Chapter 1203

Mogg's dantian has been abolished. This kind of pure power is poison to him and cannot be absorbed at all. It is used to treat injuries. Suddenly, the man's face darkened.

"Boy, you are so ruthless, you just abolished my descendants. Xiaoge is still a child, he just strives to win, the crime is more than that, right? You are not afraid of messing around in this city from now on. Won't you go down?!"

"It's so ridiculous. You pretended not to see him when he wanted to kill me on stage, but now you're pretending to be a wolf with a big tail. Don't you just let him kill me, and I can't destroy him?! You are so kind Great majesty."

No matter how good Xiao Ye's mentality was, he laughed angrily at his words. If he wasn't afraid of revealing his identity, he might have taken action to eradicate the entire Mo family.

"Brat, one more thing is worse than one less thing. The Emperor Burial Plane is about to open, and we only have half a month to break into the Demon Race. Whether it will be successful or not, it's half a month. It's better to keep a low profile and wait for you to step in." In the God Emperor Realm, a mere Mo family can be destroyed with a flick of a finger, so why rush for a while."

Fearing that Xiao Ye would be impulsive, Xiao Hei spoke to dissuade him.

"Don't worry, they are not worthy of letting me do it myself."

"Okay! Good boy, I remember you. It's true that I can't touch you if you can become a disciple of the Prison Demon Sect, but it's dark and the road is slippery. Maybe you fell to your death on the road before you became a formal disciple."

The eyes of the Patriarch of the Mo family were full of murderous intent, and the threats in his words were not concealed at all. He gave Xiao Ye a vicious look and left the competition venue with Mo Ge, whose life and death were unknown.

"This old thing, my lord, let's be more careful in the past few days. I always feel that he won't let it go like this. I'm afraid they will attack us secretly. There are rumors in the Mo family that there are strong people at the ninth level of the Great God Emperor Realm."

The ninth level of the Great God Emperor Realm is an existence that needs to be looked up to for Zhao Santeng. If such a person makes a move against him, he will end up dead, but it is not enough for Xiao Ye. The Great God Emperor Realm powerhouse who died in his hands It is no longer one or two.

"Soldiers will block the water and cover them with earth. If he dares to come, I will dare to kill him."

"As expected of an adult, I knew you had a way. My admiration for you is getting deeper and deeper. If I can catch up with one of your little fingers in this life, I will be satisfied. After ten thousand years, I can still smile dead."

"You guy..."

Xiao Ye was a little helpless, he was accompanied by a troublesome sycophant, he didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but he could always maintain a happy mood, it was not bad to think about it carefully.

"The following will be the competition for the three groups of inner disciple seats. After the unanimous decision of our prison demon sect's senior management, I announce that contestant Xiao Ye will be directly promoted and won the quota of core disciples. There will be five remaining inner disciple seats. .”

The referee shouted loudly from the high stands, and the content of the shouting surprised everyone.

"Has this kid's talent and strength been recognized by the Prison Demon Sect? Doesn't it mean that they think this kid has the ability to compete with Bianmu for that position?"

"Lian Chongyin has occupied one of the core spots, and now there is only one left. It is estimated that the winner of the second team and Bianmu of the first team will not give up. Now it depends on who the winner of the second team is."

"In the next match, Zhao Santeng will fight Qiantong."

"Is it me again? My lord, just wait for my good news."

Zhao San flew onto the stage and stood opposite a young man named Qian Tong. After ten moves, he knocked the young man off the ring and won a place as an inner disciple.

"Next time..."

"Out of bounds, the Flame Throwing player wins, and a place for an inner disciple is established!"


Xiao Ye raised his head in surprise, he didn't expect that Lian Chongyin's servant was quite capable, as a servant, he actually had the strength to become an inner disciple of the Prison Demon Sect, so the competition between the three teams was even greater.

"Wait a minute, Lord Referee, I don't agree."

Just when everyone was looking forward to the next match, Zhu Yan raised his hand and asked his own question to the senior officials of the Prison Demon Sect.

"Honorable elders of the Prison Demon Sect, I have something unclear, and I would like to ask all the adults to answer it for me. Dare I ask if the selection of disciples by the Prison Demon Sect is based on the principle of fairness and justice, and everything is based on strength and talent?"

"This is natural. Our Prison Demon Sect values ​​strength and talent. The background is not important to us. The Prison Demon Sect does not need crippled people. Why do you ask such a question? Are you questioning our Prison Demon Sect? How to do it? Or, are you dissatisfied with the way we screen?"

The faces of the elders were gloomy, and several powerful auras of the Great God Emperor locked on to him. This move of his was undoubtedly provoking the authority and fairness of the Prison Demon Sect.

"Of course I don't dare. My lords, I have great admiration for the Prison Demon Sect, but I just don't understand why this little bastard is directly designated as an inner sect disciple? Doesn't this mean that he has the opportunity to stand on the same high ground as my master?" ?My master Lian Chongyin is a genius that even the devil emperor admires. What kind of thing is he? How can He De have such an honor? Even Bianmu, another top genius in the middle of the demon clan, created it himself status, or... is this little bastard the illegitimate child of one of you?!"

"You are presumptuous!"

The elders were furious, and everyone was in an uproar. Throwing Flame is really too bold, to dare to say such a thing openly, is undoubtedly slapping the face of the upper echelons of the Prison Demon Sect.

"Hmph, it is the unanimous result of our discussions that let Xiao Ye directly become the core disciple through the selection. There are some things that you, a small cultivator of the Supreme Martial God Realm, can see. If you are dissatisfied with this result , you can raise a challenge, if you win against Xiao Ye, the core disciple competition will be yours."

At this moment, Zhao Santeng felt a little sympathetic to Throwing Flame. These elders definitely said this on purpose. Only these old foxes who have lived for thousands of years can figure out this trick of borrowing a knife to kill someone.

"I refuse, not everyone is qualified to fight against me."

Without waiting for Chu Yan to agree, Xiao Ye spoke first, how could he fail to see what these high-level elders were thinking, he didn't want to be used as a weapon.

"Little beast, are you scared? Don't dare to fight me anymore? If you are scared, just quit the game obediently. I will save your dog's life. I thought you would die by yourself, but I didn't expect you to have self-knowledge. Just know the current affairs, get out early, dirty my eyes, and have the guts to get involved in the position of core disciples."

"Lian Chongyin, don't you care about your dog?"

Xiao Ye didn't pay attention to Chu Yan, but turned his head to look at Lian Chongyin, who was calm and calm. To him, Chu Yan was not qualified to talk to him.

(End of this chapter)

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