Smile slightly: Gardenia blooms as Ni Chi

Chapter 31 Smile is very charming

Chapter 31 Smile is very charming
Chapter 34 A Slight Smile Is Alluring
PS: Two updates today!
"It turned out that my game name was exposed. If I knew it, I would have chosen a difficult name!"

"Then Brother Lei Shenming is the vice president!"

"What about Fatty and Salted Fish? They should be from the club too, right?"

"It turned out to be Dang Jianxun and Yan Yu, too, the four of you were originally in the same dormitory."

"Do you really know Yixiao Naihe? I heard that you are partners~~~ I heard from Weiwei."

"By the way, you worked overtime a while ago to be the later stage of "Qin Shimingyue"? How is it going? When will it be released? I really want to see what the finished film will look like, lol"

"By the way, what's the plot of the second part? Are Yue'er and Tianming together? Duanmu Rong and Gai Nie seem interesting too!"

Li Zhi really underestimated Renini's level of gossip, it was simply a small problem basket, after the initial embarrassment disappeared, there was no rest along the way, and Li Zhi couldn't concentrate on driving, no wonder no matter how loving the couple Yue has the urge to break up for a few days, and now Li Zhi doesn't want to break up with Renini, he just wants to seal her mouth with tape!
Finally arrived at the destination, Li Zhi couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, the road was really dangerous, almost got into a car accident!as for the culprit
"This is your company, it's so beautiful!"

"Tianxuan Technology? What a strange name, it feels like a fantasy novel!"

"Why are we here? I have classes in the afternoon."

Li Zhi was speechless and asked the sky, what is "quiet as a virgin, moving like a mad rabbit" he has learned.God, give me a Tianjing marijuana flower and strike me dead with lightning!
"Today I gave those boys a holiday, and I will introduce you to another day. You are not allowed to go here today, and I will ask for leave for you in the afternoon class. You exercised too much today and were frightened. If you don't want to catch a cold tomorrow, give me I'll take a good rest." After Li Zhi finished speaking, he felt that his tone was a little too harsh, so he softened his tone and added: "I will stay here with you"

Renini didn't realize that Li Zhi's tone was not good, she just felt that the other party was full of affection and cared about her.As for the tone, domineering president, it's like a novel, it's so exciting! . . .

But having said that, Renini feels as if she is living in the world of novels, which are still the kind of novels that are warm and not cruel to the master, oh yes, and Wei Wei, her stories of Xiao Nai can also be written into novels, When I have time in the future, I must write it out. I am a witness of their love.And the pen name, I will definitely stop using the superficial name Lei Shen Nini~~~ How about "Romantic Story"?It seems too long, let's simply call it "Gu Man", it's not bad~~~ Just call it "Gu Man"!The name of the novel, let's call it "Small Smiles Are Alluring". Lei Shen Nini and Zhizi Zhitou must appear, but Zhizi first liked Wei Wei, could it be written as a villain?Not good, but I can’t make pink for Weiwei and her husband, it’s really a problem, forget it, let’s write Zhizi as a passerby who has a crush on Thunder God Nini, hahaha~~~ Renini felt tired after thinking about it Come, finally fell asleep unconsciously.

Falling into a deep YY~~~ No, Renini, who was conceiving the plot of the novel in her dream, suddenly sneezed, and subconsciously tightened the blanket around her body. Touching Renini's forehead, it was a little hot, but she still caught a cold, what a worry-free little girl!I hurriedly found a thermometer from the drawer and put it on for Renini, but after searching through the box and chest, there was no cold medicine!Looking at the girl who fell asleep due to exhaustion or was in a daze with a fever, Li Zhi felt pity for no reason, and softly whispered in Nini's ear, "I don't have any medicine left, I'll go buy it, you sleep for a while, come back and be good." Can you take your medicine?" Seeing that the other party nodded reflexively, Li Zhi turned and walked out of the studio.

In Renini's dreamland:
She saw a willow tree planted obliquely beside the bridge, standing alone under the willow tree, the willow branches were blown by the breeze, the man under the tree was dressed in spotless white clothes, carrying a guqin, with fluttering sleeves, It has a bit of a taste of being unrestrained and unrestrained-a smile.

"Marry me."

Opposite the luthier in white, there is a heroine in red with a sword on her back, she looks ~~~ domineering~~~——Lu Weiwei

"God... have you been hacked =="

"Ha ha"

A charmer wearing a light blue dress with flowing clouds and water sleeves couldn't help laughing out loud—Nini, God of Thunder

"Wei Wei, you are so cowardly, you killed me laughing."

"Nini~~" Thunder God Nini turned around and saw a Gu Master in black and holding a folding fan standing behind him, looking at her tenderly—Gardenia Branch


Someone call my name?Lei Shen Nini only felt that following the call, the person in front of her eyes became more and more blurred, as if she was about to leave her, and blurred together with the background. Lei Nini felt a burst of sadness in an instant, and couldn't help crying down! "Gardenia, don't go! Don't leave me!"

"Nini~~Nini! Wake up!" With a burst of violent shaking, the picture in front of me became clear again, and I saw a person in front of me looking at me anxiously, with the other person's hand on my face, and a voice came. A burst of cooling relief.

"Gardenia~?" Renini was surprised to find that her voice was so hoarse, and her face was covered with tears!Just now I seemed to have a dream, and I cried in the dream!What is the dream?Why can't I remember it at all!

"Nini, it's just a dream? Don't worry if I won't leave! I'll be here with you!" Li Zhi repeated worriedly.When he came back from buying the medicine, Nini was still fine, sleeping so soundly that he couldn't bear to disturb her.It's just that he knew that if he didn't take medicine, his illness would never get better, so he tried to wake up the other party, but he didn't expect her to cry, and she kept murmuring "Gardenia don't go, don't leave me", which made him very sad. It was because of fear, probably because of a nightmare, so she kept repeating that she wanted to wake her up, but luckily she was woken up in the end.

"What happened to me just now?" Renini was very puzzled
"It's probably a nightmare, it'll be fine when I wake up. Come on, drink the medicine, and I'll check the temperature." Li Zhi said as he pulled out the thermometer under her armpit.Renini was already asleep when Li Zhi clamped the thermometer, so she didn't know anything.Looking at Li Zhi's movements now, he only felt itching under his armpits, and he instantly understood what was going on.

"How could you~~~" The seasons in Tianjing change very quickly, except for winter, it is almost summer. Although it is only April, the weather is already very hot, so Renini only wears a suspender dress. I know that the other party should not have seen anything, but the armpit is also one of the girls' private parts, so it is normal to feel a little bit ashamed, and the girl finally hesitated to speak shyly.

"39 degrees, it's not too high, it should be fine if you take some fever-reducing medicine!" Li Zhi didn't feel anything and said to himself, but it was normal, he was only worried about her, these details really didn't matter notice!
(End of this chapter)

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