Chapter 946 Skin Kiss
Chapter 946 Skin Kiss
"There is nothing unusual in the girl's courtyard."

Zhao Jing went straight into the flower hall. In the hall, Shao Yao was reading with a book of scriptures. Her black hair was not bundled up, and she was just wearing it casually.

As long as a woman gets up, she will definitely comb her hair and dress neatly.

But Zhao Jing knew her character, she usually came here as she felt comfortable in the flower building, most of the time her hair was loose.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Ruan Xiaoli put down the notebook in his hand: "I heard so much commotion outside, I caught that fox demon... Zhao Jing? What's the matter with the corner of your mouth, are you injured?"

Zhao Jing's figure was tall and straight, and her walking steps were steady, but there was a smear of bright red at the corner of her mouth, which she saw with sharp eyes.

Zhao Jing suffered from severe chest pain, broken ribs, and internal injuries. He just vomited a mouthful of blood on the road, and he wiped the corner of his mouth casually, and it seemed that he didn't wipe it clean.

"The fox demon has not been caught, but the fox demon has not left the mansion, and now the whole mansion is being searched." Zhao Jing turned over the handkerchief while speaking.

Before he could find it, suddenly a handkerchief with peony fragrance gently wiped the corner of his mouth.

Ruan Xiaoli walked up to him, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his own handkerchief.

"It's not that the corner of your mouth is broken, it's because you vomited blood? Seeing that your face is also a little pale, have you fought with the fox demon?" She wrinkled her pretty eyebrows, her face full of worry.

"It's a fight with it."

Zhao Jing used to be in a lot of pain, and he was all supported by himself, but now that someone cares about him, Zhao Jing feels that the pain is not so painful anymore.

He loved her eyes and the way all the attention was on him.

But this kind of time will often give him an illusion that Shaoyao is also interested in him.

"If you vomit blood, you must be seriously injured. Hurry up and let your subordinates go down and ask the doctor to come over. Hematemesis is not a small matter. Where did you get hurt?"

Full of concern, inquiries, and a worried look on his face.

Could she really be interested in herself?
Zhao Jing didn't make a sound all the way, and he walked with his back straight no matter how painful it was, because he felt that a man must not appear weak, and since he was about to catch a monster, he couldn't let his subordinates know that he was injured, so as not to disturb their minds.

But now there are only him and Shao Yao in the room.

He can show weakness, right?

"Both my chest and my head hurt. I was thrown in the head and chest by the fox's tail."

Ruan Xiaoli frowned: "Stop standing, sit down, I'll go out and ask Cheng Yi to find a doctor."

Saying that she was about to go out, Zhao Jing held her hand: "No need to go, just rest for a while."

"You're vomiting blood."


"Is it okay to vomit blood?"

The corner of Zhao Jing's mouth curled up: "It's okay."

"Aren't you crazy? You can still laugh at this time. Your brain is already broken, but you got hit on the head again. What should you do if you are stupid?"

"Stupid, do you still keep me in the house?"

Zhao Jing asked this sentence very seriously, and Ruan Xiaoli, who was still anxious, was also stunned.

The flower hall fell silent.

Zhao Jing couldn't help asking again: "If you are stupid this time, will you still keep me in the house?"

After asking, he didn't regret it, on the contrary, he was glad that he asked again.

Ask clearly, is she interested in me?
Ruan Xiaoli met Zhao Jing's eyes, and she couldn't be more familiar with the emotion in those eyes, it was love.

"No, why should I raise a fool.""

"This idiot is not bad, he is very obedient, he can do whatever he is called, and he only listens to you alone. Do you raise him?"

He is very persistent.

Ruan Xiaoli took a step back and said, "Do you still hope that you become a fool? But I want to tell you that being attacked on the brain is not a trivial matter. Being beaten into a fool is a result, and it is also a result of being beaten into a half-faced man with crooked eyes and mouth. A kind of result, tsk, look at your face, it looks good, but no matter how beautiful the face in the world is, you don’t need to look at it.”

Although Zhao Jing had a headache, he knew that he would not be beaten into a paralyzed face, but listening to her description, Zhao Jing unconsciously imagined that if he became like that...

Absolutely not!

"Okay, let the doctor take a good look at it if you are injured, but I think you have other small thoughts, and you can still stand here and talk to me, so there shouldn't be any serious problems."

Ruan Xiaoli turned around and sat back on his chair and picked up the story book again.

It's not suitable for Zhao Jing to stay here for a long time, he just came to see if she is safe.

"Cheng Yihui will always be on guard in the yard, and you can call him if there is anything unusual. The fox demon is still at the mansion, so I'll go out and look for it now."

"Remember to see the doctor before going."

Zhao Jing has never been in a better mood when he heard her caring remarks.

Zhao Jing went out, and he could still hold on, so let's ignore the doctor for now, let's find the fox demon first.

Thinking of the fox demon, Zhao Jing remembered the time when it stepped on his shoulder and licked his face. At that time, the fox demon's eyes looked like a human woman, and they were full of teasing and teasing.

Why did the fox demon do this?

Is it so demonic?

Zhao Jing didn't think it was the fox demon who took a fancy to him, but felt that what the goblin did was nonsensical and difficult to guess.

Zhao Jing led Jin Yiwei to search for a whole page but couldn't find it.

Nangong Wu suspected that the fox demon had turned into a human form, and called all the maids and servants in the mansion to check one by one, but there were neither too few nor too many people in the mansion, and no one was unusual.

Nangong Wu also checked Jinyiwei, but found nothing.

Nangong Wu folded his arms with both hands and carefully thought about what was wrong.

Zhao Jing was also silent on one side.

Suddenly Nangong Wu looked at Zhao Jing, then took two steps back, looking at him with his eyes looking up and down.

Zhao Jing noticed her eyes and frowned: "What are you looking at me for?"

Nangong Wu didn't say anything but took out a piece of talisman paper from the cloth bag.

Zhao Jing recognized the talisman paper, which Nangong Wu had pasted on everyone just now, to check whether anyone was possessed by a fox demon or was transformed into a fox demon.

"Do you suspect that I am a fox demon or that a fox demon is on me?"

Zhao Jing was helpless, and he took the initiative to walk in front of her: "Post it, and see if I have any problems."

Nangong Wu's eyes were full of disbelief, coupled with his retreating posture, Zhao Jing felt that if he didn't let her stick the talisman paper, she would probably stare at him all night.

Nangong Wu quickly posted it.

The talisman did not move...

"See, it's not me, why don't you stick it on yourself, after all, you haven't been checked."

"I have been a teacher since I was a child. When I was young, I used talisman paper to wash my body every day. No monster can attach to me."

Nangong Wu tore off the talisman paper from Zhao Jing's body, and when he was about to put it into his purse, he suddenly found that the back of the talisman paper was black.

"No, the talisman paper has changed color. Have you ever touched a fox demon? Has the fox demon ever had a skin-to-skin kiss with you?! Who have you touched tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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