Chapter 1212

Xiao Ye hurriedly turned his head to dodge, but was caught by Bianmu, and a fist wrapped in Muteng hit his lower abdomen, the terrifying magic power overflowed, and Muteng shattered in response.


Bianmu sucked in a breath of cold air, and moved away from Xiao Ye. He looked up and down Xiao Ye with some horror, and was shocked in his heart.

"What kind of physical power is this? I can't penetrate the power of wood law?! When did the demons have a pervert like you?"

"Bianmu, I'm curious, how can you use the law of the orcs even though you are a member of the demons? Could it be that you are the descendant of the blood of the orcs and the demons?"

"You think too much, how can the noble demons combine with the lowly orcs? Our family has an innate advantage, and can absorb the power of other races for our own use. This is the surviving technique of the ancient clan inherited by our ancestors. As for I won’t tell you which clan it is, it’s about the secret of our clan, my power of law is obtained by the clan hunting and killing a powerful beast clan for me to absorb power, the purpose is for this prison The disciples of the Demon Sect are screened."

Xiao Ye was a little surprised. There are not many races in the demon race that can absorb the power of foreign laws. Most demon races can only absorb the essence of life. The ancient clan that Bianmu inherited should be the sky demon clan. I saw a trace of the Heavenly Demon Transforming Marrow Technique.

"Compared to my ability to use the power of law, isn't it more surprising that your physical strength is not? It is impossible for a god emperor to resist me with a punch without incident, but you did it. Yesterday you fought me But in my eyes, you didn't rely on secret methods and magic weapons at all, but your own strength is so powerful."

"You think too much. I just eat the flesh and blood of the king of beasts often. Their meat has a good nourishing effect and can strengthen the body. The reason why my physical strength is so strong may be because I eat too much meat of the king of beasts."


Bianmu had a weird face, he was speechless looking at Xiao Ye's calmness, how many beast kings can there be in the beast clan?He said it was as simple as chewing Chinese cabbage, but Xiao Ye's ability to kill a beast king level powerhouse really made him look at it highly. No matter what method was used, success is a demonstration of strength.

"You are so strong that I can't do anything about it. I didn't expect that I still underestimated you. Next, I will use the secret technique passed down to me by my family to unleash the strongest blow of the beast king. I hope you don't die. It's not easy to practice. , It would be such a pity if a genius like you perishes."

"Just use it, I also want to see how powerful the first genius in the central area of ​​the demons is."

"Okay! The power of the wood system law! Thousands of hands are in full bloom!"

Bianmu made a tactic with both hands, and the ocean of demonic energy submerged him. Behind him, a god of war with thousands of hands appeared. The god of war looks exactly like a big bear, but he has a human body and countless arms behind him. Each arm has a different seal. The tactic, a strange force shrouded Xiao Ye, like a curse, but also like a natural force.


A gap opened in Xiao Ye's arm, blood spurted out, and a strange blood flower grew, greedily sucking his blood and vitality, and in his body, there were more flowers that were about to open again, some growing in the heart On the ground, some grow in the soul space, and what is even more frightening is that a small sapling sprouted on the dantian. If it grows up, it can definitely break his body!
"What kind of skill is this? It's so strange."

Xiao Ye was terrified in his heart, and let out his soul perception to capture a trace of the charm of the kung fu. It is definitely not easy for a strong person to develop such a kung fu, but he was hunted down by the demons, which is enough to see the horror of the demons. .

"Exhaust all your strength to suppress the growth of wood-type power, otherwise you will die. Even the Great God Emperor powerhouse cannot avoid this move. This was originally prepared by me to suppress the heavy yin, but I didn't expect it to be done in advance. I met you, you are very strong, and I am qualified to use this trick to defeat you."

"Your family is so strong that they were able to recover from this trick. Unfortunately, in front of me, it's still not enough."

Xiao Ye shook his head with a smile, a long-suppressed primordial force rushed into his dantian, and the golden divine tree in the primordial domain released supreme coercion, dispelling all the external forces in Xiao Ye's body, and the flowers blooming on his arms Then withered, a light golden shield appeared beside him, isolating the invasion of evil forces.

"What? You actually broke the power of my wood system law?"

Bianmu was horrified, and looked at Xiao Ye as if he had seen a ghost. At that time, when he captured the Beastmaster, several elders of the family died under this trick. However, he cracked the trick so simply, it was suffocating, and kicked Bianmu's mood from heaven to hell. He thought he had the chance to win, but he didn't expect that there would be another change.

"You also try the power of this move, the power of the wood system law! Thousands of hands are in full bloom!"

A big bear figure appeared behind Xiao Ye, and it turned out to be exactly the same as Bianmu's move!The same thousand hands are blooming, and the power is the same.

"It's impossible! Only I can do this trick! How did you do it?! Could it be absorbed my power of law?! No...impossible, I have never seen anyone other than our family There is no other race outside of this ability, unless you are..."

Heavenly Demon Race!
An impossible idea appeared in Bianmu's heart, which made him dumbfounded. Their clan continued the skills of the Heavenly Demon Clan. How could they not know the power of this move? Now he is in another I saw it in people, and it seemed to be more perfect than the disabled moves mastered by their family.

"I surrender……"

Bianmu said bitterly, there is no need to continue, with his current strength, there is no way to resist this move, and if he continues to fight, he can only suffer in vain.

"Bianmu abstains! Xiao Ye wins! Get another core disciple of Prison Demon Sect!"

"Just won like this? Why do I feel that he didn't show his strength at all? Where is his upper limit? Could it be that... he already has the qualifications to challenge Lian Chongyin? What kind of power is his background? Don't tell I am a casual cultivator, even if he is the illegitimate son of the Devil Emperor, I will believe it."

"His stage is destined not to be in the Prison Demon Sect. Hey, it is a big loss for the Prison Demon Sect. One of the two core disciples came to be gilded, and there may be a stronger force behind the other."

Everyone gloated and laughed at the Prison Demon Sect, while some looked envious, wishing to snatch Xiao Ye into their own sect, while Lian Chongyin stared at Xiao Ye closely, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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