Quick Transmigration: The host wants to die

Chapter 978 The Little Evil Cries...

Chapter 978 The Little Evil Cries...

Chapter 978 The Little Evil Cries...

In the corridor of the white space station work building, many work systems passed by, and the young boy Xiao Evil was walking by with a pile of materials.

On the way, I happened to meet the young master who was monitoring the data of the system.

The two of them were just as agreed that day, and they have remained in their juvenile form since that day.

"Xiao Evil, why are you carrying so many things? If you can't get them, you can call the work system for help."

The young master saw that it was holding a lot of materials in its hands. The things were piled up so high that it couldn't even cover his own face. These were all used to make the R&D system.

Ruan Xiaoli applied for the laboratory the day after he finished the C-level literary examination, and applied for a personal laboratory to develop the system.

And Dr. Baili Yan Chen also half-returned to work.

The wedding day is getting closer, and some things about the wedding are handled by Baili Yan Chen, Ruan Xiaoli is now mainly concentrating on developing the system, and waiting to get married.

After Ruan Xiaoli started to develop the system, Xiao Ei became her personal assistant, assisting in daily life, helping to record data, and helping to run errands to get the equipment and materials needed for the research system.

The assistant can't do much. After all, Ruan Xiaoli is developing a system that needs to be assessed, and the main procedures need to be done by herself.

Xiao Evil was holding a lot of materials: "It's okay and it's not serious, I just need to make two more trips."

"You have too many things in your arms. There are so many transport systems in the space station, why don't you ask them to help you?"

The young master felt that this was not Xiao Evil's style of doing things.

"Too lazy to call those idiots for help."

Little Evil hugged too many things, and some of them seemed to be crumbling.

Xiao Evil: "I'm going first, I'll find you when I'm done."

"Oh good." The young master still reminded: "If you can't move here, ask those systems to help, or it will take time and effort for you to walk a few times."

It was inconvenient for Xiao Ei to turn around with a lot of things in her arms, so she just said loudly, "My lord, you are concerned about me, right?"

"I..." The young master was speechless for a moment, blushing.

Xiao Ei smiled and left with a bunch of things in his arms.

Xiao Evil returned to the laboratory floor where Ruan Xiaoli was, and entered the laboratory with its identification.

Ruan Xiaoli heard the door of the laboratory opened, but when he turned around, he didn't see Xiao E's face, what he saw was a slender young man holding a lot of things.

"You brought them all back by yourself?!" Ruan Xiaoli hurried over to help.

Xiao Evil: "Don't move, don't come over, put these things on the table, I'll put them up slowly."

The things in Xiao Evil's hands were already shaking, those things were heavy, some stones weighed a hundred catties each, and the things he held in his hands weighed at least a thousand catties, if they fell down and hit Ruan Xiaoli, it would be over.

Xiao Ei put the things on the table steadily and breathed a sigh of relief.

Ruan Xiaoli didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "If you can't get that much, don't take so much, and you got it back anyway. Didn't Yan Chen say that there are many random dispatch systems in the work building? It can be used to carry things and to calculate material."

Ruan Xiaoli thought that when Xiao E said to go out to help her get things, he just went out to command the system in the corridor, but he didn't expect Xiao E to carry her back in person.

Xiao Evil: "I am your assistant, of course I will do these things, what do you want those systems for?"

Ruan Xiaoli was helpless, she counted the things on the table.

Xiao Evil: "Don't count, I haven't got all the things, I'll go again."

"How many more things are there?"

"There are still two-thirds of here."

"Then go twice, don't take it all back in one trip, and don't be afraid of smashing yourself on your feet."

"I'm not one of those low-level systems, and this thing can still be carried and held firmly." The little evil pouted, and it turned around and left the laboratory.

Ruan Xiaoli looked at Xiao Ei's back, the child had something on his mind.

Xiao Evil is really a super conscientious assistant. The data records made by Xiao Evil have never made mistakes, and even remind her of some things.

Ask Xiao E to go to the material warehouse to get the materials. The materials are quickly found and the quantity is accurate. There is never any shortage, and Ruan Xiaoli doesn't even have to check the list.

Xiao Evil didn't listen to Ruan Xiaoli's words, and brought back the rest of the things in one go.

Xiao Evil stood by the table and sorted all the materials, putting stones of the same kind together.

"Xiao Li, I've sorted everything for you."

"it is good."

Ruan Xiaoli has also prepared the dissolving potion.

She has already developed the chip of the system, what she needs to do now is the body of the system, these materials are used to piece together the system.

When he has nothing to do, Xiao Ei sits on a chair in the corner of the laboratory.

"Xiao Evil, don't you want to play with the young master?"

"What's the fun looking for it? It's not like a child, what are you playing with?" Xiao Ei crossed his long legs.

Ruan Xiaoli was used to and understood Xiao E's temper, so she continued to ask.

"Is it because the young master has no time to chat with you at work?"

That's right, the young master is working now.

Xiao Evil: "Are you dissolving the material stone, okay? This is a very dangerous procedure. Please be serious and don't get distracted chatting with me."

Ruan Xiaoli didn't think chatting with it would be a lot of distraction.

This step is indeed dangerous, but Ruan Xiaoli is still very confident in his operation.

It took several hours and finally melted three materials.

"Little evil, come here."

Xiao Evil walked over, with a look of listening to what she told her to do.

"There is nothing to assign you, I just want to chat with you."

"Let's talk after get off work."

"I'm not at work." She was just preparing for the assessment.

"I've been in the laboratory for five or six hours today, I want to rest, let's go, little evil, let's go to a shop in the commercial street for tea?"

It seemed that she was determined to have a good chat with it.

Xiao Ei felt that he had tried very hard to hide his emotions, but he couldn't hide Ruan Xiaoli's understanding of it.

In the past, when Ruan Xiaoli wanted to chat with Xiao E, Xiao E would never refuse.

But this time the little evil refused.

"Since you are ready to end today's work, then I can get off work." Xiao Xi raised his hand and stretched his waist: "The materials are so heavy that I am exhausted, Xiao Li, I have something to do with my son, I will go to work first." gone."

The little evil is running away.

Ruan Xiaoli wanted to stop it, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Little evil." Ruan Xiaoli said helplessly.


In an unknown corridor of the space station, Xiao Evil stood there alone with his back against the wall.

It knew what Ruan Xiaoli wanted to say to him, and it was nothing more than asking if it was unhappy, and was there any question about the space station?

She will definitely stay, after all, this is home, and Baili's papa is still here, and Xiao Li and Baili's papa are about to get married.

She must have stayed.

Little Evil already knew the answer, it didn't want to hear Ruan Xiaoli tell it himself.

Just default to everything.

Xiao Evil just wants to spend more time with Ruan Xiaoli in space, and cherish the last time spent together with the host system relationship. After she gets married, it will cancel the contractual relationship and go to Three Thousand Worlds to sign a new host.


A tear fell.

Little Evil was stunned

It... cried?
(End of this chapter)

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