Chapter 1215

"My lord, it seems that the prestige of your display of skills has deeply stimulated this guy. He wants to prove that he is not weaker than you. With this competitive spirit, I always feel that there must be a battle between you."

"It doesn't matter, if he dares to attack me, then I will raise my hand to suppress him."

Xiao Ye said indifferently, and did not take Lian Chongyin to heart. For him, his enemies are those supreme god emperors who have lived for thousands or even ten thousand years, not a god emperor He is not a first-tier combat prodigy genius at all, and the two sides are not at the same level at all. Before Lian Chongyin grows up, Xiao Ye is not worthy of taking the initiative to deal with it.

"As expected of an adult, this self-confidence cannot be caught up by others. Looking at the entire demon clan, there is probably no one else who can compare to you except the devil emperor. You are indeed my idol, Zhao Santeng. Maybe after a thousand years, even Lord Demon Emperor has to bow down."

"Those are things in the future, but I also believe that I can do it."

"That's natural. My lord, you are not blindly confident. This is an inevitable thing. It may not take a thousand years, but only a hundred years. You can dominate one side, achieve a hegemony, and stand at the peak of the demons. It is estimated that by then Shi Lianchongyin is still a pawn, and can only look up at your back forever."

Everyone was a little speechless, this sycophant's kung fu is really too strong, in terms of this kung fu, the entire demon clan can't catch up with it, he said that he is the second, and no one would dare to recognize the first.

"Okay, San Teng, don't say any more, it will be difficult for us to get along in the Prison Demon Sect if some caring people hear about it."

Xiao Ye made a silent gesture, Zhao Santeng immediately shut his mouth obediently, a group of people had arrived at the registration office, and the seniors who had punished them earlier were already waiting there.

"Little guy, yes, you are very strong. You have been in the Prison Demon Sect for a hundred years. Except for a few perverts, you are the strongest I have ever seen. You are not much worse than that kid Lian Chongyin, absolutely. Exaggeration, maybe some of my inner disciples are not your opponents."

Zheng Cheng, a big brother in the inner sect of the Prison Demon Sect, praised him. Behind him, a disciple with a bruised nose and a swollen face lowered his head in shame. Not as good as Xiao Ye.

"Thank you for your compliment, big brother. I wonder if we have anything else to do?"

"No, after you have signed up, you can go back to the place assigned by the sect to rest. Xiao Ye, you are an inner sect disciple, and that mountain is yours, and you are neighbors with Lian Chongyin. We live together, Tazawa, you take them to pack their luggage."

Zheng Cheng raised his finger and pointed to a ten thousand zhang high mountain, everyone was shocked, this is not a mountain, it is obviously a mountain range!They cast envious glances at Xiao Ye, it was very comfortable to be able to live alone in such a big place, and the devil energy was also abnormally abundant.

"Thank you, big brother. I just have a request. Can I ask someone else to live with me? It's a bit lonely to be alone."

"Okay, that mountain is yours, and you can let whoever you want live there, even if you dig the mountain, no one will say anything about you, just toss around."

Zheng Cheng nodded.

"Okay, San Teng, pack up your things and live on the mountain with me. I can also teach you how to practice."

"Thank you, my lord! My lord! You are my reborn parents! You are the bright moon in the sky, illuminating my way forward, and I am willing to be the ant behind you who will always follow your footsteps, go through thick and thin for you, and give up my life die!"

Zhao Santeng was so moved that his nose burst into tears and he almost hugged Xiao Ye's thigh and wept bitterly. Everyone envied him, if they flattered him too, would they be treated the same?Zheng Cheng had a strange expression on his face, he didn't expect that such a sycophant would come to the Prison Demon Sect.

Just like that, a week passed peacefully. Every day, Xiao Ye would go down the mountain to listen to the lectures of the big figures in the sect just like those disciples, but every time he appeared, he would cause riots. Yin comparable characters.

In the middle of the night, there was a huge roar on the mountain where Xiao Ye was located, and the terrifying black weapons kept hitting the mountain gate. Just the overflowing power made people tremble with fear, and everyone walked out of the gate one after another, watching the mountain.

"You coward! Get out! Fight me upright! Are you afraid? What kind of hero is a man who is afraid of his hands and feet! Get out! Otherwise, I will demolish your mountain! I will let you escape from the prison demon sect in desperation , don’t want to be so embarrassing, come out and fight with me!”

Lian Chongyin's angry voice resounded in the sky, and everyone suddenly realized that his request for a duel was once again rejected by Xiao Ye. This was the nth time he had made a request for a duel, and Xiao Ye rejected all of them without exception. .

"Lian Chongyin, my master has already said that he is not interested in fighting with you, you should go back, and you have lost your reputation as the first genius of the demon clan by yelling, my master has no time to accompany you to play with children game."

Zhao Santeng's voice slowly came from deep in the mountain, which made Lian Chongyin's face extremely gloomy.

"Pfft hahahaha~ This kid, if he doesn't fight, he doesn't fight, and he even said such a thing, Junior Brother Lian Chongyin is a first-class genius of the Mozu, and he is treated like a child, let him put his face on .”

"That's right, he himself is in his early 20s, and he is about three or four years younger than Lian Chongyin. He seems to be the style of an elder coaxing a child."

Everyone laughed. They were used to such things. These two enemies had a lot of friction this week, but they couldn't fight every time. It seemed that there would be no exception this time.

"Okay, okay, okay, since you don't come out, then I will force you out! Black and evil strangle!"


Terrible fluctuations came from the void, and two black demon hands descended from the sky, and grabbed the source of the mountain range, apparently wanting to uproot Xiao Ye's residence.

"Let's make a move?! Lian Chongyin actually made a move! Tell the senior brothers to go! This kind of excitement is too unreasonable for us to watch, so we need to ask the senior brothers to watch it together!"

Bianmu and other new disciples were a little speechless. These people, even if they didn't argue, they were rushing to watch the fun!But what makes people feel even more speechless is still behind. A group of people rushed over from a distance. They turned out to be some elders. Like these brothers, their faces were red with excitement, and they were obviously watching the excitement of.

"What kind of sect is the Prison Demon Sect... I wonder if I joined a fake sect. Why do these people look like they don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement..."

(End of this chapter)

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