Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 922 The beauty is still a virgin

Chapter 922 The beauty is still a virgin

Chapter 922 The beauty is still a virgin

"In a time of peace and prosperity, the holy land of Kyoto, how could there be demons, don't talk nonsense, be careful not to be unhappy if adults hear it."

Cheng Yi heard them speak, but did not reprimand them.

There are indeed demons in this world, and there are demons in many rumors and deeds.

But people in the world say that the capital of every country is a holy place, protected by a real dragon, and it is impossible for a monster to invade.

If there are demons haunting the capital, then there is not enough real dragon breath here...

There have been many heart-digging cases, and the murderer has not been caught for several months. There are already rumors among the people, and all the emperors will let Jin Yiwei investigate this matter.

Jin Yiwei has always worked for the emperor, and they also check the safety, but what the emperor wants to check is to check the officials, check secretly, and do it secretly.

Cheng Yi: "Take the body back, and everyone in the house will keep their mouths shut. I don't want to hear any rumors outside."

They came here in plain clothes to see the corpse this time, and the door of the mansion was also closed.

We can't let the people know that another person has died, otherwise the rumors will spread and people's hearts will be turbulent.

Jin Yiwei left, the atmosphere in the mansion was gloomy, the servants did not dare to speak, the masters of the mansion were crying in the room, not daring to cry loudly.

You can't hang a white cloth when you're dead...

A figure in priestly robes climbed the wall and entered the mansion, she held a compass in her hand.

"The demonic aura is so strong, the demon must have shown its true form here before." Nangong Wu muttered.

When she came to the main house, there was still blood on the ground, and the body had been carried away.

"Why is there no smell?"

Nangong Wu smelled a monster, but couldn't tell what kind of monster it was.

Generally, monsters have body odor and can smell their type, but does this monster like cleanliness or has powerful mana?
"It would be great if I could see the corpse. If you look at the wound, you will know what monster is causing trouble."

Nangong Wu could crawl in here, but she couldn't touch Jinyiwei, who was heavily guarded.

Nangong Wu roughly wrote down the scene and left.

She was hungry and came to the street, where many vendors were hawking.

"Steamed buns, steaming steamed buns, big meaty buns."

Nangong Wu swallowed when he smelled the buns in the steamer, "Boss, how much is a bun?"

"Five cents a piece."

"Five coins! So expensive!"

"It's not expensive anymore. My steamed stuffed bun is made of white flour. It tastes delicious and soft. There is also meat filling inside. The meat is oily and watery. The price is really not expensive."

Nangong Wu felt that the steamed stuffed buns were not that delicious when she heard Wuwen Qian, so she swallowed her saliva and walked away feeling her stomach.

After walking two streets, he felt that things were expensive, so Nangong Wu decided to go out of the city to hunt. There are many pheasants on the mountain, and he would eat a pheasant and roast it, his mouth would be full of meat, and it would cost no money!

During the day, many places in the city are very lively, but some places are very quiet.

Firework Alley was very quiet during the day, Nangong Wu looked up when passing by.

Although the women here are beautiful, they are just too expensive.

"I want to catch monsters well and earn a lot of money. If I have money, I will buy the whole building." Nangong Wu thought of such a day, and felt more and more motivated to catch monsters.

The girl named Shaoyao I saw last time is really beautiful. There are musical instruments in her room. The way she plays the music must be more beautiful, and the music she plays must be very pleasant.

It's a pity that you have to give gold to see her, it's really expensive, but Nangong Wu thinks she's expensive and reasonable, because she's really beautiful.


"This is your poison-dispersing soup for today. After you drink it, remember to do things for me. Help me stun that person at night."

Ruan Xiaoli pushed a bowl of decoction in front of him.

Zhao Jing picked up the medicine and drank it in one gulp, "I'll help you, you... don't you want to stay here?"

After asking this question, he regretted it, because no girl wants to stay in the flower building.

"If you don't want to stay here, I will redeem you when I regain my identity and memory."

Zhao Jing added a cup of tea to suppress the taste of medicine in his mouth.

"My lord, do you know that what you said can easily misunderstand me." Ruan Xiaoli said with a coquettish smile while pulling his hair, "I am very expensive, even a wagon of gold can't redeem me, bustard My mother treats me like a cash cow, and I can't let me go, unless you have the power, you have the money and the power."

She lowered her eyes and spoke lazily, obviously not taking his words seriously.

But Zhao Jing didn't just blurt it out just now.

"I dare to conclude that my identity must be rich and powerful. If you want to leave here, I can help you."

"Help me? After you redeem me."

after that……

This stopped Zhao Jing from asking, and he didn't think about it.

Ruan Xiaoli chuckled lightly: "Do you know what it means when a man tells a girl in a brothel that I will redeem you?"

It is to be accepted as a concubine, or to be taken back to the mansion as a bed maid or plaything.

Zhao Jing frowned: "That's not what I meant, I didn't mean to humiliate you."

"How can you say it's humiliating? If someone is willing to accept me as a concubine, it's my life's luck."

No one dares to marry a girl from a brothel, it is an honor to be a concubine and a master.

This is indeed the truth, but when it was put on her, Zhao Jing looked at the opposite side playing with the peony at the end of her hair.

I feel depressed.

"I will redeem you, do you have a place you want to go?"

"I have nowhere to go, no relatives, no reason, and no ability to survive. I'm afraid I won't even be able to eat if I go out." This is the truth.

She continued: "It's better to stay in this building, at least someone is waiting for me. Although it's a status that is looked down upon by others, but how many rich masters come to praise me, it's a good day. It's better than living outside and begging on the street." For a living."

I won't let you live on the street.

Zhao Jing murmured in his heart, but he didn't say anything, he bowed his head and didn't speak.

The most important thing right now is to retrieve her memory, and when he is sure of his identity, he can help her when he is capable.

She shouldn't be in this kind of place.

At night, the Flower House became lively again, the downstairs was full of voices of women inviting guests, and many richly dressed men came and went here outside the door.

There was a knock at the door, and Ruan Xiaoli, who was dressed up, went to open the door.

This time, the old bustard brought a thin man with a long beard. The clothes on the man looked like foreigners, from southern Xinjiang.

The old bustard gave a brief introduction, and then said with a smile: "Shao Yao, take good care of this master."

This guest offered a piece of high-quality auspicious stone, which is only available in southern Xinjiang, and it is very valuable.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled and took him forward: "Master, do you want to listen to the music or watch the dance?"

The man looked at her figure with a smile: "It's so beautiful, so tender."

Her eyes were obscene, she kept looking at the seat in front of her, and then her legs.

"Beauty, you are still a virgin." He felt that he had met a baby!
(End of this chapter)

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