Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 1224 The Demon Emperor's Attention

Chapter 1224 The Demon Emperor's Attention

"Thank you, Palace Master, for your kindness. It's just that I'm used to living in this small courtyard, and I don't plan to go anywhere else. Let's go. I'll take everyone to Moyou Palace."

Just as Xiao Ye was about to turn around and leave, the ground under his feet suddenly shifted. In just a moment, he found that he had returned to Moyou Palace!

"Is this the true strength of the Devil Emperor?! Possessing the supreme power of turning stars and shifting stars, can seize the fortune of heaven and earth, and can travel tens of thousands of miles in an instant. With this kind of strength, I am afraid that he can easily crush Yanchu Beast King with one hand. , so that he has no power to fight back."

This is the strength of the emperor!Those who become emperors will raise their hands and turn the clouds, stomp their feet, mountains and rivers will collapse, and rivers will be completely destroyed.

"My compatriots of the Demon Race, this meeting of the Demon Emperor is no different than before. I have some bad news to tell you. A few days ago, I deduced a corner of the future. The Beast Race has a big move against our Demon Race. The place is Within the Emperor Burial Plane."

One word stirred up thousands of waves, and the words of the devil emperor caused the scene to explode instantly. In the past, even if the beast clan made a move, it was a small move, and they couldn't sneak up on the table. A great battle involving more than a thousand people took place. According to the big move that the Devil Emperor said, I am afraid that the war between the clans will start.

"These low-level bastards! If we hadn't read them as allies to help, I'm afraid the entire orc clan would have been wiped out by the human race! Now these bastards dare to hit the master's head! They don't know what to do!"

"The beast clan has great ambitions. They always want to annex the demon clan and dominate the demon realm. They don't care how much they weigh, and they don't worry about being overwhelmed. They're ambitious bastards!"

"If you want to fight, let them fight! Let them know who's home in the Demon Realm! A group of bulls who only know how to fight in the flesh can't make a big difference. Lord Demon Emperor, I am willing to be the vanguard and crusade against these beasts!"

Everyone was discussing, and some were worried that the Zombie Plane would open soon, and it was inappropriate to start such a large-scale war, otherwise it would benefit the fisherman, while some demon generals were filled with righteous indignation, clamoring to give him a million troops, and crush the entire world in minutes. Mozu, for a while, the field became a mess.

"Brother Xiao Ye, what do you think of this matter?"

The boy named Xiu Xin stabbed Xiao Yedao with his hand.

"I think it is inappropriate for the demons to start a war at this time. The human race is eyeing them. They are in charge of the formation that seals the entire demon realm. They may not have any killers against the demons. If they take advantage of them, the demons may never recover from it. Since The fact that the orcs have plans to go to war shows that they are absolutely sure, and have even joined forces with the human race."

Xiao Ye analyzed the information he received, and Xiu Xin exclaimed repeatedly. His analysis was too close to the current situation of the Demon Realm.

"I didn't expect Brother Xiao Ye not only to be powerful, but also to have such a calm and intelligent mind. You are right. It is not suitable for us demons to start a war right now. We have to wait until the Emperor Burial Plane is over. Maybe Lord Demon Emperor You can find a way to break the seal and return to the human world in the plane."

Of course, Xiuxin knows that the method of breaking the seal is not in the Emperor Burial Plane. That place is where the devil emperor shed blood. There have been several generations of wars between emperor-level powerhouses. The method cannot be there. Just looking for some comfort.

Suddenly, Xiao Ye felt a gaze staring at him, and when he looked up, the source turned out to be the Devil Emperor!Seeing his gaze, the Demon Emperor smiled cordially, and he quickly lowered his head, horrified in his heart, could it be that the disguise was seen through?

"No, my disguise was set up for me by the system. It is impossible to see through it, or did he know that I defeated Lian Chongyin? Anyway, it is not a good thing to be noticed by him. If it is exposed, I will definitely die. Even the cheats don’t work, and the emperor-level powerhouse is definitely not something I can shake, so I must quickly find an opportunity to find the opportunity, and then take the opportunity to slip away, and it will be more dangerous if I stay for a second longer.”

For Xiao Ye, being noticed by the Devil Emperor is not a good thing to be thankful for, and there is even the danger of being exposed and dying at any time.

"Lord Devil Emperor, what do you think? Although I suggest you adopt my point of view, after all, you are the head of the clan. As long as you give orders, we will absolutely obey them."

After a full hour of quarreling, a veteran demon general in the Great God Emperor Realm cupped his fists and bowed.

"My suggestion is to retreat and face the battle. That little guy is right. Maybe the demons have already united with the human race. The trump card left by the emperor Liu Qin and Emperor Hao Xing has a devastating blow to our demon race. Thousands of years have passed, and no one has seen it, but no one can guarantee that this kind of killer weapon does not exist, once it appears, the demons will be destroyed."

Everyone turned their heads to look at Xiao Ye in unison, Xiao Ye was startled, he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the devil emperor's gourd.

"This little guy is the one who defeated Lian Chongyin? He's so ordinary. Is he really so powerful?"

"Ordinary sister, am I not handsome enough?"

Xiao Ye cursed secretly in his heart, but on the surface he bowed respectfully. This is a general-level figure in the supreme god-emperor realm, and he cannot afford to offend him.

"The kid Lian Chongyin is good at everything. His talent is also excellent, and he has a demon body. It's just a pity. His brain is too rigid and he can't be flexible. He is just a militant. When he meets a talented kid It is expected that he will fail when he sees his father, but I only hope that he can gain something and restrain himself."

Unfortunately, he is doomed to be disappointed. Lian Chongyin has already made a ten-year agreement with Xiao Ye. In the future, there will be a long-awaited battle waiting for him. Convergence does not exist. For a militant Saying restraint is more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Little guy, what do you think of the beast clan's conspiracy? Do you have any good suggestions? Since Lord Demon Emperor is optimistic about you, it means that you are definitely good at planning."

"Where is it, my lord is too much, the boy is young, and he has not been in the world for a long time, how dare he show off in front of you, the Lord Demon Emperor already knows what I said, I am just repeating it, everything is still there. You must obey the orders of Lord Demon Emperor."

Xiao Ye hastily paid a salute and then shied away, "Are you kidding? The purpose of his coming here is to steal the opportunity to break through the God Emperor Realm, but he doesn't have the time to take part in the family affairs of the Demon Race. If he is bound to the Demon Race's warship But it will be troublesome, if he is regarded as a colleague of the Demon Race, the Human Race will definitely regard him as a traitor, and neither the Human Emperor's line nor the Haoxing follower's line will spare him.

"Little friend is really humble."

(End of this chapter)

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