Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 1225 Waiting for a Long Time

Chapter 1225 Waiting for a Long Time

"Based on this modesty alone, Lian Chongyin won't be wronged. Since you don't want to say it, then I won't force it. I'll ask Lord Demon Emperor to make up his mind."

"Okay, now we can only escape by relying on all of us demons to advance and retreat together. I suggest that all our sects form an alliance to advance and retreat together, use the large number of strong ones to win, and share the benefits equally, so as to check and balance Beast races can also intimidate human races, making them afraid to act rashly."

"I agree, Qian Zong is willing to be the first to stand up."

"My Bailing sect is willing to become an ally and advance and retreat with the demons!"

"I agree!"


The unity of the Demon Race is obvious. Just after the Demon Emperor finished speaking, there were no less than dozens of major sects expressing their opinions, making Xiao Ye stunned. If the Human Race were also so united, they would have dominated the Demon Realm long ago with the killer trumpet of the Human Emperor. It will be overwhelmed by the two major races, and the same is true for the orcs.

The next step was the customized plan that Xiao Ye was not interested in, which made him drowsy for a few times, and finally seized an opportunity. The machine disappeared in place together, there were tens of thousands of people on the field, no one would pay attention to Xiao Ye's disappearance.

"Finally escaped. This meeting was a torment for me. I always felt that the old devil emperor had seen me through. If it wasn't for someone staring at me, I didn't want to stay any longer."

"Stinky boy, where are we going next? The Demon Race territory is really too big, where is the opportunity to help you break through?"

"It goes without saying that the most noble things must be in the most dangerous places, let's go to the Devil Emperor's bedroom!"

Xiao Ye disappeared outside the Demon Palace in a flash, and turned into a stream of light and flew towards the small fenced yard of the Demon Emperor. The Demon Emperor was not there, so it was no longer the most dangerous place, but a place full of opportunities. As long as Xiao Ye could After stepping into the God Emperor, he can leave this ghostly place tonight. As for whether other people live or die, it doesn't matter to him. Taodie and Liu Ziqing are already waiting for him at the edge of the human race. The plan is proceeding in an orderly manner.

In the fenced courtyard where the Devil Emperor lived, two God Emperor Qiang were still guarding the entrance, Xiao Ye directly opened the invincible plug-in, and as soon as the ancient magic spell came out, the terrifying vortex absorbed the two of them.

"Damn it! Enemy attack! Who is it?! How dare you break into Lord Demon Emperor's bedroom privately, are you dying?!"

"It's you?!"

Before the two soldiers disappeared, they saw Xiao Ye's indifferent face. They couldn't figure out why the most talented boy of the Demon Race would commit such a heinous crime.

"I'm sorry, both of you. You need to stay in the demon sealing barrier for several years, but don't worry, there is plenty of demonic energy inside, enough for you to cultivate. Perhaps, you can also take this opportunity to escape the impending catastrophe of the demon clan."

Xiao Ye smashed the wooden door with one foot, and walked in. The Devil Emperor's bedroom was not blocked by any formations. Perhaps at this level, those things are no longer needed.

"Look for the yard first. As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. That old guy, the Devil Emperor, may have put the opportunity in the yard, brat, pay attention to any unusual aura you sense, and I will give you Guard the gate, if someone comes, we can tear the void and escape here immediately."


Xiao Ye smashed the ground with one foot, and the ground in the courtyard was turned upside down. Bright flowers were buried under the soil, and large pieces of gravel were dug out from the center of the ground, smashing the ground into a deep hole, but there was nothing special about it. items exist.

"Not in the yard, could it be inside the house? That's right, no one would put such a precious thing on the surface."

"Bang! Boom~!"

Stepping down again, the door of the house shattered into sawdust. Suddenly, Xiao Ye's pupils shrank, his hair stood on end, and his heart was extremely horrified. He saw a figure that shouldn't appear here!
Devil Emperor!

The gentle middle-aged man was dressed in white, sitting at the stone table and drinking tea. He was not surprised at Xiao Ye's arrival, as if he knew everything already.

"Devil Emperor... you... why are you here?"

Xiao Ye was so frightened that he couldn't keep up his mind, and there was an accident after all. If this kind of emperor-level powerhouse wanted to kill him, he might be able to do it with a breath. What he had to do now was to express that he didn't have any other ideas, but looking at the messy yard, I'm afraid even if you tell the ghosts, the ghosts won't believe that he has no ideas.

"You don't need to explain anything, I know everything, come in and sit down, these teas are all high-quality teas, and only I have stored some of them, you can't drink them in the Prison Demon Sect."

The Devil Emperor waved his hand to him, motioning him to come in and sit down. Opposite the Devil Emperor, there was a teacup. It seemed that Xiao Ye had been expected to come.

"Lord Devil Emperor, I am taking the liberty, please forgive me, I will leave immediately."

Just as Xiao Ye turned around, he found that his body could not move. The next moment, the scene of star shifting appeared again, and the devil emperor and the stone table appeared in front of him.

"Since you don't want to enter the house, you can have a drink or two outside. Don't worry, I don't intend to attack you."

With a wave of the Demon Emperor's hand, time seemed to flow backwards. The ground that had been turned upside down became flat again, and the buried flowers emerged from the ground again. The gigantic boulder was buried deep again. The big eyes crawled along the corner of the Devil Emperor's clothes to his shoulders, leaving a few muddy footprints on the white clothes. The Devil Emperor was not angry, but just smiled and stroked its fluff.


Xiao Ye stared at what happened, feeling a little unrealistic. What kind of trick is this?It can actually reshape time and reorganize the destroyed things.

"I'm sorry, Lord Devil Emperor, I also did it unintentionally. I didn't destroy your yard on purpose."

"It's okay, I believe you have your own reasons, and now that you've recovered, I have no reason to blame you, do you?"

The Devil Emperor smiled gently, like the warm sun in March, warming people's minds, but Xiao Ye's heart was hanging in his throat, and he didn't even dare to take a breath, so he dared to sit on the stone bench, Like needles.

"Master Demon"

"I know what you want to ask, you mean I shouldn't appear here, but should be in the Demon Palace, right?"

Xiao Ye nodded dryly, for fear of causing the Devil Emperor's anger.

"That's just my Taoist body. I knew you were coming, so I waited here specially. The meeting over there only needs to be hosted by the Taoist body."

" mean you knew I was coming?!"

Xiao Ye was startled, didn't it mean that his plan was seen through by the Devil Emperor from the very beginning?Doesn't that mean that the Devil Emperor has the ability to read people's memories and hearts?
(End of this chapter)

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