Chapter 37
Chapter 40 Girlfriends Meet
Seeing Li Zhi walking backstage with Nini in his arms, Lei Ming, Daqing, and Ah Jin who had finished their performance all surrounded and booed!Especially seeing Renini who has been staying in Li Zhi's arms and is reluctant to come out, the whistle and wolf howl can almost affect the performance at the front desk!Xiuzi, Nana, and Xiaoya circled around the two of them, looking at them curiously and teasing Nini

"Oh, who is this? It's so embarrassing to be hugged by such a big person!" This is Xiaoya

"Yeah, who is this? Why does it look so much like our Nini!" This is Xiuzi

"How could it be Nini? Nini's skin is so good, her smiling face is as white as snow. But you can see her blushing like Guan Gong, it must not be Nini!" This is Nana

Not to mention that Nini was thin-skinned, but she forgot to get off Li Zhi when she was nervous just now, so she was distracted by them.But just when she was struggling to jump off, Li Zhi refused!
"Just stay here and don't move. I don't know if you are injured yet. I will take you to the infirmary. Lei Ming and Daqing stay to take care of them. They are still performing!" The following words are to remind them to celebrate, but don't go too far , after all, the others haven't performed yet, if they act too ostentatiously, it's easy to attract criticism.After all, this is not an activity of the dubbing agency itself, but of all junior broadcasting departments!
"Put me down, I can walk!" Renini whispered with her face flushed, and her body began to struggle slightly again.

"Be obedient and don't move around. Be careful if you offend me, and you will be executed on the spot!" Li Zhi whispered in her ear, threatening in a low voice. He has recently fallen in love with this position, hugging her petite and soft body, just It seemed to hold a small animal, which gave Li Zhi an inexplicable sense of excitement!
Well, he has become more and more domineering recently!Renini thought helplessly to herself: But is there a good MAN?I really like it!Since resistance is futile, then just enjoy it obediently, it is quite comfortable to stay in his arms, at worst, you will be teased by Nana and the others when you go back, anyway, you are almost used to it!
Li Zhi just hugged Renini and left!This scene is so familiar, it is exactly the same as the first time I saw it by the autumn water lake!Thinking about it now, it really seems like I just met him yesterday, Renini thought.After checking carefully and making sure that there was no injury, Li Zhinini walked back to the concert hall (the venue where the graduation drama was held) side by side and hand in hand.In fact, Li Zhi really wanted to take Nini back as he did when he came here, but Nini refused to do so, and the school doctor who had no sense at all came and said, "There is no injury at all, just go away at ease!" Li Zhi cursed in his heart quack!If you don't want to cure the disease, you are nosy, and you will prescribe Banlangen when you are usually sick!
When the two rushed back to the concert hall again, the graduation performance was basically over, but there was still an important process-walking the red carpet!This is the practice of graduation dramas over the years-students can pair up in pairs, or bring their own partners, and walk through the [-]-meter red carpet in a dress, and the destination is the stage of the concert hall, which symbolizes the last shining appearance of the university in four years. The relatives and friends in the audience can offer flowers and blessings!Of course, there are not a few people who take this opportunity to propose marriage every year!But Li Zhi didn't have this plan, he just quietly took Nini's hand and walked up the red carpet, accepting the baptism of surprise or admiration all the way, and then holding a bunch of flowers presented by people he knew or didn't know. . .

Of course, most of the girls who sent flowers to Li Zhi were girls, because everyone would get a chance to hug when they came up, and Renini was so jealous!She also wants flowers and applause, but today's protagonist is not her.Waiting for the next year, you must receive more flowers than you!And all of them must be handsome guys, I'm mad at you!Just as Renini was thinking about it, she suddenly heard a burst of exclamation - "Beauty!"

I saw a simple but extraordinarily bright and generous beauty walking towards them holding a bouquet of flowers.Renini's little mouth is so pouty that it can hang an oil bottle!When did this flirtatious guy provoke such a beautiful woman again, she was a little moved by seeing it!But she didn't expect that the other party was coming for her!
"This is~~~ for me?" Renini was puzzled by the flowers in the hands of the big beauty who ended up mechanically—I don't know her?Is it my suitor?Lace?Thinking of this, she shivered violently. She must have thought too much!But the reality made a joke with her. When hugging her, the beautiful woman whispered "see you later!" in her ear. The voice was soft and charming, and the breath from her mouth irritated her ears a little. . .Lace!That must be a lace edge!Renini yelled in her heart, and her body became a little stiff in an instant, and it didn't get better until the other party turned and left, and let out a heavy breath!

Li Zhi looked at Renini's reaction with a smile, of course it was impossible to guess what she was thinking, but he felt that the reaction of this villain beside him was extremely loving, and he really wanted to hold her in his arms desperately for a moment of pity!It took a long time to bear it!
. . .

"Where are we going to eat later? You have to make it up to me, and don't tell me in advance if you change the plot. Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough, otherwise our male god school girl will be ashamed in front of the whole school!" Renini said coquettishly to Li Zhi
"Well, our Nini did a great job and didn't embarrass your husband! So I want to reward you and take you to meet the two of you later!" Li Zhi said dotingly, although in his opinion, Renini's reaction It's just "you", and it would be really embarrassing if he didn't interrupt her to say something like "you said the wrong line"!

"By the way, who is the mysterious guest you mentioned earlier?" Renini remembered that there was still such a problem after being reminded.

"I will see you in the future, it will definitely surprise you!"

"Oh," Renini saw that he was trying to keep things secret, so she stopped asking. After all, I will see you in a while, so how can you know the surprise in advance!However, she thought of another thing that she should tell him, otherwise she would always feel uneasy: "Oh, by the way, I don't know the beauty who presented flowers on stage just now!" Renini looked at Li nervously after speaking. Li Zhi's expression, in order to decide whether to continue talking, but Li Zhi said flatly, not at all surprised.

"Oh, I don't know many people who gave me flowers."

Seeing that Li Zhi's reaction was calm, Renini gritted her teeth and said, "I think she should be a lesbian! Maybe she has taken a fancy to me, and she was blowing in my ear just now!"

"Squeak!~~~" With a burst of sharp brakes, the car stopped steadily on the side of the road. It wasn't that Li Zhi was poor at driving, but that what Nini said was too shocking!
"Hahaha!" Li Zhi thumped the steering wheel and burst out laughing, which surprised the nervous Reinini!
"Why are you laughing! I'm serious, and I guarantee that today is the first time I've seen her!"

"Haha! I'm dying of laughter!!!" The more Renini explained, the more Li Zhi laughed.So much so that in the end Renini angrily ignored him, and he turned around and said comfortingly, "I know, I don't care!". . .

The car stopped in front of "Goubuli", Li Zhi led Nini into the door, and instantly heard a crisp call, "Here, come quickly!" Renini heard the reputation, and her expression changed instantly!It turned out to be the lace edge!Could it be. . .The so-called mysterious guest is she?
. . . .

"Hahaha, I'm laughing to death! Hehe, I'm a lesbian, how about it! Girl, I've taken a fancy to you, so just follow me!" I saw the beautiful woman from before laughing uncontrollably, and at the end she seemed to be teasing her Ran across Renini's cheek with green fingers, Renini blushed instantly, and replied viciously

"Lu Weiwei, you don't have to be friends any more!" After some introductions, Renini, who finally understood the identities of the two, became angry from embarrassment
"Okay, I won't talk anymore! Haha, I'll laugh for a while"

"Do not laugh!"

"Okay, stop laughing, stop laughing!" "Haha, sorry, I couldn't help it!"

(End of this chapter)

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