, you have to compete with the hero.

This world is a battle between a girl with an antisocial personality who may commit crimes at any time and a male protagonist.

Xiao Evil: "The hero of the world is a university professor. He is 28 years old this year. He is rigorous and indifferent. The students are afraid of him, but he is the most popular professor among the female students because of his handsome appearance."


Finally the strap broke.

The corner of Ruan Xiaoli's mouth slightly curled up: "A 19-year-old antisocial girl, a 28-year-old professor, tsk tsk."

Xiao Evil: "Come on, this world mission is closely related to the original owner's illness, so you have to follow the person's settings a little bit, or the mission will not be able to continue."


"Please play an anti-social person to your heart's content." Xiao Evil loves to see Ruan Xiaoli as a villain.

(End of this chapter)

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