Chapter 30

Chapter 33 Lake and Autumn Water

To say that Tianjing S is big, you can’t talk about two major landmarks, one is the pen tip, and the other is Qiushui Lake.The nib of the pen is a sculpture, shaped like a pen, with the nib pointing up. If you enter the campus from the west gate of S University in the early morning, you can see the rising sun shining through the tip of the pen statue, which looks really glorious and sacred. Great view.There is also Qiushui Lake, which is a lake within the school. It is long and narrow from east to west, and narrow from north to south. The lake is crystal clear. The lake is surrounded by a circle of reeds. It looks like a pair of charming eyes, the autumn water is the eyes, and the reed is the eyelashes!It is a holy place for love in the minds of S college students, with beautiful scenery on a good day, and couples can often be seen walking hand in hand by the lake.Li Zhi didn't like Qiushui Lake very much before, and it doesn't mean him alone. It should be that most of the broadcasting students don't like it here.Because the broadcasting department has to make morning exercises in the morning, and the location of the sound is the bank of Qiushui Lake. I am tired of seeing the beautiful scenery for more than two years, especially when I am forced to get out of bed at five or six in the morning in winter. The continuous sound by the lake made most of the broadcasting students not have a good impression of Qiushui Lake!Today, however, Li Zhi felt that the lake view was particularly beautiful, especially looking at the slightly petite girl in a white dress and sneakers not far away, it felt like a beautiful picture scroll, which made him not want to break the beauty of this moment , It's really "plain clothes and light makeup on fresh plains, lakes and autumn waters are beautiful"!
Suddenly Li Zhi felt guilty for a while, how could such a cute girl have the heart to tease her, if he didn't make any secrets, he just told her everything in the conference room?Thinking that I let her run all the way here, I am really an asshole!In a blink of an eye, Li Zhi missed the appointment time. When he came back to his senses, he looked at his watch and it was already 11:35, so he had to act quickly!

Renini waited anxiously, not knowing how many times she had repeated the action of looking at her watch.In just 5 minutes, she felt that she had been waiting for a century. Why hasn't Gardenia come yet?Am I remembering the wrong time?She was sitting on the fence of the gazebo facing the outside, her gaze kept looking towards the road, hoping that a familiar yet unfamiliar figure would appear there in the next moment!However, she didn't notice that there was already a tall and straight figure standing behind her!

Li Zhi thought about the scene of meeting for the first time countless times, the scene where she was surprised and couldn't help herself, the scene where she hid her face shyly and ran away, and even the scene where she punched and kicked him angrily However, he didn't expect that when this moment came, he was so nervous that he didn't know how to speak. He had been standing behind her for a while, but she didn't notice it!Finally, take a deep breath and speak~
"Nini?" Li Zhi didn't expect that he knew her identity clearly, but when he opened his mouth, his voice was so tense. He really lost his status as a top student in the broadcasting department!However, he didn't expect anyone else who was more nervous than him. Renini jumped up nervously from the fence almost as soon as she heard the sound, turned around in a hurry before she could stand still, and finally tripped herself She fell and fell out of the pavilion on her back, and behind her was a lake! "I can't swim!" This was the last thought in Renini's mind, and then she was wrapped around her waist by a not-so-strong arm, and pulled into a warm embrace!Then he heard his voice, "Why are you still so frizzy, this is the second time!" The voice was so gentle that it seemed to melt her!Renini buried her shy face in his chest, she knew that the person must be Gardenia, as for what he said, she couldn't hear clearly, just ran a marathon, and the shock just now, now she Her whole body is soft, and she can't use any strength, otherwise she must have escaped here immediately. Of course, this can only be her idea~~~ She said no, but her body is very honest!

Li Zhi was also taken aback. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and grabbed her, otherwise they would definitely be in the headlines of S University tomorrow; of course, the most important thing is to worry about her, just running so much sweat, if If he falls into the water, he will definitely catch a cold; besides, he can't swim, so if the worst happens, he will jump down and wonder if he can save her up.It should be said that Li Zhi was quite frightened, otherwise he wouldn't be thinking so much at this pass!However, as soon as the little wind blew her mind back, she found out that she had no strength in her body, which should have been caused by running over just now, and there was a railing between them, so there was no other way!
Li Zhi picked up Nini and walked towards his car. He couldn't blow the air here anymore, or he should catch a cold!Renini was so shy that she didn't dare to raise her head. Although she knew everything the other party was doing, she didn't dare to look up at him.She didn't dare to look up until he carried her into the car, covered her with a blanket, and handed her another glass of water.

"President?!~ No, Senior Li Zhi?!~ No, that~~~" Renini couldn't speak anymore!What is Li Zhi?Where is her gardenia?Could it be~~~~
"Why didn't you think of it? Call me Zhizi!" Li Zhi said with a smile when he saw that she seemed to have recovered a little.

"That's not it, didn't you say you didn't have a date today? You asked me out for dinner just now!" Renini was a little confused——is Li Zhi the gardenia branch? ——The legendary school grass of S University is the number one master in the world? ——Her idol president is her~~~husband?

"Who said I didn't have a date today, I've always been on a date with you alone!" Li Zhi smiled happily, his little girlfriend is very smart, she can think of so many things in an instant, I hope she didn't think about the car.
"You already knew that Thunder God Nini was me?" Renini's IQ went online
"Well, I have suspected it for a long time, but I haven't confirmed it." In fact, Li Zhi has basically confirmed it a long time ago, but to be honest, he is asking for trouble.No matter how much you like her and don't have the heart to lie to her, white lies are always needed!
"Then you came here a long time ago, no wonder I (looking all the way) didn't see you. No, you came here by car?" Renini's expression suddenly became more resentful.

"Ahem, I apologize. I didn't expect my girlfriend to run so fast, she couldn't even scream, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!" Li Zhi smiled wryly, but she still thought about the problem of the car: "Next time at the school sports meeting Be sure to sign up for you!"

"Who is your girlfriend, and when did we have that kind of relationship?" Renini blushed shyly, no, it was always red!
"When did we not have that kind of relationship?" Li Zhi retorted instantly. At this time, we must not let go!

Renini stopped talking, although she was still a little angry, but it was more sweet and happy!Now that she understands Bei Weiwei's mood, she really wants to tell Wei Wei right away, to show off!

Li Zhi was a little dumbfounded. He had made a lot of preparations today, planning to swear sovereignty to everyone in one fell swoop, but it seemed that he couldn't do it. We should find a place for Nini to take a good rest so as not to catch a cold, but where should he go?
(End of this chapter)

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