Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 138 Qin Yun Exposed

Chapter 138 Qin Yun Exposed
Qin Yun glared at Xiao Ye, disregarding the injuries in his body, raised the long sword in his hand, gritted his teeth and charged at Xiao Ye again.

"This woman is crazy!" Seeing that Qin Yun's footsteps were sloppy, Xiao Ye was obviously trying to hold on, unwilling to continue the competition, intending to force the opponent off the ring to end the match.

Xiao Ye pushed forward violently with the palm of his hand, a gust of wind surged, it had no attack power, it just wanted to force Qin Yun back.


Qin Yun's footsteps stopped, and the continuous fighting had already left her in a panic. Suddenly, a gust of wind came and blew away her long hair.


Everyone in the audience was stunned and stared dumbfounded at Qin Yun at this moment. The long hair of the shawl fell down, as if the whole person's temperament had changed. He was gentle and refined, and his indifferent and pure eyes were like a fairy who was not stained with dust. It made people feel ashamed Ashamed, I dare not look at him.

"She, is she a woman?" The woman who was obsessed with Qin Yun was stunned, as if a perfect dream fell apart in an instant before her eyes, which was unacceptable.This group of nympho women finally stopped targeting Xiao Ye, but they cast more hatred eyes. It was the many male compatriots who were fascinated by Qin Yun's beauty, and they beat the fairies in their hearts like this. The anger can be imagined .

Hearing the exclamations from the audience, Qin Yun rubbed his cheek and reacted. Looking at Xiao Ye in front of him, he was ashamed and remorseful. He suddenly turned to the referee and said, "Referee, I admit defeat."

After Qin Yun finished speaking, he ignored everyone's reactions and left the ring.

"Ah?" Seeing Qin Yun leave, the referee finally reacted. He didn't expect Qin Yun to be such a beautiful woman. He couldn't help swallowing, glared at Xiao Ye, and announced Xiao Ye's victory.

"Old Li!" Xiao Ye ignored the people who were arguing under the stage, seeing that Li Tian was about to leave, he moved in front of Li Tian in a hurry.

"Old Li, I have something to do..."

"Xiao Ye!"

Before Xiao Ye finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhang Shaofeng, who came over, followed by Mo Yang.Zhang Shaofeng looked at Xiao Ye coldly, and his tone was full of threats: "You are just a freshman in the academy, remember your identity, and it is not your business to interfere with the high-level affairs of the academy."

Xiao Ye looked directly at Zhang Shaofeng without flinching. He now knew the treachery of Vice President Zhang. The other party must have known Qin Yun's identity long ago, so when he attacked him just now, he didn't care about Qin Yun's life or death. If Qin Yun was injured and died by mistake, then he was the one who caused it. King Nan Yun would definitely be furious and attack him.

Li Tian frowned, Zhang Shaofeng blatantly shot at Xiao Ye, he knew there must be something wrong with the other party, stepped forward slightly, stood in front of Xiao Ye, looked at Xiao Ye and asked: "What's the matter?"

Only now did Xiao Ye notice that Mr. Li's eyes were bloodshot and his expression was exhausted. It seemed that he hadn't had a good rest for a long time. Before he could think too much, Xiao Ye took out a letter and handed it to Mr. Li, saying, "Mr. Li, I have here a letter from the dean."

"Old dean's?" Mr. Li was taken aback, and quickly took it over.

"Li Tian!" Zhang Shaofeng didn't dare to attack Li Tian lightly, shouted angrily, and said coldly, "You'd better not read that letter!"

"Huh!" Li Tian snorted coldly, ignored Zhang Shaofeng, and unfolded the letter, and then his face became more and more ugly.


A terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Li Tian's body, boundless, and Xiao Ye was pushed out more than ten meters away.

"Mo Yang!" Li Tian's voice was full of anger, he looked at Mo Yang behind Zhang Shaofeng, and said angrily, "How dare you not tell me about such an important situation!"

Mo Yang panicked and hid behind Zhang Shaofeng.

"Okay!" Zhang Shaofeng stepped forward, looked at Li Tian, ​​and said coldly: "If this letter is handed over to you, you will definitely dismiss the freshmen. Isn't it a waste of the hard work of so many seniors in the academy?"

"Then you are going to make fun of the lives of nearly ten thousand freshmen in the college? If they have an accident, how will the college explain to their parents?"

"Hmph, cultivation is full of dangers. If you are afraid of death, then don't embark on the road of cultivation!" Zhang Shaofeng looked at Li Tian calmly, without giving in.

"You!" Li Tiantian was stunned. Although Zhang Shaofeng's words were extreme, they were also correct.

"When did this letter come from? Where is the Town Demon Tower? Where is Xiaoxuan?" Li Tian looked at Mo Yang, and stopped entangled in this matter. There are so many students around, and it is really not good for them to know.

"Four, four months ago." Mo Yang didn't dare to hide anything, glanced at Xiao Ye, and said: "The Town Demon Tower is in the hands of that freshman."

Xiao Ye reacted, under the pressure, took a step forward, took out the Demon Suppressing Tower, handed it to Mr. Li, and said, "Old Li, there are two auras in this Demon Suppressing Tower. If my guess is correct, the dean is not dead yet." .The giant tortoise is also frozen inside."

"Really?" Mr. Li quickly took over the Town Demon Tower, checked it out, then closed his eyes, and a powerful aura rushed towards the Town Demon Tower.


Suddenly, Mo Yang spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, and Li Tian forcibly erased the mark he had left on the Town Demon Tower.

Mr. Li looked around, and many students had already noticed the movement and surrounded him.

"Go to the Elder's House, Xiao Ye, you can come too." Mr. Li said, turned and took the lead to leave.

Xiao Ye hurriedly followed behind Mr. Li, this Zhang Shaofeng and Mo Yang were clearly plotting against him, without Mr. Li's protection, they might really attack him.

They walked towards the depths of the college, and soon came to a wide courtyard. Five old men came out of the courtyard. Xiao Ye looked at them and was startled. These people were all Wu Wang Jingqiang. Or, the aura on his body is similar to that of Li Lao.

"Dean Li, Dean Zhang, what happened? Why do you two look so ugly?" An old woman with a wrinkled face came over, looked at Xiao Ye who was behind the two of them suspiciously, and asked road.

"I'll talk about it later." Mr. Li waved his hand and took out the Demon Suppressing Tower. With a thought, a huge monster suddenly appeared in the courtyard. It was a giant tortoise with a slender neck like a snake. Sharp claws, sharp as a dagger, make people palpitate.

There were still pieces of broken ice on this giant tortoise, as if it had just stepped out of the frozen river, it shivered, then suddenly turned to look at Mo Yang, and roared angrily: "Mo Yang, you despicable bastard! , I want to kill you!"

With a roar, the giant tortoise rushed towards Mo Yang as fast as lightning.

"Dean Zhang, save me!" Mo Yang was taken aback. He was the one who lied to the giant tortoise, refined the Demon Suppressing Tower, and sealed it when it was unprepared. He was no match for the giant tortoise in front of him.

"Xiaoxuan, this matter will be dealt with later." Elder Li stepped forward, stopped Xiaoxuan, and asked, "Can you feel the dean's aura?"

(End of this chapter)

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