Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 1226 The Method of Breakthrough

Chapter 1226 The Method of Breakthrough

For Xiao Ye, this was simply too terrifying. After all, the existence of the system is a different kind, and it is not guaranteed that the Devil Emperor will have a second heart.

"Don't worry, I can't see through your thoughts. I just know some deduction techniques. A few days ago, I calculated that a guest would come to my yard as a guest, and this guest came from a long way from the outside world. So Important guests, if I don’t receive them, won’t I be laughed at by the outside world for my lack of etiquette?”

The Devil Emperor said with a smile, but Xiao Ye was terrified. Foretelling, this has already involved the future. To be able to master this corner of magic is definitely a peep into the secret.

"Lord Devil Emperor, I'm sorry, I came here rashly. You must know why I came, right? I'm willing to pay a big price in exchange."

Xiao Ye bowed deeply to the Demon Emperor, and expressed his request. If possible, he was willing to take out one and a half moves of the Taoist Demon Slayer in exchange for a breakthrough opportunity.

"I just figured out a corner of the future, I know you are coming, but I don't know what you are coming for, I only know one thing, you are the nobleman of my demon clan, you can help us get out of the predicament, as for the deeper things, I dare not Deduction, it involves the secret of heaven, if you deduce it rashly, you may lose your soul."

The Devil Emperor stared closely at Xiao Ye's eyes, wanting to see something, but unfortunately he was disappointed, Xiao Ye's eyes were calm, without the slightest emotional fluctuation. Now that Xiao Ye understood, the Devil Emperor didn't know that he What do you want, and he has a huge effect on the demons, this is undoubtedly a life-saving hole card, although I don't know what this hole card is, but it is enough, enough for him to make any conditions.

"Lord Devil Emperor, may I ask if you have any magic weapon that can help you break through the realm? Recently, my realm has encountered a bottleneck and I urgently need help."

After a moment of silence, Xiao Ye took the lead in expressing his appeal.

"Being able to come to me to find treasures shows that your realm barrier is not generally strong. Let me take a look at your mind, and maybe I can help you get through it."

After hesitating for a while, Xiao Ye let go of his divine sense, and a wisp of the Devil Emperor's aura came to his God Emperor barrier. Suddenly, the Devil Emperor's complexion changed, and he, who was always calm and gentle, showed a hint of surprise.

"This is... Could it be said that you and Emperor Hao Xing come from the same plane?! This kind of barrier can be called the seal of the gods, and it is absolutely indestructible by oneself, but once the blockade is broken, there will be a super giant in the world." Can, for example, Emperor Hao Xing back then, with the strength at the peak of the God Emperor Realm in the early days, he could forcibly overwhelm the Ascended."

"What?! You know about Emperor Hao Xing? Lord Demon Emperor, can you tell me carefully, maybe my problem is the same as his."

Xiao Ye showed excitement, after working hard for so long, he finally got some clues, at this moment he regarded the Devil Emperor as the closest person.

"No problem. Back then Emperor Hao Xing was like a star, suddenly appeared in the territory of the human race, and shined brilliantly. At that time, the demon race invaded wantonly under the decision of a wrong leader, and rode iron cavalry all over the world. In a corner, heroes emerge in troubled times. When the human race is dying, the top powerhouse Liu Qin, the emperor of the human race, appears. Then he organizes the remaining tribes of the human race and begins to fight back. However, the demon race has two emperors, the demon emperor and the beast emperor, after all. The strong exist, and the human race can only protect itself."

"At that time, many races perished on the earth, and many races rebelled and became subordinates of my demon race. At that time, I was still a teenager, obsessed with the future and deduction techniques. By chance, I calculated the future of the demon race. , for me when I was young, it was tantamount to the collapse of the sky, nothing is more sad than predicting that my race will be destroyed, but at that time the demons were more powerful, no one listened to my advice, they just Knows to kill, to rule, to take."

"Dare to ask Lord Demon Emperor, tens of thousands of years have passed, why are you so young as a person of that era."

The Devil Emperor is only about a hundred years old. If he survived from that age, he would not be so young.

"When the demons perished, my uncle suddenly realized that our bloodline cannot be cut off, so my bloodline as the royal family was sealed, and I didn't wake up until this great age. My uncle, that is, the dark and turbulent era The initiator, the last Devil Emperor, I saw him die in front of my eyes, but I was powerless."

Xiao Ye let out a long sigh. Even if the previous Devil Emperor was a heinous executioner, he was still the Devil Emperor's uncle, a relative by blood. Seeing him die with his own eyes is indeed a great sorrow.

"I also have to thank the Emperor. It was because he let my uncle go because he was about to die that I have the chance to survive to this day. I have seen too many deaths, so I hate death the most. Why is there a war?"

The devil emperor was in a low mood, and after thinking for a long time, he realized that he had strayed from the topic, but Xiao Ye didn't say anything. The devil emperor in front of him was undoubtedly a poor man. After living in this life, all his former relatives and friends had died, so he could only stay alone. In this small courtyard, I yearn for the same family affection and friendship as ordinary people.

"Let's not talk about that, let's talk about Emperor Haoxing. In the middle of the dark age, the human race was defeated and retreated to the edge of the world, but there was an emperor, so it would not be extinct. After a few years, another genius rose up among the human race. Gaining fame in the human race, he single-handedly defeated all the powerhouses of the same level, and even those who crossed a large level were no match for him, and the star field made the powerhouses of the demon and orc race fearful."

Xiao Ye nodded, feeling more certain in his heart that the Star Domain is indeed Hao Xing's domain power, which is unique and absolutely unmistakable.

"May I ask Lord Demon Emperor, did Emperor Hao Xing rise suddenly? Has anyone traced his origin at that time?"

"Yes, the sudden rise of this kind of genius will definitely attract the attention of the two major races, but the past of Emperor Haoxing is like a blank space. No one can trace the origin. When everyone is discussing the rise of Emperor Haoxing, he But it suddenly appeared in front of me. At that time, I was only at the Martial God Realm. I was like an ant when facing Emperor Zun who was half-step God Emperor Realm, but he didn't kill him, but asked me to help a Busy, that is to deduce how he can break through to the God Emperor Realm."

Xiao Ye hastily pricked up his ears. He knew that the most important point was coming. He risked his life to sneak into the Demon Race just to find this breakthrough opportunity.

"The core of the world."


The Devil Emperor only said four words, Xiao Ye gasped, this was not the first time he had heard the name of the World Core.

(End of this chapter)

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