Chapter 977 Dialogue Between Father and Son
Chapter 977 Dialogue Between Father and Son
Zhong Xiaoshu heard that Ruan Xiaoli was preparing for the C-level postdoctoral exam, and she sent a lot of key notes she made during the exam.

These are her own conclusions, as well as the key points drawn by her husband, which are very useful.

There are many doctor's notes found by Xiao Evil, books sent by Zhong Xiaoshu, and Baili Yanzhen's tutoring.

Ruan Xiaoli took the C-level Ph.D. exam in half a month.

Baili Yan Chen and Xiao E sent her to the examination room.

The test time is five hours for written test and five hours for high-speed system question and answer time.

Ruan Xiaoli was surprised when he heard the test rules for the first time. The five-hour written test is already a bit scary, and there are five hours of high-speed question-and-answer sessions. The thinking time for each question is only three seconds. Failed, five hours of non-stop asking questions, the error rate must be controlled within [-]% to pass the assessment.

Little Evil was afraid that Ruan Xiaoli would be nervous, so it said: "This is the first time you take this kind of exam, you will definitely not get used to it, it's okay if you make mistakes, just treat it as a simulation this time, everyone in the space station can apply for the exam, there are many opportunities. "

The other doctors are all from the lower ranks, and many of them even retake the exam. They are all used to this kind of exam mode, but Ruan Xiaoli is the first time to contact it.

"Well, I see."

Ruan Xiaoli still has some confidence in himself, but he is not too full. After all, the assessment of the space station is not so easy.

Baili Yan Chen didn't say anything about the future like Xiao Evil, he just stroked her hair: "Don't be nervous, you are well prepared."

He always had confidence in her.

When the time is up, Ruan Xiaoli has entered the examination room. Every doctoral examination is a single-person space Xiaocang.

Baili Yan Chen and Xiao E were waiting outside, and Ruan Xiaoli would come out in ten hours.

Baili Yan Chen was sitting on a chair in the waiting area, leaning slightly on a pair of long legs crossed, and looking at Xiao Ei.

Xiao Evil felt a little nervous.

It feels like Baili Papa is asking, why are you still staying in the space station? It's too obvious to be lazy.

But Xiao Evil doesn't want to leave yet, it wants to leave after attending Xiaoli's wedding.
"Little evil."

Baili Yan Chen suddenly called it.

Xiao Evil raised his head in confusion: "Huh?"

"Didn't you still call me Papa when you went to Three Thousand Worlds just now? Little Evil, you've treated me well this time." Baili Yan Chen showed the gentle smile he used to treat them when he was a child.

The little evil was in a trance, and it said anxiously: "No, no, I don't have a relationship with you, Baili Baba."

It's so big, it's so embarrassing.

Fortunately, there is no one else here, so Xiao Evil can go to the Three Thousand Worlds immediately without being ashamed.

"Birth division, is it because of the Three Thousand Worlds?"

Baili Yanzhen could clearly feel Xiao E's nervousness and a little bit of discomfort. This child is very sensitive, and he must speak up to prevent the atmosphere from continuing like this.

Although he understands that the little evil when he was a child must have changed from now, Baili Yan Chen still hopes that the little evil will not be afraid of him.

"Little Evil, I didn't blame you for squeezing me back then, it was Xiaoli who made you pretend to be her friend to anger me." He knew who came up with these bad ideas, but Xiao Evil was also a spectator one.

"As your R&D person, I won't care about these things with you. You can rest assured, Xiao Ei, and you can freely present yourself as a teenager in front of Xiao Li. My jealousy will not burn you. Me and Xiao Li Recognizing and uncovering everything will not affect your previous relationship with her, little evil, and I hope you will keep the same attitude towards me as a child after you know everything, okay?"

That gentle smile and familiar tone are its research and development daddy.

When he was a child, he had just put them together and ran around in the laboratory. Baili looked at them with a smile on his face, and made them stand with a smile on his face after they got into trouble.

Xiao Evil nodded.

"You're so good, little evil, can you forgive me for not telling you about letting you sign her contract?"

The system has the right to choose the host freely, but he deliberately made Xiao Evil sign Ruan Xiaoli.

Xiao Evil shook his head: "Don't forgive me, because you are right, Baba, you did a good job, I like it very much and thank you very much for allowing me to sign a contract with Xiaoli, getting to know Xiaoli, and allowing me to have a companion on the verge of collapse and loneliness My host and good friend."

This is the truth, Xiao Evil has never blamed Baili Yan Chen for this matter, on the contrary, it is very glad that Baili Baba chose to bring Ruan Xiaoli with him, and sent such a good host to it.

Baili Yan Chen got up and reached out to touch Xiao E's head: "Xiao E, it's very correct to send her to you, you two are very compatible and have a tacit understanding."

Xiao Nao has a sensitive mind, and is the easiest to feel the loneliness of the Three Thousand Worlds, but its chip is powerful, no matter how lonely and injured it is, it will not be reflected as real damage, which is actually very torturous.

Baili Yanzhen has always been worried about it, so when he wanted to choose a powerful system to take Ruan Xiao away from the Three Thousand Worlds, among the five systems, he chose Xiao E without hesitation, Xiao E seemed to have a bad temper But in fact, doing things is far more stable and emotional than the others. It is powerful and needs company.

The son is the youngest, lacks subjectivity, and is the most unreliable in sex. The second is cold and treats unknown hosts, and the third is not suitable either, because he has a mature mind.

After talking, the atmosphere between Xiao Evil and Baili Yan Chen was obviously harmonious.

After Ruan Xiaoli went through the ten-hour abnormal test, he discovered the changes in these two people when he came out.

uh-huh?This was a friendly conversation in her absence?

Xiao Ei asked expectantly: "Xiao Li, did you pass the exam?"

Passing the exam means passing the exam.

The exams on the space station are all in seconds, and you can know whether you have passed the exam after the exam.

Baili Yan Chen also came over.

Seeing the two people, one big and one small looking at him, Ruan Xiaoli coughed and said calmly: "Qualified."

Xiao Evil's eyes widened, this, she is too powerful, one time.

Baili Yanzhen felt that this was expected, but he was still happy for her: "What do you want to eat tonight, I'll cook something delicious for you to celebrate passing the exam."

"Steamed fish, whatever else you want, everything you cook is delicious."

Xiao Evil shuddered, the air smelled sweet, really tired.

Xiao Evil: "Xiao Li, as long as you pass the R&D system assessment, you can successfully become a C-level doctor."

Yes, Ruan Xiaoli is not a C-level doctor yet, she just passed the knowledge assessment, and she still needs to develop a C-level system to be eligible to become a doctor.

Knowledge can be memorized by rote, but the R&D system is different. It requires not only a strong foundation of knowledge, but also ingenuity and experience in order to make a system.

"Then are you willing to be my assistant? Tomorrow I will enter the laboratory for research and development." Ruan Xiaoli took the initiative to invite Xiao Evil to work together.

(End of this chapter)

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