Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 948 Give up the identity of peony

Chapter 948 Give up the identity of peony
Chapter 948 Give up the identity of peony
Zhao Jing was injured and ran more slowly. He had severe chest pains and his head felt dizzy intermittently.

But there is always a thought in his mind that supports him, the fox demon that must catch up, and must not let the fox demon hurt Shaoyao!
Nangong Wu saw that his situation was not right: "If you don't, you shouldn't follow, I will save Miss Shaoyao alone."

"Seriously chase your talisman, I will follow."


Nangong Wu also didn't want to be distracted by taking care of others.

The two chased the talisman all the way out of the city, and the fox demon was no longer visible, but the talisman along the way was still shining to guide them.

In the deep mountains and old forests, Ruan Xiaoli galloped quickly with the dummy on his back.

Xiao Evil: "Xiao Li, you have too much demonic aura in your original form, and the hero and heroine are still chasing you after you."

"Hey, then I can only run faster."

There is no other way but to run faster and farther, so that they will find less evil spirits.

Ruan Xiaoli ran all the way and came to a canyon with high mountains on both sides, and weeds were overgrown in the canyon.

After confirming that she was almost running, Ruan Xiaoli shook off the dummy on her back. She transformed into a human form and put on the clothes on the dummy. The rest of the pillow spit out a handful of fox fire and burned it to ashes. The ashes were blown by the wind. It falls apart when you blow it.

Xiao Evil shook his head: "No, I still have a demonic aura on my body."

Transforming into a human form can suppress the demonic aura, but as long as you use spells and transform into a prototype, you can't suppress the demonic aura on your body.

Ruan Xiaoli walked on foot: "Find a cave for a day."

There is no light in the canyon, even in the daytime the cave here is very dark, Ruan Xiaoli found a clean stone to sit on.

"Little evil, is Nangong Wu's senior brother very powerful?"

A burst of light appeared in the next second, and Xiao Evil came out, "It's very powerful. In the original plot, the heroine's senior brothers joined hands with them to take you down."

Ruan Xiaoli made room for a small rock, and Xiao E came over and sat down against her.

Xiao Evil said: "The heroine's senior brother will be here this evening, so my advice to you is to give up your identity as Shaoyao and don't go back, because you can hide it from the heroine and heroine with your tricks, but it's very likely that you won't be able to. Senior brother of the heroine, going back is like throwing yourself into a trap."

"I'm really reluctant to give up this identity, after all, I've been in business for so long."

"There is no way, we have to be willing. We have to live longer to kill a few more people. Not only do you have to give up your identity as Shaoyao, you also have to give up this city. Let's change a map to kill people."

It has been exposed in the capital, and the heroine's senior brother has already arrived, and if she continues to kill in the capital, she will be caught sooner or later.

Isn't it hard to find bad men in this day and age?Everywhere.

"Okay, then rest for another hour and we'll go."

Since he didn't plan to go back, he didn't need to wait for the evil spirit on his body to dissipate, and it was better to leave the capital as soon as possible.


Three days later.

Jin Yiwei searched everywhere, and even called many Taoist priests together, but failed for three days.

Zhao Jing went to the palace the day before, and reported to the emperor that there were demons making trouble in the city, and he saw it with his own eyes, so the emperor believed it. The fox demon offers a reward of ten thousand gold.

After searching for three days in a row, I still haven't found the fox demon, and I haven't found the peony that was captured by it.

Nangong was bald, she knew that Miss Shaoyao had little hope of being alive.

Senior brother Nangong Qin was still looking for the monster, and he came to the conclusion that "the monster is probably not in the capital city anymore, and it would be hard to find if he went back to the deep mountains and old forests."

Nangong Wu had a bitter face: "The fox is very shrewd. It knows that it has been exposed, so it must have gone back to the deep mountains."

Poor and beautiful girl Shaoyao, she is still so young, she managed to get out of the future of Hualou, but...

Nangong Wu's heart ached when she thought of this, she shouldn't have taken her to the Fang Mansion in the first place, and she shouldn't have been involved in these things.

"My lord! What's wrong with you, my lord?!"

Cheng Yi's anxious voice came from not far away. Nangong Wu and Nangong Qin looked over and saw Zhao Jing unconscious, with a very ugly expression on his face.

Cheng Yi supported him and shouted: "Go and call the doctor!"

Zhao Jing was seriously injured when he fought with the fox demon. He didn't rest well for the past three days, looking for people everywhere, and now he fell ill from exhaustion.

The doctor came over to see that two ribs were broken, there were internal injuries, and there was blood on the head.

Zhao Jing developed a high fever that night, and several doctors took turns to watch over him, for fear that he would be fooled by the fever.

The next morning, Nangong Wu and Nangong Qin came over to have a look.

Zhao Jing hadn't woken up yet, his face was very pale, and he was much thinner than before.

Doctor: "My lord has had a high fever all night, and it has only come down now."


Nangong Wu sighed, she knew that Zhao Jing liked Miss Shaoyao, and Zhao Jing felt very painful when something happened to Miss Shaoyao.

Nangong Wu is a woman who is uncomfortable and can cry.

It's no wonder that Zhao Jing has been injured all over his body these days, but he is looking for people like an iron man to not fall down.

"When will he wake up? Will these injuries leave sequelae?"

"I won't be able to wake up until tomorrow. My lord has suffered a severe blow to the head. I really can't say whether I will wake up..."

Nangong Wu understood, he was beaten on the head, will he be stupid when he wakes up?

"Junior Sister, let's go out first, we can't help here, let Mr. Zhao have a good rest, Mr. Zhao's face is glowing with gold, it looks like the fate of a rich man, nothing will happen."

Nangong Wu looked back at her senior brother. She knew her senior brother's ability. The senior brother said that Zhao Jing was the fate of Dafu Dagui, so nothing would happen.

The two went out.

Zhao Jing had a high fever last night, so a doctor was watching over him, but today the doctor went out.

In the afternoon, the maid went out after feeding the medicine.

And a masked man sneaked into Zhao Jing's room quietly, and the masked man approached the bed with a dagger.

Just as the knife was about to be pierced, the door was suddenly pushed open.

"Who? Who's standing by the bed?!" Nangong Wu shouted.

Seeing that the shadow was about to stab it with the knife, Nangong Wu threw a body-fixing amulet over, and Nangong Qin also quickly went over to take the knife off, and tore off the masked man's mask.

"Who are you? Who sent you to assassinate Zhao Jing?"

Nangong Wu breathed a sigh of relief. She and her senior brother met an acquaintance on the street and got a holy medicine for healing. After getting the medicine, they returned non-stop. Fortunately, they returned, otherwise Zhao Jing would have died.

The masked man killed him without speaking.

"Cough cough..."

And the person on the bed heard a weak cough, and Zhao Jing woke up.

Zhao Jing was groggy and weak all over, but he had a lot of memories in his mind...

"Zhao Jing, you finally woke up, but you still woke up too late. If we hadn't come, you would have died just now." Nangong Wu said.

(End of this chapter)

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