Chapter 670

Chapter 714

"I'm suffering from a minor illness, and I'll recover soon. It's definitely not as scary as those people just now." Lin Anan explained.

Lin Anan was afraid that because of her illness, she would be regarded as a different kind by others, like those mental patients just now.

But the beautiful young lady in front of her didn't regard her as a different kind.

Because the little sister said with a smile: "Then I wish you a speedy recovery, and be happy every day."

Her good-looking smile was particularly touching. Lin Anan immediately felt warm in her heart and said, "Well, thank you."

The elevator went down to the underground parking lot, and when it got out Lin Anan couldn't help but pull Ruan Xiaoli to talk.

"Miss, what's your name?"


Gu Ammon walked in front and kept paying attention to the surroundings. He listened to the chatting of the two girls behind him.

"Little Li, is this your nickname?"

"Well, that's what people usually call me." Ruan Xiaoli didn't say the original owner's name.

Mu Li is too famous in this hospital...

"Sister Xiaoli, what are you doing in the hospital today?"

"see a doctor……"

Lin Anan was curious, this elder sister was also sick, what kind of illness was she, she wanted to ask but was too embarrassed to ask.

The three of them got into the car, and Ruan Xiaoli lowered the window and said softly, "I'm sorry, I may have lied to you, I am also a patient and am not a normal person, I came to the hospital to see a doctor because I couldn't remember things, but This happened to me as soon as I got into the hospital."

Lin Anan was surprised when he heard this.

Gu Ammon's driving hand stopped, and he asked in a low voice: "Do you still remember your name and where you live?"

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the hero of the world, and he got the point as soon as he asked.

Ruan Xiaoli followed his words and said: "I can't remember things, so I can't remember my full name, and I can't remember where my home is."

Lin An'an felt sorry for this young lady, and at the same time she didn't dare to speak, because this young lady didn't remember anything, so they definitely couldn't just find a way to put her down later.

Lin Anan suddenly realized that she was causing trouble for her uncle.

Gu Ammon drove the car seriously, and after a while said in a low voice, "I'll take you to the police station."

"it is good."

Ruan Xiaoli wasn't worried at all.

Because Xiao Evil just told her in his mind that the original owner was a black household!
The original owner's grandparents value boys over girls, and the original owner said that they would not allow the original owner to register, so they have always been black households. If the family is rich, the original owner would not even be able to enter schools and hospitals.

Kuroto, can't remember the name.

Ruan Xiaoli just deliberately said that he had just entered the hospital because of amnesia, and he was just a patient who had just entered the hospital and had not had time to see a doctor.

This hint allows people to skip guessing that she is a patient in the hospital.

Because Lin Anan still had classes this afternoon, Lin Anan got off the car when she passed by her school on the road.

"Goodbye, little sister, goodbye uncle."

Ruan Xiaoli waved his hand with a smile, and Gu Ninglin responded softly to his niece.

Then it was just the two of them in the car on the road.

Ruan Xiaoli leaned against the window to blow the wind without saying a word, while Gu Ninglin watched the girl in the back seat through the rearview mirror while driving.

There is an indescribable strangeness about this girl.

Amnesia...Some mental illnesses can cause amnesia.

Gu Ammonin drove Ruan Xiaoli to the police station, accompanied him in for a while, and then planned to leave.

As a result, he was stopped by a policeman before he left the lobby: "Sir, you can't leave yet. I don't know if the little girl you sent here is of age. Since you sent it here, you have to be responsible. You can't leave now." .”

Gu Ammon frowned, he had already missed the class this morning, and there was another class in the afternoon.

Ruan Xiaoli stood in the hall without saying a word, but secretly looked at him.

Her downcast eyes were full of confusion and a hint of helplessness.

Amnesia, and now another person is thrown in the police station, he is quite a poor person.

Gu Ammon doesn't like to meddle in other people's business very much, but today this matter has caused trouble.

Gu Ammon stopped in her tracks: "Excuse me, how long will it take?"

"It won't be long, you can find out the identity of this little girl by scanning her face."


Gu Ammon returned to the hall again.

Ruan Xiaoli stood awkwardly: "Did I cause you trouble, I'm sorry."


Gu Ammon was relatively indifferent throughout the whole process.

Ruan Xiaoli finally understood what Xiao Evil said about the hero of the world. He is a stern and indifferent professor.

In a developed society, it is very easy to check a person. Just scan the face to compare the face on the ID card.

Ruan Xiaoli was brought in to have his face scanned, but it was very strange... The police even opened up Ruan Xiaoli's bangs for scanning, but they still didn't compare with the ID cards of the whole country.

"No, isn't there such a person?"

Is it a child without an ID card?

"Little sister, do you remember how old you are?"

Nowadays, people usually start to apply for ID cards at the age of fifteen or sixteen, and some people have already applied for ID cards even earlier.

The original owner, Mu Li, is now 19 years old, but his face is so tender that even people who say he is 15 years old will believe him.

Gu Ammon sat on the chair at the door and waited, he heard voices talking inside.

How old are you?
He saw that the girl's face should be about the age of adulthood.

It took about an hour to make it bigger, but in the end there was no result.

The police had no choice but to draw a tube of blood for DNA testing. The DNA database does not include the data of people from all over the country. To be honest, it is really difficult to find the little girl's family members in this haystack.

But if my daughter is lost, they will definitely come early. The police are still very confident that they can help the girl find her family in a short time.

Imagination is beautiful, reality is very skinny.

They had no idea that the girl had been forgotten and abandoned, that she was gone, and neither would the parents who were overseas for a short time.

After about an hour, it's finally over.

"Mr. Gu, this little girl has lost her memory. Maybe she will follow you for a while. We will notify you when we find the little girl's parents."

"...I'm a man living alone, it's not appropriate for her to follow me."

"We just checked. Mr. Gu is a professor of University A and a celebrity on the Internet. We are very relieved that this little girl is following you. She has lost her memory and does not have a mobile phone. If she follows you, we will be able to contact us when the time comes. Such a big one The living person is lost, her family must be anxious, and her family will definitely be found within a few days."


While driving, Gu Ammon thought about what the police had just said to him, and he glanced back at the girl sitting in the back seat.

"Just follow me for a few days."

Went to the hospital to pick up someone back.

Gu Ammon is used to living alone, he is really not used to taking someone with him, let alone a girl.

(End of this chapter)

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