Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 1202 Public Enemy of the People

Chapter 1202 Public Enemy of the People
"No way... It must be my eyesight. The two of them should have a thrilling battle. Then Mogg will defeat him and win the chance. I will also get a hundred spirit stones."

A cultivator from the demon clan who had lost all his wealth stared wide-eyed. He suddenly discovered that the script did not go according to his expectations, but had a turning point, which was beyond his ideal control.

"I don't believe it! Take another blow from me! Deadly Venom! Viper Dance!"

"ssssssssssssssssssssssss out~"

A thousand-foot-long berserk demon snake sprang out from Mogg's back. The snake's head was the size of a millstone, and its two fangs gleamed with cold light, swooping down from the midair, and opened its big mouth like a cloth bag to hold Xiao Ye under it.

"Hahaha, you're done, go die! No one who took my trick has ever survived. Don't worry, I won't let you die. I still want to compete for the number of core disciples. It's really not good to lose to you." worth."


Suddenly, the snake twisted violently, and after a loud noise, it shattered into powder. Xiao Ye walked out calmly and patted the dust off his body.


Everyone opened their mouths into an O shape in surprise, seeing this incredible scene.

"Is this kid a God of War?! This can't hurt him, even a strong person at the first level of the God Emperor Realm wouldn't dare to take this move?! He didn't even suffer any injuries!"

"Secret treasure, there must be an extraordinary secret treasure on him! It's unreasonable to protect him from any harm. How could such a thing exist? Even the Lord Demon Emperor never owned it, right?"

"It's my turn, the system teleports, the power of the black dragon!"


Xiao Ye's figure disappeared instantly, and appeared in front of Mogg. Mogg was shocked, and hurriedly condensed the magic energy into a shield to block in front of him.


There was a crisp sound, and the shield shattered in response. Under Mogg's terrified eyes, Xiao Ye's arm pierced his lower abdomen, smashed the dantian and inner alchemy, and then whipped his leg and slapped him on the face , and took him off the ring.

One move decides the outcome, one move destroys a genius at the sixth level of the Supreme Martial God Realm.

Everyone was shocked, it was just one move, Xiao Yesheng was too easy, this young man whose name has not been passed down for a long time turned out to be a hidden peerless master!This is everyone's first thought!

"Could it be that he didn't rely on secret treasures to win, but relied on his own strength? Otherwise, how could he pierce the magic shield with one blow? This kind of power is comparable to that of Lian Chongyin and Bianmu. No.3 peerless genius appeared Already!"

"Who is he?! Who the hell is he? Check it out for me! You must try to win him over at all costs. Damn it, we have never heard of this kind of talented casual cultivator! Fourth brother, you are in charge of the sect's intelligence, this matter The thing is that you failed your duty."

"Hahahaha! One trick, one trick! It's a lot of money!"

At this time, if anyone is the happiest, it is tantamount to Zhao Santeng. Looking at the mountain of spirit stones piled up in the notary office, there are hundreds of thousands of them!This wealth is comparable to the annual income of a middle-level sect. Compared with the expression on the back of his head, the faces of those who have lost Lingshi are as ugly as eating shit. This is obviously the master and servant. This game, waiting for them to take the bait, they are still waiting to count the money stupidly.

"You... you thief! I think I'll give you the title of King of Pirates in the Northern Territory! Pfft~!"

The Pirate King of the Northern Territory spat out a mouthful of blood, pointed at Zhao Santeng tremblingly twice, and then passed out. In order to make more holes in Zhao Santeng, he pressed three hundred spirit stones, which were all his belongings, and he did not expect to dig a hole Instead, he buried himself.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, hahahaha! Thank you for your love, I will not be polite about this."

Zhao Santeng pointed the storage ring at the notary office, and a strong suction sucked all the spirit stones in. The storage rings were piled up to the brim, and there were still more than a dozen pieces left on the table, which was huge enough to see. Everyone almost drooled.

"Guys, since we've already gambled, why don't we gamble bigger? How about we bet on whether the adults can get the quota of core disciples? The price is not high, and the auction starts with five hundred spirit stones! Don't come here when you can't miss it. You guys want to see me Is Zhao Santeng bankrupt? This is a good opportunity!"

Zhao Santeng raised the storage ring in his hand, which immediately caused a lot of shouting and cursing.

"This bastard, using our spirit stones to make a bet with us, empty-handed white wolf, I can't help but beat him to death."

"Big pit, this must be a big pit, beast! We were dissatisfied once, and you want to cheat again?! Are you still a person? I have never seen such a brazen person like you!"

"If you don't gamble, you don't gamble, and you question my character, cut."

Zhao Santeng rubbed his nose, a little helpless, these idiots have learned their skills, and they don't get into the trap anymore, but what he didn't expect was that he was such a person in the eyes of these people.

"You guys still have character?! Damn! The most rascal in the demon clan has more character than you! You'd better look forward to being accepted as a disciple by the Prison Demon Sect, otherwise I will beat you to death!"

"And... and me..."

The Pirate King of the Northern Territory weakly raised his hand in agreement.

"You guys are just jealous of my handsomeness and intelligence, but what you don't know is that I am far behind the adults. The adults are like the bright moon in the sky, and I am just a grain of sand in the desert. That's all."

Everyone was shocked, this young man really had a good background!Xiao Ye was a little dumbfounded, he didn't know what kind of mystery Zhao Santeng was playing, if he knew his origin, he might be scared to the ground, and he would hold back all these words.

"These are the enemies of the future, Zhao Santeng, Zhao Santeng, you are so sincere, you can only follow me when you leave the Demon Realm in the future, otherwise you will not be eaten alive by these guys."

"Little bastard, you are so vicious! You actually abolished Xiaoge! Don't you know that he is from our Mo family?! With such a vicious attack, there will be no room for you in this city from now on! "

An old man hugged Moge who was still coughing up blood, and shouted at Xiao Ye.

"Old man, you really know double standards. Didn't you see when he wanted to kill the lord? He was to blame for all of this. This small city is a small puddle. The lord is a real dragon. Sooner or later, he will take off." However, even a small puddle is ashamed to call itself a shelter, and besides, your Mo family can't represent this city, right?"



The Patriarch of the Mo family flew down from the stage, preventing the old man from continuing to speak. He put his hand on Mogg's wound to inject strength, but several flowers of blood splashed out.

(End of this chapter)

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