Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 165 The Rookie King's Contest

Chapter 165 The Rookie King's Contest
At this time, the hall had been rearranged, tables were placed around, and the middle was vacant. Almost every table was full of people. Seeing Chu Mo and the others come down, everyone fell silent and greeted Chu Mo one after another.

Chu Mo smiled and responded one by one, arranged for Xiao Ye and the others to sit on the top table, then turned to everyone, and said, "Thank you for coming to this martial artist exchange meeting, this time all the freshmen are here. , I think everyone wants to exchange ideas, who will start first?"

When everyone heard what Chu Mo said, they were eager to try. Chu Mo is the prince of the Great Chu Kingdom. If he behaves well in front of him, he will definitely have a bright future.

"I'll come first!" A big man stood up, walked to the center of the hall, raised the big ring knife in his hand, glanced at everyone, and said provocatively: "Who wants to come up and let me learn?"

"I'm coming!" A man with a huge hammer came out, looked at the big man, his face was full of excitement, roared, and rushed up.

Both of them are full of brute force, there is no skill at all in the battle, it is a pure collision of strength.


With a loud bang, the battle ended, and the big man holding the big knife was defeated after all, and was swept away by his opponent with a hammer.

A few more people came up one after another, all of them were freshmen of the fourth and fifth levels of the Yuan Gathering Realm, and they did not have any outstanding performance in simple exchanges.

"Let me do it!"

Suddenly, a faint voice came, and a man unfastened the long sword at his waist and walked out slowly.


Xiao Ye looked at the man and frowned slightly. This man's strength was not high, and he was at the sixth level of Yuan Gathering Realm, but he gave off a feeling of stability as a mountain.

"It's Fangran!"

One said in surprise.

"Fangran? The rookie king from last year?"

"I heard that his swordsmanship is superb, and even the teachers of the academy feel inferior!"

"Such masters all participate in the warrior exchange meeting. It seems that Chu Mo's face is not so big."

Everyone was discussing, Xiao Ye was also surprised, he didn't expect this unattractive man to be last year's rookie king, no wonder it gave him such a strong feeling.

Fangran walked to the center of the hall, ignored everyone's comments, slowly glanced at everyone, finally locked his eyes on Xiao Ye, and said, "I heard that you are the rookie king of this year. I was not in the academy at the time, so I didn't see you. In your competition, I wonder if you have the honor to learn your brilliant moves?"

Xiao Ye was speechless, the other party was so polite, he couldn't refuse at all, so he stood up, clasped his fists and said: "Don't dare to be taught, let's learn martial arts from each other."


Everyone exploded immediately, and the two rookie kings competed, which is absolutely rare.

"Fangran, I don't know, but I have seen Xiao Ye's horror. The fight with Jiang Pengfei was shocking. I feel that Fangran is no match."

"Impossible, Fangran is also the rookie king of the previous session. After a year of training, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. He is definitely stronger than this Xiao Ye!"


Ignoring everyone's comments, Xiao Ye made a gesture of invitation, Fangran was not polite, clenched his fists, brought a gust of wind, and hit Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye frowned, and kept staring at Fangran without rushing to make a move. The opponent's moves, even every move, were like the earth, giving him a sense of calmness and gravity.


Fangran's fist came in an instant, Xiao Ye turned his head slightly to avoid the opponent's attack, no longer studied the opponent's moves, clenched his fist, without any fancy, and threw it directly at Fangran.


With a loud noise, Fangran flew upside down.

"No way? This Fangran was defeated with one move?"

"Is he really the last rookie king? Why do I feel that there is such a big difference in strength between these two?"

Fangran was knocked into the air. Although he was embarrassed, he was not injured. He stood up from the ground, looked at Xiao Ye in surprise, and said, "Have you ever practiced in God's Punishment Mountain?"

"How do you know?" Xiao Ye was taken aback. He practiced in God's Punishment Mountain and didn't tell anyone. How could the other party know?

"No wonder." Fang Ran nodded clearly, and explained: "There are very few ways to temper the body. The gravity of God's Punishment Mountain is a way. If I guessed correctly, you have taken the Iron Bone Pill with Copper Ribs, right?" ?”

Xiao Ye frowned, lost the indifference just now, the opponent's strength is not very strong, but this vision is beyond ordinary people.

Fangran returned to the position just now, picked up the long sword, looked at Xiao Ye, and said, "Do you mind if I use a weapon?"

Xiao Ye nodded.

Fangran slowly drew out the long sword, and there was a buzzing sound, and the aura on his body changed again, without giving off a sharp feeling at all. The long sword seemed to be integrated with the earth, giving off a feeling of vastness and boundlessness.

"What kind of martial skill is this?" Xiao Ye frowned, this feeling was something he had never encountered before.


The long sword trembled, accompanied by bursts of humming, and slowly pointed at Xiao Ye.


Xiao Ye frowned, staring at Fangran's slowly raised sword, he felt like he couldn't dodge and was locked on by the sword.

"This is?" Xiao Ye's expression was solemn. He had the same feeling before. In the dark abyss, Mo Yang pushed him into the forest of death. The Lu Qi he met had once performed a terrifying move, and his life was still free. It's similar to this one, except that Fangran doesn't have that terrifying suppressive power.


At this time, the long sword had come to Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye didn't dare to be careless, and directly cast the domain, and the oppressive force disappeared instantly.


With a crisp sound, the long sword stopped, and was caught by Xiao Ye with two fingers.

"Hey, what's going on here?" The crowd around were stunned, speechless in astonishment.

"Field?" Fangran raised his head, his eyes were surprised, even frightened.

"You, you have already comprehended the power of the domain!" Fangran said, taking a step back subconsciously.

Xiao Ye looked at the other party, did not deny it, and asked suspiciously: "What happened to your move just now, why do I feel like I can't dodge?"

Fangran swallowed, looked at Xiao Ye again, his eyes were full of envy, and explained: "Actually, it is the power of law, which is a further strengthening of the domain."

"Law?" Xiao Ye was at a loss, it was the first time he had heard of this kind of power.

Fangran nodded without concealing anything, and said: "This is the inheritance that my freshman Dabi got into and obtained in the secret realm of the academy. It is the law of the earth of an elder of the academy. Didn't realize it!"

"Inheritance from the academy?" Xiao Ye looked at Fangran in surprise. He didn't care about this reward at first, but now it seems that he underestimated the power of this academy.

If you have time, go to this place of inheritance to take a look.Xiao Ye decided in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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