Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 1211 The Shriveled Zhao Santeng

Chapter 1211 The Shriveled Zhao Santeng
"Please, don't kill me, please spare me. I, Mo Yan, am willing to be your cow and horse. From now on, I will follow you forever as a slave. I am willing to take the initiative to leave the Mo family!"

"I'm just a member of the Mo family, not their family member. Please forgive me. God has the virtue of being good at life. For the sake of my hard work, let me go!"

Everyone in the Mo family collapsed. A falling meteor of such a size was enough to kill them more than ten thousand times. If they wanted to survive, they had to kneel down. This terrifying aura made them tremble.

"All the followers of the Mo family, as long as you release the power of blood to prove that you are not the Mo family, you can leave alive. I, Xiao Ye, am not an indiscriminate murderer. I only have grievances with the Mo family and have nothing to do with you, but I don't need followers. , you can leave on your own.”

"Thank you, my lord! Thank you, my lord, for saving my life! I will always remember your great kindness!"

Everyone was overjoyed, immediately hundreds of people released the power of blood, and after proving that they were not the Mo family, they got out of the dog hole, while the Mo family was pale and bloodless. Once upon a time, they hated the power of their blood so much, In front of these disciples, they are aloof and mighty, but now, this proud blood has become their urging card.

"It's over... The Mo family is over..."

Mogg smiled miserably, fell powerlessly to the ground, and quietly waited for the arrival of death.


After a loud noise, the ground shook violently, smoke and dust rose into the sky, splashing ten thousand feet high, the entire Mo family city was flattened, and no one survived, those Mo family members who hadn't left yet breathed a sigh of relief , they are all glad that they are not from the Mo family. They feel a little ridiculous. In the past, how much they wanted to be from the Mo family. In this city, they have supreme glory. Wherever they go, they will meet envious eyes. Now, the entire Mo family It has become a gathering place for dead ghosts.

"It's over, San Teng, let's go. From now on, there will be no Mo family in this world."

After saying a few words, Xiao Ye dissipated the barrier, and hurried away with Zhao Santeng, leaving only a huge meteorite here, indicating the sad ending of the Mo family, and the property of the Mo family was also buried inside. , It is a pity, but no one dares to destroy the meteorite privately and look for treasures.

After returning to the residence, Xiao Ye directly began to retreat, and took out the spiritual root of Xianzhi.

"It can increase my cultivation for a thousand years. I don't know if it will be effective if I eat it. I hope it will allow me to break through the God Emperor Realm in one fell swoop and break the realm barrier!"

Xiao Ye used his strength to melt the fairy root into a pale yellow liquid, and slowly melted into his body. The abundant power continued to swim in his body, causing his bones and internal organs to explode like firecrackers. It has turned into a liquid state, and the waves are constantly impacting and washing the enchantment barrier, but the barrier is still extremely strong, like a towering mountain, insurmountable.

"Have you failed? Hey~ Sure enough, stepping into the God Emperor Realm can't use common sense to break through. I need an opportunity to get the core disciple quota leading to the core area of ​​the Demon Race. I am bound to get it. The opening of the Emperor Burying Plane is getting closer and closer. If I don’t hurry up, I’m afraid I will struggle.”

Now Xiao Ye's only trump card is a chance to make a mobile phone call from Taoist Demon Slaughter, and this time he wants to get a chance in the Emperor Burial Plane, and the enemies he faces are not only the Beast King, but also the more mysterious Beast King and Human Emperor. He would naively think that the Emperor would help him, and not to add insult to injury is already the best help for him.

The next day, the battle with Bianmu's core disciples started as scheduled. After yesterday's genocide, everyone gave a high evaluation of Xiao Ye's strength, and regarded him as a god of killing. However, some people still think that Bianmu He won't lose to him, after all, Bianmu penetrated the super strong of the first team by himself, and the geniuses of the first team are not just paper.

"Come on, come on, bet on the left if you want my adults to win, bet on the right if you win if Bianmu wins, you lose two! Bet early to seize the opportunity, and I won't accept the spirit stone if it's late. "

Zhao Santeng wandered through the crowd in high spirits. Everyone had a black face, and no one wanted to talk to him. After yesterday's incident, his reputation was already extremely bad.

"You guys are really disappointing. You don't bet at odds of [-] to [-]. It's useless."

"Brother San Teng! Come, come, I will bet on a hundred spirit stones, and I will bet on your lord to win. I am very optimistic about this brat. If you make a fortune, don't forget me, brother."

Lianbing Liu rushed over enthusiastically from a distance, and stuffed a bag of spirit stones into Zhao Santeng's arms, and Zhao Santeng's face was mourned immediately. If he had suffered at the hands of anyone in his life, he would Counting Lianbing six, this old pumpkin.

"Brother, you are a bit out of place. I only open the stalls for pressing Bianmu, not for the adults. I am the entourage of the adults. How could I expect the adults to lose? You always accept it." Pick up the spirit stone."

"You can't say that. If you win, you lose. Besides, I have already sold my spirit stones. How can I take them back? If you don't accept me, invite Xiao Ye to come to me as a spokesperson at night. He will be happy to bring it with you. ,yours."

Lian Bing Liu had a dark smile on his face, and patted Zhao Santeng on the shoulder twice. He grinned his teeth in pain, and could only accept the Lingshi depressedly. The old clapper continued to work as a coolie.

"Hahaha! You son of a bitch! You have today too! Have fun! Have a great time!"

Everyone was naturally happy to see Zhao Santeng deflated, and they all opened their mouths to laugh. Suddenly, the face of the happiest audience froze and panicked.

"Wait! Where's my spirit stone?! Why is my spirit stone gone!"

"And my spirit stones! My fifty spirit stones are gone! Damn it! That's my training resource for this month, thief, I curse you to die!"

Zhao Santeng looked strangely, and looked at Lianbing Liu, while Lianbing Liu laughed, sat down at random, and looked at the stage with all his attention.

"The weather is really nice today, brat, you have to win, and I put a hundred spirit stones on you."

"Is that your spirit stone..."

"I declare, the game begins!"

Following the referee's order, the dignified Bianmu in white launched a fierce attack on Xiao Ye. Yesterday he saw Xiao Ye raise his hand and destroy the Mo family. To win, one must go all out to suppress Xiao Ye's momentum.

"The power of wood law! Dark stab!"


Xiao Ye raised his hand to receive Bianmu's punch, but several sharp wooden thorns suddenly appeared in the void, piercing his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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