Chapter 947 Hostage
Chapter 947 Hostage
The talisman paper torn from Zhao Jing's body has changed color, which is easy to handle. He must have had skin-to-skin contact with the fox demon, direct skin-to-skin contact.

Who is Zhao Jing? Nangong Wu knew that he would not touch other people casually, he touched few people, and the scope of his search was also small.

Nangong Wu was anxious: "Tell me quickly, who have you touched tonight? Which little maid's hand have you touched? Or have you patted the face of any servant?"

Zhao Jing frowned: "No."

"The talisman paper on your body has turned black. You must have been in contact with the fox demon. Think carefully about who you have contacted tonight?"

Nangong Wu was already remembering for him in his mind, but it seemed that Cheng Yi was the one who checked the maids and servants just now, and Zhao Jing just watched from afar.

"I was licked by that fox demon."


The atmosphere was quiet.

Nangong Wu looked at him in disbelief: "What did you just say?"

"I was licked on the face by that fox demon. This should be the reason why the talisman paper turned black."

Nangong Wu couldn't believe it: "When did you get licked by it? Why didn't I see it, no, no, why is the fox licking you?"

"How do I know why it licks me?"

Nangong Wu was quite disappointed when he got this answer: "I thought you had come into contact with a human-shaped person transformed into a fox demon or someone possessed by a fox demon, but I didn't expect the answer to be like this... Fox demons are lustful by nature, I'm afraid It's because I saw your good looks that I became malicious for a while."

Nangong Wu gave him a teasing look when he said this.

Zhao Jing immediately shuddered when he thought of the wet tongue licking his cheek...

It is really unfortunate to be spotted by the fox demon.

"Do you have other ways to find that fox demon?"

"I can't help it, I can only wait for my senior brother to come." Nangong Wu felt helpless for a moment.

"Are you sure the fox demon is still in this house?"

"Sure, the fox demon will activate the formation as long as he wants to go out, and there will be a lot of movement at that time. It is so quiet tonight, it must be hiding somewhere in the mansion." Nangong Wu looked up at the sky: "Didn't leave here That's fine, wait for the senior brother to come, I will definitely be able to take it down with the joint efforts of the senior brother."

It's almost dawn.

The entire mansion was brightly lit, Fang Yuanwai was killed, several of his concubines passed out from crying, while the other concubines looked numb, they were robbed by force, and their homes were destroyed and killed. They wished Fang Yuanwai would die, but if he died, where would they go?
Madam Fang didn't cry bitterly, but sat quietly in the lobby in white.

Wu Zuo left after checking the body, and the body of Fang Yuanwai was placed in the hall.

Jin Yiwei hasn't left yet, and the Fang Mansion can't mourn.

In the courtyard, the window of Ruan Xiaoli's hut is full of stars. Ruan Xiaoli stands in front of the window and looks at the stars that are about to disappear.

It was gradually dawning.

A red demonic light flashed in Ruan Xiaoli's eyes, and she saw the net in the sky.

Xiao Evil was distressed: "The heroine has cast a formation, once you come in, it will be difficult to get out."

"It's still possible to get out, just make a hole and get out."

"If you go to the hole, they will find it."

"Little Evil, I also faced them head-on tonight, do you think they found me?"

"Fuck, yes, you can turn into a fox, but when they find you're missing..."

"I have my own way, before dawn..."

Ruan Xiaoli didn't continue talking, she turned around and picked up the pillow on the bed, then took off her clothes and put them on the pillow.

She cast a blindfold, and immediately the pillow wearing her own clothes became a living self.

The comatose 'Peony Girl'.

It was almost dawn, and Nangong Wu couldn't hold on any longer, so she yawned and went back to the house to rest for a while.

Nangong Wu had just washed up and lay down when she heard loud noises outside!
"not good!"

It was the sound of the fox demon trying to forcefully break out of the formation.

The voice was so loud that not only Nangong Wu heard it, but also the others.

The servants of Fangfu who were guarding the hall heard the sound, they came out to check, and saw a fiery red fox in the sky carrying a girl on its back, and the fox was rushing towards the net in the sky, the servants were so frightened Can't stand.

"Fox demon! It's a fox demon!"

"What a big fox, there are people on its back..."

"Monsters, there are monsters, and they killed the master."

The servant was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he staggered and fled back into the house.

And Jin Yiwei came with their knives, but the fox demon was above the sky, even if they stepped on the roof, they couldn't reach it.

Zhao Jing came, and Cheng Yi said anxiously: "My lord, that fox demon can fly into the sky, we..."

Zhao Jing looked at the fox demon with sharp eyes, or more precisely, at the person on the fox demon's back.

Although he couldn't see the face of the man on the fox demon's back, Zhao Jing looked familiar in that skirt, it was Shaoyao!The skirts Shao Yao wore were prepared by him personally.

"Damn it, it caught peony."

Nangong Wu rushed over, and she was shocked: "What is the fox demon arresting people for? It can't be because it has taken a fancy to the skin of the girl it wants!"

Zhao Jing tilted his head: "Nangong Wu, what did you say?"

Nangong Wu anxiously explained: "Fox demons love beauty by nature, and they are also extremely beautiful women in human form, but when fox demons see a beautiful human woman and they like it, they will take that woman away, skin them and wear them on their bodies!"

Nangong Wu guessed that the fox demon must have taken a fancy to the skin when he caught Shaoyao girl.

But why not immediately peel the skin and wear it on yourself instead of carrying people on your back?
Doesn't it bother you?

It's a hostage!

The fox demon didn't know where to hide just now, but it knew that catching Shaoyao girl could control them.

Nangong Wu dripped blood and chanted a mantra to consolidate the formation, and shouted: "I can let you out, but the person on your back must stay! She is innocent."

The red fox in the sky broke through the formation with all its heart and completely ignored people.

Zhao Jing: "Do you have any grievances to avenge? All the people you killed were people with bad deeds. The girl on your back is innocent. I heard that demons can also cultivate into immortals. You are not afraid of killing innocent people." Do you leave behind your own obstacles?"

Nangong Wu: "That's right, since you can cultivate to become a spirit, you are destined to be immortal, and there is no reason to kill innocent people to set up obstacles on your way to immortality!"

The red fox barked and ignored them at all.

Under the constant attacks of the red fox, the formation shattered with a loud bang!
Seeing that it was about to run away, Zhao Jing immediately jumped onto the roof and chased after it.

Nangong Wu also followed closely. She threw several monster-seeking talismans, and the talisman papers immediately flew out in the direction of strong monster aura.

"Zhao Jing, follow the talisman!"

The speed of the fox demon was too fast, and its shadow could not be seen after a while. Fortunately, the talisman paper followed all the way, and Nangong Wu and Zhao Jing followed the talisman paper.

"Be sure to catch up with it! Don't give it a chance to peel..."

(End of this chapter)

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