Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 1000 The Wrathful Wang Lian

Chapter 1000 The Wrathful Wang Lian

"Sect Master Chuxiu, I can understand your feelings, but this matter is of great importance, and it is impossible to complete it with your own strength. Now the only strong person in Shadow Valley that is on the bright side is a cultivator of the God Emperor. Maybe There may be No.2 in their headquarters, let's discuss it in detail, and I, the Qinbei faction, are willing to go with you."

"My Qin Nan faction is willing to stand with you and go to crusade against Shadow Valley together!"

With Chu Xiu's response, all major sects expressed their opinions one after another. Even the vacillating small sects chose to stand with them. The forces and battles involved in Shadow Valley are too great. The end of the door can be imagined.

"Okay, then tomorrow, at this time tomorrow, we Chu Huaimen will mobilize all our troops here to crusade against Shadow Valley! Thank you all for going together!"

Chu Xiu solemnly clasped her fists and bowed to everyone.

"Everyone, go back to your own territory and inform the other sects. Let's gather here tomorrow and say goodbye!"

The major forces flew towards their own sect with a heavy heart, leaving the cultivators of Chu Huaimen to deal with the funeral of the dead disciples in the sect with grief.

At this time, in a remote city in the Black Territory...

"Whoosh, whoosh~!"

Several strong men descended from the sky to the ground, and the people who had been waiting here hurriedly bowed down and cupped their fists.

"I have seen Lord Patriarch, Lord Wang Lian and all the elders. I am not good at doing things. I have not wiped out Qinling's forces. Please punish me!"

"It doesn't matter, the people of Qinling have been wary of us for a long time. Your failure is not a big deal. Wang Mian, you have worked hard. Rest in the Hui clan. The issue of compensation for the dead clansmen will be left to you."

Wang Lin waved his hands indifferently, he didn't care about the casualties on the battlefield.

"Hee hee, Wang Mian, I thought you would die outside. As a bait, it's not easy for you to come back alive. Why would Big Brother punish you?"

Wang Mian's expression froze, he raised his head and looked at Wang Lin in disbelief.

"Wang Lian! Don't talk nonsense, go back to your residence and face the wall to think about it! You will be fined for three days and you are not allowed to go out. If you violate it, let the elders take care of you!"

Wang Lin frowned and scolded him, and the latter's face was filled with displeasure.

"Let's go, big brother, you like to use the elders to suppress me, that's all, Wang Mian, ask my nephew Wang Yan to play with me, hurry up, this time I found it in Chu Huaimen. A lot of babies, I can't wait to show him off."

Wang Lian looked helpless, he was still a little afraid of Wang Rin's trump card.


"What, is there something wrong?"

Seeing Wang Mian's delay in moving, Wang Lian asked with some doubts.

"Back... back to Master Wang Lian, young master Wang Yan... died in battle, I failed to retrieve his body, it was my fault, please punish me!"


The next moment, Wang Lian's figure appeared in front of Wang Mian out of thin air, stretched out a hand and pushed him to the ground, and the terrifying murderous intent enveloped him!
"What did you say?! Tell me again."

"My... my lord... I'm sorry, it's all my fault. It's my fault. I didn't protect the young master well. It was Wang Chen, a beast! It was him who deliberately framed the young master and let a little beast named Xiao Ye kill him on purpose." dead him."

Big cold sweat rolled down Wang Mian's cheeks, Wang Lian's murderous aura made it difficult for him to breathe, and a strong death crisis filled his heart.

"Where is Wang Chen's bastard?! Bring him here, I want him to experience hundreds of tortures from the Wang family! I want to make this bastard's life worse than death! How dare you plan to frame my nephew!"

"Hold... sorry, I had already captured Wang Chen alive, but on the way back, I was killed by that little bastard named Xiao Ye..."

"You idiot! Useless! Then you go to die!"

In rage!Wang Lian took out a dagger and made a gesture to stab him in the throat!

"Okay, Wang Lian, stop it. It's not his fault. It's Yan'er's self-willedness. He insisted on going to the battlefield to practice. I've already prepared him psychologically for his death. Let Wang Mian go."

Wang Lin took a deep breath, and his words were infinitely lonely. Wang Yan was his only son, but he died in this battle.

"Hmph, dog bastard, just because big brother spared you doesn't mean that I spared you. Now you immediately take someone to the branch of Wang Chen's family to kill everyone. I want his descendants to live a life worse than death. After everything is done, You go to the Criminal Law Department to receive your sentence, if you let someone go, don't come back!"

"Yes... yes, Lord Wang Lian, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter beautifully, and I will never let you down again."

This time, Wang Rin did not stop Wang Lian. If he did something wrong, he would have to pay the price, not to mention that it was his own son who killed him, even if the murderer was his own family.

"get out!"


Wang Lian kicked Wang Mian tens of meters away. After coughing up two mouthfuls of blood, he cupped his fists and bowed to the crowd, heaving a sigh of relief. He thought he would die, but it was already a big deal for him to save his life. Best ending ever.

"Brother, did you just let him go? He killed Wang Yan's nephew. As the leader, he has an unshirkable responsibility! He deserves to pay the price. Paying for Wang Yan's nephew's life is the best punishment for him. You Why let him go?"

After Wang Mian walked away, Wang Lian asked in a puzzled way. He still couldn't understand why the elder brother was so kind.

"Hey, Yan'er is already dead. Even killing him won't help. It's better to let him live well and use his spare energy in the next battle. Yan'er's character is arrogant and arrogant, and he will suffer a big loss sooner or later. It's all because of your doting, second brother, and you, if you don't restrain your character, sooner or later something big will happen! Yan'er is dead, and now you are my only family member, I don't want you to have any more troubles .”

"I'm sorry, brother, if it wasn't for my suggestion, nephew Wang Yan wouldn't go to the battlefield arguing. It was my fault. I am willing to go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to accept punishment, but brother, do you just have the heart to let the murderer go? I think it's time Go to Qinling and torture him to death!"

Wang Lian gritted his teeth, and his hatred for Xiao Ye was raised to the extreme.

"Not now, Qin Ling must have taken precautions. If you go, you will cast yourself into a trap. The Thousand-Mask Mirror is in my hands. They will come to you sooner or later. Don't worry, we can settle accounts with this little bastard! I want Cut him into pieces one by one, smash his bones to ashes!"

"Okay, big brother, leave this matter to me. I'll go to Wang Chen's family in person now. Wang Mian is a good-for-nothing, so it's better for me to do it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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