Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 669 Escape from the Hospital

Chapter 669 Escape from the Hospital
Chapter 713 Escape from the Hospital
Ruan Xiaoli probably understood that the most important thing she should do now is to escape from this hospital.

It is estimated that the group of doctors have already checked and monitored, and they will be found soon.

Fortunately, she has broken the strap now, so it is convenient for her to run.

Ruan Xiaoli tidied up her clothes, she went to the sink to wash her hands and looked at herself in the mirror.

He is very beautiful, very beautiful, and he is a shrewd and intelligent person at first glance, but unfortunately, those eyes are too cold, and ordinary people probably dare not look at each other with such eyes.

The original owner ate well three meals a day in the hospital, but he didn't grow much meat, and the whole body was thin and small.

"If you want to run out of the hospital, you have to mess up the hospital."

It's easier to run in muddy water.

Xiao Evil quietly watched Ruan Xiaoli as the villain.


Lin Anan came out after seeing the doctor. She was talking to the doctor alone just now, but Gu Ammonin did not go in to disturb her.

Gu Ammon sat alone on the bench, with nowhere to put his long legs. When he saw Lin Anan came out, he immediately got up: "What did the doctor say."

"Relax and take your medicine on time." Lin Anan seemed to be in a good mood now, not as lifeless as when he got off the car just now.

Gu Ammon reached for the medical record in her hand: "Let's go, what do you want to eat later, uncle will take you to eat?"


Lin Anan was actually a little bit afraid of this uncle. Although the little uncle was good-looking, he always had a sullen face and a cold body every day. His cousins, younger brothers and sisters at home did not dare to play near him.

Gu Ammon nodded lightly.

Lin Anan was thinking about what to eat, and when he was about to speak, suddenly someone ran over, and then the hospital suddenly became noisy.

Gu Ammon quickly stretched out her hand to pull her niece to the side.

I saw people in hospital gowns running out, and those people were mentally disabled and yelling.

"Ah, I can fly, I really can fly!"

"I want to go home, I want to find my mother, I'm not here, I'm not sick!"

"Go away, go away, you all have no brains..."

"Hurry up, grab it back!" A doctor hurried over.

I don't know if the nurse on duty just didn't pay attention, and all the patients on the critical side ran out.

These people are all aggressive, letting them wander around in the hospital will cause chaos!
Many well-trained doctors and nurses came with sedatives, and the hospital's security was also dispatched.

"Doctor Zhao, it's too bad, all the patients who were tied up on the fourth floor don't know who untied them!"


Everyone present who heard this knew that someone was doing it on purpose.

Gu Ammon pulled Lin Anan to stand aside to prevent being affected.

But at this time, there was still a thin man who rushed towards them, and that man was still yelling: "You want to harm me, you want to harm me, I will kill you!"

"Ah!" Lin Anan screamed in terror.

Gu Ammon's eyes turned cold, and without a word, he stretched out his long legs and kicked the person away.

The patient rolled on the ground and slowly crawled over: "The food I just ate was poisonous, you poisoned me, I will kill you!"

This is a typical persecuted delusional patient.

Gu Ninglin pulled Lin Anan back a few steps, and after placing Lin Anan, he stepped forward to quickly grab him, and with a few moves, he pinned down the patient with his hands cut behind his back.

At this time, a doctor came over with a sedative and quickly injected the sedative into the patient.

"Thank you, please trouble this gentleman. There is some trouble in our hospital now, this gentleman please leave the hospital as soon as possible."

The security guards have been dispatched, and the family members of the patients who are visiting the patients leave the hospital quickly.

Gu Ninglin sees that the place is chaotic and may be in danger at any time. He can guarantee his personal safety, but his niece can't stay here. If she is already sick, it will be bad if she is frightened and makes her condition worse.

Gu Ammon took Lin Anan to the elevator to get off the parking lot.

The elevator stopped suddenly when it reached the fourth floor.

Gu Ammon looked at the elevator door warily, and Lin Anan quickly hid behind him.


The elevator door opened, and a girl in a baggy, ill-fitting tracksuit walked in.

Ruan Xiaoli walked into the elevator and let out the look of the rest of her life, she looked at the man and the girl in the elevator, Ruan Xiaoli greeted with a polite smile: "I'm sorry, I didn't scare you, right? The first floor is very dangerous, I thought I couldn't get on the elevator, are you leaving the hospital?"

Seeing that Lin Anan was a very good-looking young lady, she immediately felt relieved.

Gu Ammon looked up and down at the girl who came in, and he said, "Yes."

"Then can you take me? Can I leave the hospital in your car? Then you can just leave me on the side of the road."

Gu Ammon wanted to refuse, because he always felt that the girl in front of him had an indescribably strange feeling.

Her clothes didn't fit well, the sleeves of her jacket and tracksuit covered the back of her hands, and her pants were a little too long.

Now the hospital is in chaos, and Gu Ammon doesn't want an unidentified person to get into his car.

But Lin Anan saw that the young lady in front of her was good-looking and had a nice voice. No one thought that something like this would happen suddenly in the hospital. This young lady was also a victim, so it was okay to give her a ride.

Lin Anan: "Okay, let's leave the hospital together, it was really scary just now, some patients actually attacked people, it's too scary."

Isn't it normal for mental patients to attack people?

This little sister looks very innocent.

A look flashed across Ruan Xiaoli's eyes, then he raised his head and smiled: "Thank you, it's nice to meet you."

Gu Ammon was dumbfounded. Before he could refuse, his little niece had already made the decision. If he refused this girl to get in the car again, he would lose face to his niece.

When the elevator reached the first floor, it stopped again. Lin Anan thought it would be a normal person getting on the elevator.

But I didn't expect that as soon as the elevator opened, there would be a person in hospital gown standing, and there were many people in hospital gown running around in the hall behind that person.

Lin Anan's face turned pale with fright.

Gu Ammon quickly stopped the man from getting on the elevator, stretched out his hand and pushed the man out, and the patient fell to the ground.

Gu Ammon took the opportunity to press the elevator quickly.

The elevator doors closed, but the mental patient did not come up.

Lin Anan breathed a sigh of relief: "I was scared to death. I will never come to this hospital again. I must get well soon. I don't want to come."

"What's wrong with you?" A nice voice asked.

Lin Anan turned her head and met Ruan Xiaoli's delicate and pretty face, and met her cold eyes.

Lin Anan was frightened at once, but in the next second, she realized that the young lady was smiling with crooked eyes. Was it just an illusion?

(End of this chapter)

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