Chapter 38
Chapter 41 One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes

PS: This is a chapter I just wrote. I originally wanted to keep it as a stock. I could write less and play more on weekends, but I couldn’t help but analyze it.Let's discuss, is it better on the weekend?
The so-called mysterious guests are naturally Xiao Nai and Bei Weiwei!If the oolong caused by Renini is thrown away, this meeting can be said to be quite perfect. Of course, if there is no misunderstanding by Nini, she and Bei Weiwei are not so easy to eliminate the embarrassment. After all, this is the first time in reality for the two of them. meet once!Of course, this is also the first time Li Zhi and Bei Weiwei meet, she was hidden by Xiao Nai's snow before!

Although Luwei Weiwei was expected to be a beautiful woman, even someone as outstanding as Xiao Nai was taken down by her.But to the surprise of Li Zhi and Renini, she is such a big beauty!Indeed, Bei Weiwei is a beautiful woman, and a super beautiful woman at that.But there are many kinds of beauties, some are elegant, some are intellectual, some are sweet, some are gentle, some are virtuous...

There is also Weiwei, the vase-shaped one...

Glamorous eyebrows, seductive eye waves, always bright red lips, hot figure, combined with the very unscrupulous housewife's clothes on her now, it always makes people have very bad associations. . .Speaking of this dress, there is also a story to tell. This is the dress that Bei Weiwei picked out specially for the first meeting with Xiao Nai. Although she is not very optimistic about this dress, because it does not meet the aesthetics of her good woman, but she Her roommates kept pushing her to buy it. . .Although she insisted on her own opinion in the end, the unwilling Xiaoling (Vivi's roommate) bought it for her, and later gave it to her as a birthday present!This time when he came to see Li Zhi and the others, Xiao Nai didn't explain clearly to her, he only said to take her to meet a business partner.In the end, Bei Weiwei had a weird idea that Xiao Nai was going to take her to a business reception, and found that there was no suitable dress, so she wore this one!Then wait for her to learn the truth~~~ It's too late to regret it!
But this didn't affect Nini's opinion of her. After a while, she and Renini talked about things that can only be said between girlfriends.Only Li Zhi, I can only say that he was indeed amazed by Bei Weiwei, but it was just pure appreciation, after all, his heart was already filled with another person!Compared to the intimacy between the two girls, Li Zhi and Xiao Nai are much more "reserved". The relationship between them is too complicated. They are both business partners and competitors. too intimate.But according to the current situation, it is estimated that in a few days they will have another layer of identity-brother-in-law!Now~~~ They are still acting as a foil honestly, let's talk about work and games at most!

"Next month will be the exhibition of "Sleepwalking 2". It seems that you have already grasped it?"


"The opponent is Zhen Yi, [-]% is not low."

"Don't talk about me, the matter of "Qin Shi" is completely over, what is Tianxuan's next plan, is he interested in entering game production?"

"If you walk too far, it's easy to get in trouble. Although I plan to take a trip, it's still in animation production." What the two of them said is company secrets. If someone else is sitting opposite, even Yugong and Lei Ming , They will never chat like this.But as mentioned before, the relationship between Li Zhi and Xiao Nai is very complicated, they trust each other before confronting each other.It will be tiring to bear too many secrets by yourself, and you must find someone you trust to share them with. Li Zhi and Xiao Nai are people who trust each other!
"Creative dubbing? What is that?" Hearing the name of Li Zhi's next plan, Xiao Nai didn't understand
"There is only one idea, and it still needs to be perfected. Maybe it's just an idea, and it can't be perfected!" Li Zhi didn't make it too clear, because he didn't know it too well, but Daqing gave him an inspiration before - dubbing doesn't have to be limited to In terms of behind-the-scenes work, it may become a carrier of entertainment, just like cross talk skits, it has become an independent art form!
This meeting was very brief. Nini and Weiwei exchanged phone numbers and agreed to be best friends in reality, and then they were taken away by their respective "masters".This is also the purpose of Li Zhi and Xiao Nai's plan for this meeting - they will be very busy for a while, and they will have little time to be with them, so they can comfort each other when they are bored!However, both Li Zhi and Xiao Nai underestimated their girlfriends too much, at least they have already formed an offensive and defensive alliance, ready to sound the clarion call for a counterattack!

. . .

After sending Nini back to the dormitory, Li Zhi called the main personnel of the company together to discuss "creative dubbing"!After all, I've blown all my cowhide, if I don't make something out of it, Xiao Nai will die laughing at me!But this time there was one more person in the company meeting - Daqing!After all, "creative dubbing" is his first initiative, although it is not yet mature, but it can provide a lot of inspiration!After a lot of brainstorming, Li Zhi was basically determined-nothing!It's not that the way of creative dubbing is impractical, but that there is a lack of market!It’s not really a lack of market. In Li Zhi’s mind, “creative dubbing” has a wide audience and a strong market potential, but people don’t have this kind of concept now, at least as Li Zhi envisioned, “popularize dubbing as an independent The art form” does not seem to work at present.But this doesn't make Li Zhi back down, no way?Then he will make his own way!No market?Then he will create a market!
Therefore, the next step for the company to take is very clear - to create a market!At least come up with a little "micro-creativity" to ask for directions, sow the concept of "creative dubbing", and the specific form of expression is animation!The dubbing is still placed in the auxiliary position, but this anime must take the dubbing as the highlight!The dubbing is the first thing people mention when they mention it, which is not easy and requires a lot of time for experimentation. Fortunately, the most important thing for Li Zhi is time-youth is the greatest capital!It's just that Nini has to be wronged. . .

The name of the anime has been decided - "One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes"!Cold joke: As the name suggests, it is a joke that makes people speechless!Put forward a hypothesis or a question, but the answer makes people feel both reasonable and unexpected!This sense of gap between reality and ideal will stimulate people's senses and play a role in relaxing the spirit.And this animation, in Li Zhi's vision, is a light comedy composed of many cold jokes, complaints, and funny jokes!

Then the problem comes, what is the excavator technology~~~~ Bah!It's so easy to say!Closer to home, the biggest problem with this anime is "scattering"!The jokes and cold jokes that are circulated on the Internet or collected by everyone are enough to support the weight of several episodes, but the content is very different, covering various fields.How to artificially connect these scattered things to form an animation with a main line and a plot is the biggest problem Li Zhi and the others face!If this problem can't be solved, this anime is equivalent to a failure!It's like if one person just tells jokes monotonously, it won't attract too many people; but if this person chooses an educational theme after planning in advance, and connects these jokes together, it will be interesting!Such people are called "talk show actors"!
Fortunately, this problem is still not a problem for Li Zhi. Although there is no way to solve it once and for all, Li Zhi still thought of a workaround:

First of all, Li Zhi borrowed the form of prose and turned this anime into an anime collection!Divided into several series, each series tells a different story, most of which are adapted from fairy tales, commonly known as - ruining childhood!I just don't know if Andersen and Green will jump out of the coffin angrily if they find out!

Secondly, extensively recruit jokers and copywriters on major networks and major post bars! If "One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes" wants to last for a long time, the quality of the content is the key. Li Zhi alone is far from enough. One person is short in wit and the other is long in wit. The three cobblers are even better than Zhuge Liang!And Li Zhi has a premonition that if the era of "creative dubbing" comes, then these jokers who are usually ignored by no one will become sought-after resources!Now it is necessary to seize the opportunity to recruit talents!
Finally, voice acting is a top priority!In short, it can’t be too orthodox. What kind of style is it? You have to wait for the content and images to be completed before slowly experimenting!

In short, Li Zhi has a hunch - "One Hundred Thousand Bad Jokes" will be as popular as "Qin Shi Mingyue"!Although "Qin Shi Mingyue" has just updated two episodes, the delicate painting style, plump characters, perfect dubbing, and the gimmick of "the first self-made 3D animation in China" have attracted a large number of fans, and there is also a new one on the Internet. Emerging group - Qin fans!Li Zhi has the confidence to create another myth, the last time he cooperated with Xiao Nai and Sun Leping, he didn't show his skills, this time he wants to do it by himself!

(End of this chapter)

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