Chapter 1214
"New disciples, the first level is very simple, it's just to test your overall strength, Zhang Feng, open the gate! Let the babies out, and shock the juniors!"

The leading senior brother licked his lips cruelly. The people behind them understood and snapped their fingers. Several cages fell from the sky and surrounded Xiao Ye and others. Inside the cages were several ferocious wolves with twinkling eyes. There was a green light, with saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth. He had obviously been hungry for many days. Seeing the presence of everyone, he slapped the cage door with sharp giant claws the size of a human head, making roaring sounds.

"What are they going to do...Damn it, are you going to feed us to wolves? Beast! So this is your welcome ceremony! Is this how you treat newcomers?!"

"Don't be angry, I've already said it, this is just the beginning, if you think it's an appetizer, there will be a bigger gift later, I'll be waiting for you in front."

After finishing speaking, several strong men turned around and left, the cage door opened slowly, and the wolf beast rushed out and surrounded the crowd. smash.

"These damned guys, where did they catch these beasts that are comparable to the seventh level of the Supreme Martial God Realm? Don't they know that we have companions who are not even in the Supreme Martial God Realm? It's crazy!"

The strength of the eight people is uneven. For example, Zhao Santeng is only at the ninth level of the Martial God Realm, and he is no match for these wolves at all. Only Xiao Ye and Lian Chongyin can leave calmly.

"Just dawdle slowly in the back, I'll go first."

Lian Chongyin waved his hands with his back to the crowd, his figure gradually disappeared in front of the crowd, and the next time he appeared, he had already arrived in the sect, and then walked to the next level without looking back.

"This guy! Just leave like this! Don't you want to help us? You are really cold-blooded, and a disciple of the same sect will not save you! I have to call him senior brother."

Everyone cursed angrily, very annoyed at Lian Chongyin's indifferent behavior.

"My lord... what should I do?"

Zhao Santeng swallowed his saliva, a little frightened, each of these wolves was as big as a house, and their sharp fangs could pierce a human body, even if all of them attack together, they can only give these beasts a tooth seam.


Finally, a wolf beast couldn't bear the hunger, and pounced on Xiao Ye. Its sharp claws cut through the void, and it was bound to stab Xiao Ye out of two bloody holes. The two sharp fangs shone with dazzling white light.


Xiao Ye raised his foot and stepped on the wolf beast's face as if nothing had happened, his terrifying energy exploded!After the wolf beast howled, it hit the sect door like a cannonball, breaking into a puddle of blood and mud, and the shape of the wolf could not be seen.

"It's so strong... Is this the power that a core disciple should have? It's so perverted, why do I feel that he is no less powerful than those beast clan powerhouses?"

"It seems that an interesting guy has come to the sect this time. It's just that Lian Chongyin is too mysterious. He even slipped away alone. I don't know how his heart grows."

The brothers who were hiding in the dark clicked their tongues secretly, and couldn't help giving Xiao Ye a high look. Compared with Lian Chongyin, Xiao Ye's appearance was too bright, and with one kick, he kicked to death a wolf that had been hungry for half a year. Beast, not even using magic skills.

"My lord, this... you are too fierce! This is a wolf beast that is comparable to the Supreme Martial God Realm! Just being kicked to pieces by you like this? There is not even a scum left!"

"What do you think? Follow me if you don't want to die."

Xiao Ye glanced at the crowd indifferently, and walked towards the sect. All the wolves along the way took two steps back, and let out a roar like a low growl, which made people's scalp go numb. When passing a wolf beast, the wolf beast couldn't bear it anymore, kicked its hind legs into the sky, and fell towards the crowd with the momentum of Mount Tai.

"The power of the law of the wood system! The wood forest protrudes!"

Bianmu, who was at the end of the team, clapped his hands, and a giant tree of [-] meters rose from the ground. The sharp branch pierced the lower abdomen of the wolf beast and hung it on the branch. The blood from the internal organs scattered on the trunk, making the giant tree Becoming extremely strange, the pack of wolves was shocked, and took two steps back again.

"Oh? This trick is the power of the law of the wood system. It's been a long time. It should be a member of that clan, right? It seems that the rumors are true."

The brothers hiding in the dark said with some surprise.

"Huh~huh~ I'm about to use up the power of the wood system law, Xiao Ye, it's up to you next."


The wolves who were still alive rushed forward, trying to tear these people into pieces. Xiao Ye stepped on the ground, a gap opened in the ground, and a bigger tree rose up from the ground. The golden chains spread in all directions, and tied up all the wolves. The neck of the beast hung them in the air, the chains kept shrinking, the wolf beast wailed, and a large stream of blood spurted out from the seven orifices, and it lost its life in a blink of an eye, turning into mummified corpses.

"What?! Another Bian family?! There are so many geniuses in their family."

"No, this kid's Heavenly Demon skills are more pure and powerful. The energy and blood of these wolves can rival those of the orcs, but they were sucked up by him in an instant. Ordinary demons would have been exhausted. Only the pure Only people from the Heavenly Demon Clan can achieve this level, and this year's disciples seem to be a bit too strong, I think this kid's strength is not much better than that of Lian Chongyin."

"Eldest brother, isn't it a little exaggerated? Lian Chongyin is a genius even praised by the devil emperor, and he came to our Prison Demon Sect just to be gilded. I have never heard of this kid."

The people behind were a little surprised, they didn't expect the elder brother to give such a high evaluation, suddenly, the pupils of the people shrank, they saw Xiao Ye's eyes cast here, and grinned at them.

"...Am I not mistaken? He knows we're hiding here?"

"How is it possible? Our hiding place is covered by the formation of the sect. Even the Great Elder must be able to perceive our existence. How could he be a junior? It must be a coincidence."

But even they themselves don't want to believe this reason. If it is a coincidence, it is a bit too far-fetched.

Ignoring these seniors, Xiao Ye and his party stepped into the sect and walked towards the reporting office. Along the way, they found many broken organs lying on the ground, and even several strong men were lying on the ground crying.

"The road ahead has been opened... Could it be that Lian Chongyin did it? This guy, it seems that the lord's power has deeply stimulated him, but that's good, and it can be regarded as a good deed for us."

Everyone was a little surprised. Except for Lian Chongyin, I am afraid that no one would do this.

(End of this chapter)

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