Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 137 Princess Nanyun

Chapter 137 Princess Nanyun
Xiao Ye felt the burning pain on his face, looked at Qin Yun who was flushed and angry with embarrassment, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!" Qin Yun was even more annoyed when he heard Xiao Ye say this. He grew up so big, and no man had ever touched her body.

Qin Yun's attack became more violent, and the long sword in his hand slashed towards Xiao Ye crazily like a storm.

Under the stage, Zhou Wen and the others watched the competition between the two dumbfounded. Liang Kuan, who lost to Jiang Yuan, was still downcast, but now he was also full of excitement, and said, "I didn't expect the boss to be so shameless. Knowing that she is a daughter, he would take advantage of the opportunity." .”

Ke Ya glared at the two of them, and said angrily: "Brother Xiao is not as shameless as you!"

Ke Ya is also full of doubts, but she knows that Xiao Ye is not such a person, there must be something hidden that everyone doesn't know.

At this time, Xiao Ye was in distress, while resisting Qin Yun's fierce attack, he also paid attention to Zhang Shaofeng's movements on the high platform.

Didn't it just touch you, as for making such a big fuss?
Xiao Ye complained in his heart, but he didn't dare to underestimate him. This Qin Yun is indeed a master who can defeat Ke Ya. If Xiao Ye hadn't made great progress in his training at God's Punishment Peak, he might be in a lot of embarrassment now.

Xiao Ye dodged Qin Yun's attack again, and quickly opened the distance. Seeing that the other party was still mercilessly killing him, he was also a slave. He took another step back, gathered strength with his left foot, and stepped forward suddenly.

"War Trample!"


With a loud noise, Qin Yun's footsteps trembled, and he almost fell to the ground. Xiao Ye turned his hand and took out a long spear, stabbing at Qin Yun instantly.

"Bastard!" Qin Yun cursed in a low voice, his figure was like a light swallow, he turned slightly, stabilized his figure, and dodged Xiao Ye's attack. To stab.

Xiao Ye had been prepared for a long time and was about to dodge when suddenly, another terrifying aura came from behind him, even fiercer than before.

"Fuck!" Xiao Ye cursed inwardly. Although the opponent's attack was fierce, it was not impossible to dodge. He could definitely dodge it easily, but this would definitely hit Qin Yun. It seemed that the opponent didn't care about Qin Yun's life or death at all.

Xiao Ye gritted his teeth, unable to dodge, he reached out and grabbed the stabbing long sword, and rushed towards the opponent, trying to throw Qin Yun to the ground and avoid the attack behind him.

"You!" Qin Yun was taken aback. Seeing Xiao Ye jumping into her arms, he was in a hurry, trying to dodge, but he felt a sinking, and fell backwards involuntarily.

Xiao Ye was afraid of falling to her head, so he quickly dropped his palm behind him, and at the same time he used his luck to counteract the impact of his body as much as possible.

But who knew that when Qin Yun fell, he instinctively hugged Xiao Ye tightly, and the two of them fell to the ground at the same time.

"Huh?" Xiao Ye only felt a slight coolness between his lips, and a pair of wide-open eyes were staring at him in horror and anger.

Xiao Ye reacted abruptly, put his palms on the ground, and hurriedly left Qin Yun, apologizing repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

As he spoke, Xiao Ye couldn't help but licked his lips.

"Ah!" Seeing Xiao Ye's actions, Qin Yun became even more angry. In her opinion, Xiao Ye did it on purpose.

"I'm going to kill you today!" Qin Yun's breath was violent, and he no longer retained his strength. He threw the long sword in his hand and took the flute from his waist.

Xiao Ye was slightly taken aback, but he didn't pay attention to the other party. He was still paying more attention to the high platform. He found that Zhang Shaofeng had stood up, and it seemed that the other party was determined to put him to death.


Suddenly, a figure flew by on the high platform, and Mr. Li, who hadn't appeared all this time, finally came and stood beside Zhang Shaofeng, watching him coldly.

Zhang Shaofeng gritted his teeth, he knew that it was impossible to make another move, he glanced at Xiao Ye who was on the ring, turned around and sat down again.

At this time, the Leitai audience had already exploded. They didn't know that someone was plotting to assassinate Xiao Ye. The scene in front of them made people dare not look directly at it. The two men were hugging each other and kissing each other. Everyone felt a wave of evil Han, but those nymphomaniacs went crazy, and blamed Xiao Ye one after another, cursing endlessly.

Fortunately, Xiao Ye was used to these taunts and curses, so he didn't care. He looked at Qin Yun and was about to make a move.

Suddenly, there was a melodious flute sound, and everyone was taken aback, fascinated by it.

"Huh?" Xiao Ye was taken aback, the sound of the flute was the first to bear the brunt, and there was a buzzing in his mind, and the pictures flashed, and he fell into memory for a while.

In Qingsang City, during the selection of warriors, Xiao Ye divorced his wife in public, fought against Lin Xia, won the championship of the warrior competition, and entered Yuzhou Academy.

In the Lin family, Xiao Yu was kidnapped, Xiao Ye rushed into the Lin Mansion in a rage, and fought against Lin Tianyou and Xiao Fantian, two super masters. In the end, they were easily crushed and killed. Unfortunately, Xiao Fantian counterattacked to death and injured Xiao Yu by self-explosion. , Surrounded day and night, Xiao Ye went against the sky to save Xiao Yu, took his life against the sky, and forcibly endured the calamity against the sky...

One picture after another passed quickly, and soon Xiao Ye had just crossed over to the previous trash Xiao Ye.

"Don't let the other party find out that I'm not the secret of this world!" Xiao Ye knew that all this was caused by the other party's flute, peeping into his memory.


Suddenly, a terrifying dragon whistle came from Xiao Ye's mouth, and the melodious flute sound stopped abruptly. A terrifying dragon shadow appeared behind Xiao Ye, with a terrifying breath and scarlet eyes, staring at Qin Yun ferociously.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of Qin Yun's mouth, and his expression was painful. This move was a soul attack, and she couldn't use it yet. Now she used it forcefully, but was interrupted by Xiao Ye, and unexpectedly received backlash from the opponent.


Xiao Ye was stunned for a moment, and strange pictures appeared in front of his eyes, which belonged to Qin Yun's memories.

"Father, don't worry, I will definitely practice hard in the academy, and let the academy help the Nanyun Kingdom after the dean's approval!" A playful and lovely girl sat in the arms of a majestic middle-aged man, with a coquettish tone, His eyes were extremely firm.

The majestic man's eyes were full of kindness, he touched the girl's head, and said with a smile: "Xiaoyun has grown up, and knows to share the worries of the father, don't worry, the father is still young, and the Nanyun Kingdom can support it, father Wang asked you to go to Yuzhou Academy to practice hard, so don't think about it..."

The picture in front of him suddenly shattered, Qin Yun spurted out a mouthful of blood, disregarding his injuries, he abruptly woke up from the memories, his face was pale, and he looked at Xiao Ye with killing intent.

"You, you are the princess of the Nanyun Kingdom?!" Xiao Ye was shocked when he learned the identity of the woman in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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