Chapter 1001
"Okay, before that, go to Lord Valley Master and tell him that the enemy is approaching and he needs to help, otherwise Shadow Valley will be destroyed."

"Brother, what's the use of looking for that trash, a guy who only knows how to play with spiritual power, his realm is only the fourth level of the Supreme Martial God Realm, I can kill him with a wave of my hand, not to mention those bastards from the Qinling Mountains, who are not as good as us How about killing him and completely controlling Shadow Valley?"

Wang Lian put his hand on his neck and made a movement of cutting grass and roots.

Gu Zhang Yumiao of Shadow Valley was the original founder. At the beginning, there was no support from the Chen family and Wang family, and he developed Shadow Valley into such a large-scale force all by himself.

"No, it's enough to have Zhang Yumiao as a backup. We can't do some things in Shadow Valley by ourselves, or the adult will be unhappy. Also, don't underestimate Zhang Yumiao's strength. Sometimes the realm doesn't mean anything. Go ahead and finish it." Immediately after that, return to the territory of the Wang family, and this will become the main battlefield in a short time, and I can also take this opportunity to undo the spiritual restriction of the thousand-faced mirror."

Wang Lian saluted respectfully, and his figure gradually disappeared in the darkness.

"Hey, when will our royal family be able to completely get rid of control and become an independent existence, second brother, everything depends on you. Before that, you must find a way to survive."


A hot flame ignited in Wang Lin's palm, burning all the seals on the surface of the thousand-faced mirror, but the flame automatically extinguished when it burned to a stronger restriction.

The next day, at the foot of Chu Huaimen’s mountain, after a night’s treatment, the destroyed Chu Huaimen had been restored to its original state, and the corpses and bloodstains had been washed away. Seeing him off, behind him are suzerain-level powerhouses from other sects.

"Old suzerain, master, you can go at ease, let all of us avenge this revenge for you, Qinling and the people of Shadow Valley are irreconcilable, today, either they die, or we Qinling die!"

"Blood feud! We can't share the sky! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Looking around, the foot of the mountain was full of disciples, and it was so dark that you couldn't see the edge at a glance!There are millions of them!In order to wipe out Shadow Valley, almost all the sects mobilized all the qualified fighting forces under their sects.

"Thank you everyone for looking up to us, Chu Huaimen. I will be in command of this Shadow Valley crusade. Of course, every order will be decided by all suzerain votes! Everyone! Let's go! The target is the Dark Shadow Valley! They are all bound to be wiped out Not one left! Set a good example for the orthodox sect!"


For a moment, the sound of footsteps down the mountain gathered into a thunderous explosion, and countless birds and spirit beasts soared into the sky, carrying suzerain-level powerhouses towards the direction of the black domain. As it should be, Xiao Ye and Chu Yan Ye is also on the backs of these spirit birds. As the first step of the Supreme Martial God Realm powerhouse, they have this qualification.

"Xiao Ye, the enemy we are going to face this time is very powerful. You have to be careful and don't be reckless. You and Chu Yan are the future of our Qinling."

"Thank you, Sect Master Qin, for your kindness. Don't worry, brother Xiao Ye and I's life-saving methods are not easy. If the scumbags in Shadow Valley want to kill us, they must send a strong man from the God Emperor Mirror."

Xiao Ye nodded, agreeing with Chu Yan's statement.

There are tens of millions of freshmen and veteran disciples of Qinling, and the first-tier powerhouses are currently only Xiao Ye and Chu Yan, which is enough to show how rare geniuses are. If something happens to them, it will definitely be the darkest for Qinling As a result, it is not an exaggeration to say that he was devastated.

"This place is millions of miles away from the sea. No matter how fast the spirit bird is, it will take three days to reach it. And we have to wait for other cultivators. It is estimated that it will take seven days to actually reach Shadow Valley."

"Seven days... My lords, maybe the Shadow Valley already knows that we are coming, and maybe we have already made preparations before the battle. Be careful, everyone, and don't fall into an ambush."

"It doesn't matter, little brother Xiao Ye, don't you underestimate our millions of troops? In the face of the absolute number and strength, it only takes one person to face the shadow valley and they will be crushed. , but there are quite a few of us who are at the peak of the ninth level of the Supreme Martial God Realm, in my opinion, you just underestimate yourself too much."

The suzerain of a small sect smiled slightly, and didn't take Xiao Ye's suggestion to heart, Xiao Ye shook his head repeatedly.

In the City Lord's Mansion of the Black Territory...

This is the office of Shadow Valley, and the entire city is populated by high-level personnel of Shadow Valley.


Unceremoniously, Wang Lian kicked open the door in front of him and walked in, as if he was coming to his own home. The passing strong man hurriedly leaned against the wall, obviously his reputation here is already notorious.

"Wang Lian? Hmph, what are you doing here? You haven't settled with you for injuring six of our high-level executives last time, and you actually sent it to your door!"

The thin man sitting on the main seat showed displeasure, and scolded him coldly.

"Zhang Yumiao, do you think I'm willing to come to your poor place?! Birds don't shit, it's hundreds of times worse than our Wang family's territory! If the big brother didn't let me come, do you think I would? I just sent it to my door. , you dare to accept me? You? Or you?!"

Wang Lian pointed at the strong men in the room one by one. These high-level officials who usually flaunt their power in front of the members of Shadow Valley didn't even dare to fart at this moment. When they saw Wang Lian pointing, they all lowered their heads, for fear of arousing his anger.

"Okay, let's be presumptuous, this is the headquarters of Shadow Valley! Tell me, what did Patriarch Wang ask you to do? Do you want to completely gain control of Shadow Valley?"

"Hmph, you underestimate my elder brother's heart too much. If he wanted to completely control Shadow Valley, you would have died long ago. Brother asked me to tell you that within ten days, a team will come to Shadow Valley Revenge, you can intercept and kill them on the road, although I don’t know what is the use of calling you a waste, but I have to listen to what my brother said.”

Wang Lian let out a cold snort, and looked at Zhang Yumiao with more disdain, as if looking at a pile of non-recyclable garbage discarded by others.

"Presumptuous! That's how you talk to our leader?! You're looking for death! What kind of a thing are you?! The leader is the boss of Shadow Valley! In terms of level, he is far above you! Even your elder brother dare not..."

"Swoosh! Bang! Boom~!"

Wang Lian's figure flashed quickly, and the high-level person who was furious quickly flew several meters backwards, and slammed into the wall fiercely. Cobweb-like cracks spread on the wall, and the high-level person slowly fell from the wall like a puddle of mud. Body slides down.

(End of this chapter)

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