Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 923 Someone wants to redeem Miss Shaoyao

Chapter 923 Someone wants to redeem Miss Shaoyao
Chapter 923 Someone wants to redeem Miss Shaoyao
"Beauty, you are still a virgin."

Many flower houses have clear signs, but they are true and false.

Anyway, he had heard how beautiful this Shaoyao girl was, and he didn't really believe that Shaoyao was a clear brand.

Looking at her walking posture and figure now, he was sure, indeed!

The man swallowed, his eyes were extremely wretched, "I found the treasure, Zhenqing brand, beauty, baby, how much money you say for one night, I will pay, as long as you give it to me."

He took off his clothes in a hurry, and pulled off his belt: "How much is it, I bought your first night."

Seeing that he was about to take off his pants, suddenly Zhao Jing appeared behind him and knocked him unconscious with a knife in his hand.

"Why did you make the move? If you make the move a little later, he will try to touch me."

In the past, Zhao Jing shot very quickly.

Zhao Jing looked at the unconscious man on the ground, and looked up at the beautiful woman in front of him. He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say anything.

"Why don't you speak? Do you want to say something to me?" Ruan Xiaoli asked suspiciously when he saw his mouth shape.

Zhao Jing shook his head: "It's nothing, I just lost my mind, so I acted late, and I will be in time next time."

"It's not too late, anyway, don't let them touch me."

Knowing that she is Qing brand, but many guests who come want to make a move.


Zhao Jing is still recalling what the man said just now.

Virgin, clear sign.

Zhao Jing didn't doubt the truth of what the guest said, but was a little surprised, and he had been with her for a few days, but he didn't even know that she was a clear brand.

"Move him to the side, put him here as an eyesore." Ruan Xiaoli instructed Zhao Jing to do things.

She paid for the medicine and soup that Zhao Jing was drinking now, and she paid for three meals a day plus accommodation, so she directed Zhao Jing to work as a matter of course.

Zhao Jing didn't complain either, he did what she said.

"You have to make sure he doesn't wake up before dawn. I'm going to rest. You can do whatever you want."

Ruan Xiaoli yawned and entered the inner room.

Except for the first night when Zhao Jing was unconscious and rested in the inner room, he has been resting in the outer room since then, together with the guests who were knocked unconscious by him.

Zhao Jing's attack was very well controlled, and these people basically woke up around dawn.

It was almost dawn, Zhao Jing woke up Ruan Xiaoli.

"Girl Peony."

Zhao Jing stood in front of the curtain and called softly, but there was no sound from inside.

Zhao Jing yelled several times.

There was the sound of the quilt being turned inside, and she woke up.

"Miss Shaoyao, it's already morning, and the guest is about to wake up."

This happens every time, in the morning Zhao Jing wakes her up before the guest wakes up.

Ruan Xiaoli got up and took care of himself, put on last night's clothes and the same bead flower as last night, then came out yawning and holding the pipa.

Zhao Jing saw that she didn't wake up.

The knocked out guest was about to wake up, Zhao Jingzang went into the inner room, and Ruan Xiaoli started playing the pipa.

The guest woke up, his clothes were a little wet, and his body smelled of alcohol.

"I... why am I lying on the ground?"

The sound of the pipa stopped, and Ruan Xiaoli walked over: "Master, you finally woke up, last night you were drunk and the servants didn't dare to touch you, how did the master sleep?"

The man can't remember that he drank alcohol last night, he just remembers...

Ruan Xiaoli saw him remembering, and said: "Master suddenly wanted to watch the dance of the slave family, and wanted to listen to the music. When he was happy, he ordered a few pots of wine. It's all because the slave family didn't persuade you and made you hangover."

She spoke softly, and no man would feel sorry for her self-blaming expression.

The man didn't continue to ask, he just said: "I'm happy. I was so happy to see such a stunning woman as Shaoyao girl, so I drank more naturally. Miss Shaoyao, follow me. I will redeem you and go out for you. Absolutely for you."

Ruan Xiaoli evaded: "Thank you for your love, master."

Just after finishing talking, someone knocked on the door. It was the woman of the brothel, who would come to take away the guests at this time every day.

There are also thugs who are always nearby, as long as Miss Shaoyao shouts, someone will come, and if the guests try to overstep their distance, a group of thugs will come.

"Master Cai, Miss Shaoyao is resting now, if you like girls you can come back tonight." The old woman persuaded.

Mr. Cai didn't want to leave, but this is the territory of brothels, so he didn't dare to come here without bringing anyone under him.

"Where is your old bustard? I have something to tell her. I want to redeem Miss Shaoyao. How much is she asking for?"

The wives are no strangers to such things, and the wives said: "Master, please come here, and this old slave will invite the bustard mother."

Mr. Cai is very rich. He felt that he was determined to win. When he left, he said: "Miss Shaoyao, there are 37 concubines in my hometown in southern Xinjiang, but none of them are as good-looking as you. Once you come, you can compare them in status." Gao, you are a noble concubine, and I will treat you well."

The mothers-in-law despised that this guest was rich, but no matter how rich he was, it would be difficult for him to marry Miss Shaoyao.

We have seen many such guests over the years.

After the people left, the house was finally quiet.

Ruan Xiaoli closed the door without much expression on his face.

Zhao Jing came out from behind the curtain to play, and said, "Don't agree to be redeemed by him, he is not a good man."

37 concubines, this man is still from southern Xinjiang, and southern Xinjiang people have unique hobbies, which are not something ordinary women can bear.

Ruan Xiaoli looked at the serious Zhao Jing, and chuckled lightly: "Why don't you agree, didn't you hear? He will make me a noble concubine, higher than those 37 concubines."

"A noble concubine is just a concubine. At first glance, he looks like a businessman. Jingdu has close business contacts with Southern Xinjiang. Do you know how a businessman can win more business? Do you want to talk about things?"

"what do you want to say?"

Zhao Jing: "As far as I know, many businessmen like to give women to each other. After the woman serves the other party, the other party is happy, so they will cooperate naturally. Therefore, many businessmen like to buy or redeem beautiful brothel girls. Go back to the house as a concubine."

It can be enjoyed by yourself or given as a gift.

Concubines can be given away to others, and they are no different from livestock.

A concubine is also a concubine.

Zhao Jing shortened the words to let her understand the truth, and never said that being too clear would hurt her face.

After getting along for a few days, we can see that she is sensitive and intelligent.

Ruan Xiaoli smiled, and said lightly: "What's the use of you telling me these things? Can I decide my own destiny?"

If the old bustard agreed, then the man paid the money, and she would follow him away.

"Whether I want to be a concubine or not is not up to me."

Zhao Jing was depressed when he heard her words.

"I'm going out."

Ruan Xiaoli didn't reply.

Zhao Jing left, and he went directly to the old bustard's reception room.

He really wanted to know how the old bustard would decide.

As soon as he came, he heard that the businessman was willing to redeem the girl Shaoyao with ten pieces of high-grade Ruishi and three boxes of gold.

(End of this chapter)

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