Chapter 136
Zhou Wen also shook his head, and said, "Yesterday, the boss said to go to the library, but I searched the first to fifth floors of the library, but I couldn't find it."

Liang Kuan remembered turning around and asked anxiously, "Where did the boss go at this time?"

"Don't be in a hurry." Ke Ya looked at Liang Kuan and comforted him, "Go to the square first, don't delay the game, Zhou Wen and I will continue to search."

"Okay." Liang Kuan nodded helplessly. The game was about to start, so he had to go to the Academy Square first.

Ke Ya thought for a while, turned to Zhou Wen, and said, "Zhou Wen, go to the gate of the academy to see, I'll go to the back mountain."

From Ke Ya's point of view, Xiao Ye should not be in the academy, and probably went out.

Zhou Wen nodded, turned and left directly.As soon as Ke Ya came to the gate of the back mountain of the college, she saw a figure rushing towards him in the distance.

"Brother Xiao!"

Ke Ya's eyes lit up, and she rushed to meet him. This person was Xiao Ye. In order to escape for his life, he used the system's random teleportation and entered the Ancient Spirit Mountain Range. He even traveled all night before returning.

Xiao Ye also saw Ke Ya, looked at her in doubt and asked, "Ke Ya, why are you here?"

Ke Ya stared at Xiao Ye fiercely, and said angrily, "Isn't it just to find you, where did you go all night, we are going crazy."

Xiao Ye smiled awkwardly, and said, "It's hard to explain, hasn't the competition started yet?"

Only then did Ke Ya think of the business, and hurriedly said: "It's starting, brother Xiao, you should hurry up, there should be still time, Zhou Wen is still at the main entrance of the college, I'll call him here."

Xiao Ye nodded, moved his body, and hurried towards the square.

At this moment, the competition has just started, and the top eight competition is likewise going on in eight rings at the same time, all seven rings are in full swing, only one ring is unusually quiet, and only Young Master Qin stands there quietly.

"Why hasn't the game started yet? Did you abstain?" Everyone in the audience was discussing.

"It looks like it is."

"No, I've read the list of matches. Qin Yun's opponent is Xiao Ye. Xiao Ye, who can defeat Langcheng in a one-on-one match, how could he give up and admit defeat?"

"I know this too." A person next to him said, "Wolf Cheng challenge is to suppress the cultivation of the same level. I have checked, and that Xiao Ye is only at the third level of the Yuan Gathering Realm, and Qin Yun is already a master at the fourth level of the Yuan Gathering Realm. Even defeating a martial artist at the fifth level of Yuan Gathering Realm, this Xiao Ye must be afraid."

Everyone was discussing, Qin Yun still stood there quietly, she didn't think Xiao Ye would be too frightened to come.

At this time, the referee looked at the time, and it was almost time for a stick of incense. If Xiao Ye didn't show up again, he would judge Xiao Ye to abstain.

The referee slowly came to the center of the ring, and was about to announce the result when a figure rushed towards him from a distance, and couldn't help shouting, "Wait!"

Xiao Ye jumped a few times and came directly to the ring. He was so embarrassed that he couldn't help but leaned down, panting heavily, glanced at the referee and Mr. Qin, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I've been delayed by something."

Seeing that the incense hadn't burned out, the referee couldn't judge Xiao Ye to abstain, so he nodded and said, "Since you're here, let's start the game."

Around Xiao Ye's arena, there were the most crowds of women, almost all of them came to watch the match of Mr. Qin who was disguised as a man. Seeing that Xiao Ye came so late, they were all unhappy.

"This person is able to pretend, but he made the male god wait for so long."

"That's right, what's more, just surrender and waste everyone's time!"

Before the fight, Xiao Ye was blamed by the women around him.Xiao Ye shook his head helplessly. If these people knew that Qin Yun was disguised as a man, would he go crazy?
Qin Yun obviously didn't expect this to happen. He smiled awkwardly, looked at Xiao Ye, and asked, "Your breathing is not stable. Do you want to adjust it first?"

"No." Xiao Ye shook his head hastily. His being late has already upset so many people. If he adjusts for a while, it's hard to guarantee that someone will rush up and drive him off.And Xiao Ye looks embarrassed, but it doesn't have much impact on his strength. If it was before, after a night of hard work, his true energy would have been exhausted. Qi seemed to be endless, after a night of Xiao Ye, he did not feel exhausted.

Qin Yun frowned, pulled out the long sword at his waist, looked at Xiao Ye provocatively, and said, "Why, do you look down on me? I won't show mercy to you."

Xiao Ye smiled lightly, and was about to answer when he suddenly felt a sharp murderous aura.

"Huh?" Xiao Ye couldn't help turning his head to look. It came from the high platform beside him. Xiao Ye's eyes were locked on the old man with the hooked nose. Zhang Shaofeng, the vice president of the college, was standing behind him. , it was the librarian, Mo Yang, and the two of them turned out to be in the same group.

"Look at the sword!"

Suddenly, there was a soft shout, and Qin Yun's attack had already arrived in front of him.

Xiao Ye came to his senses suddenly, stepped back slightly, put his index and middle fingers together, and quickly flicked towards the attacking long sword.


With a crisp sound, the long sword was bounced away, Qin Yun frowned, and his wrists were slightly numb. He didn't expect Xiao Ye's power to be so terrifying.

Qin Yun didn't dare to underestimate the enemy, he turned around nimbly, unleashed Xiao Ye's strength, swung his long sword, turned into a rain of swords, and stabbed at Xiao Ye.

"Good time!" Xiao Ye was still calm and breezy, pointing his fingers together, condensing his true energy to continuously stab at Qin Yun, forcing him to retreat again and again.

"No way, why is this Xiao Ye so strong? The male god who forced him has no power to fight back?"

Everyone in the audience couldn't accept the scene in front of them, especially the group of nympho girls who were fascinated by Qin Yun.

"It must have been cheating!"

Xiao Ye ignored the discussions in the audience, and forced Qin Yun back. He didn't continue to chase, but was about to stop when suddenly his heart felt cold, the hairs on his back stood on end, and an attack from behind came silently and instantly. It was a nearly transparent silver needle, Xiao Ye had a feeling that his body couldn't stop it.

Xiao Ye was trying to dodge, but Qin Yun was in front of him. If he dodged, Qin Yun would be tricked.


Xiao Ye cursed secretly in his heart, not daring to hesitate at all, he stretched out his arms to hug Qin Yun, desperately turned Tengyun's movement, the two turned around, narrowly avoiding the opponent's attack.

"Are you alright?" Xiao Ye felt that Qin Yun was light and weak in his arms, and couldn't help but squeeze it hard.

"You bastard!"


Suddenly, there was a crisp applause, and Qin Yun slapped Xiao Ye's face with a slap. His face was blushing, and with a movement of his body, he quickly escaped from Xiao Ye's embrace.

"Why do I feel that this Qin Yun is a bit of a bitch?" The people below were stunned, Xiao Ye was also on the spot in a daze, and it was only then that he realized that his hand just touched something that shouldn't be.

(End of this chapter)

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