Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 166 Recommend Xiao Ye

Chapter 166 Recommend Xiao Ye

There was a burst of applause, and Chu Mo came out, admiring: "You two are worthy of being the rookie kings of the academy, and they are beyond my reach."

Everyone also reacted and nodded in agreement.

"It's ridiculous."

Fangran didn't seem to be interested in this Chu Mo, he cupped his fists politely, and went straight back to his seat.

Chu Mo was not angry either. He stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said loudly: "Everyone can see that most of the people I invited to this martial artist exchange meeting are freshmen. I just want everyone to get acquainted with each other. a care."

Chu Mo paused, and continued: "I think everyone has the same experience. If freshmen don't join a certain organization here, they will be bullied."

Everyone nodded and looked at Chu Mo, guessing something in their hearts.

"Why don't we freshmen organize themselves and create a force by ourselves." One stood up and suggested.

"That's right, if we unite together, we won't be bullied by old students." A few people also stood up and echoed.

Xiao Ye glanced at the few people who stood up and spoke, and recognized one who was Chu Mo's subordinate. It seemed that he had arranged all these.

"Hmph, the college is where everyone studies, why bother to split up so many forces and collude with each other!"

It was a woman who spoke, Xiao Ye knew her, it was Qin Yun's servant girl, Liu Qing.

"Liu Qing, you have already joined the Green Snake Group, so of course you don't care about the freshmen who are being bullied. Presumably your Green Snake Group has also done a lot of bullying of freshmen!" One person glanced at Liu Qing and said coldly.

"Nonsense!" Liu Qing retorted: "Our Green Snake Group is only protecting ourselves, and has never bullied freshmen!"

"We created this strength to protect ourselves!" the man continued.

"You!" Liu Qing was speechless for a moment. Qin Yun glanced at her and motioned her to sit down and stop arguing here.

"If it's just for freshmen to protect themselves, I would like to join." Someone stood up, and many freshmen were willing to join this organization one after another.

"The dragons cannot be leaderless, we should elect another leader."

"Yes, I recommend Xiao Ye, he is the rookie king of this year, and he is definitely qualified to lead us."

"Agreed, we have seen how powerful Xiao Ye is. With him leading us, no one will dare to bully us again..."

Everyone immediately enthusiastically spoke in agreement.Xiao Ye was dumbfounded, he didn't want to join any faction, why was he recommended to be the leader?
Chu Mo was also stunned, with an ugly expression on his face. The calls for recommending Xiao Ye were overwhelmed by the calls of the men he arranged before he could speak. If he had known that Xiao Ye's call was so loud, he would not have invited him.

Chu Mo's eyes pointed to a man in the crowd, and the man immediately understood, and said, "Xiao Ye is only powerful, and has no prestige. I think Master Chu Mo is more suitable to lead us."

"I also think that Young Master Chu is more qualified to lead us." Another person who had been arranged said immediately.

"Young Master Chu is tactful, but he lacks a bit of arrogance, so he is not suitable to be a leader." One person in the crowd quickly denied it.

"If Xiao Ye isn't the leader, I won't join this organization!"


Seeing that the situation was out of control, Chu Mo couldn't be controlled by the few subordinates he had arranged, so he hurriedly looked to Xiao Ye who was at the side for help.

Xiao Ye understood what Chu Mo meant, felt helpless, coughed twice, and everyone immediately fell silent.

Xiao Ye glanced at the crowd, and said apologetically, "Everyone, thank you for your love, but I am used to being free, and I don't want to be restrained, let alone be a leader, everyone should recommend others!"

Chu Mo, who was on the side, gave Xiao Ye wild winks, but Xiao Ye pretended not to see it.

"Xiao Ye, you are this year's rookie king. I won't accept whoever is the boss except you!"

"That's right. Your strength is obvious to all. Only you are qualified for the position of boss!"

Seeing that the scene was out of control again, Chu Mo was embarrassed for a while, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and stepped forward, saying: "Since Brother Xiao doesn't like to be restrained, everyone should not force others to be difficult. Although I, Chu, is not strong enough, as long as I become Leaders will definitely strive for the best interests of everyone!"

"Shameless!" Ke Ya stood behind Xiao Ye, frowned and cursed in a low voice.

"We believe in Young Master Chu!"

"Young Master Chu is our boss is what everyone expects!"

Several people in the crowd spoke enthusiastically, and everyone knew that these people were entrusted by Young Master Chu, but Xiao Ye refused, and everyone was not so against Chu Mo being the leader.

At this time, Qin Yun came out, glanced at Chu Mo, and said coldly: "I remember the identity of Young Master Chu, but the prince of the Great Chu Kingdom, I don't know whether the power you organize belongs to the Great Chu Kingdom or you Woolen cloth?"

Hearing what Qin Yun said, everyone hesitated again. Many people knew that Chu Mo was the prince of the Great Chu Kingdom, and some people elected Chu Mo as the boss because of Chu Mo's status, but those people were all from the Chu Kingdom. Well, the students of Yuzhou Academy are almost all over the entire Yuzhou continent. Students from other countries definitely don't want to join these political forces!

Chu Mo glanced at Qin Yun, smiled slightly, and said, "I didn't organize the forces this time. It's just that our new students voluntarily unite. It's not the Great Chu Kingdom, and it's not my own. Please rest assured!"

Although Chu Mo said so, everyone still had some resistance because of his identity.

Chu Mo was also aware of this problem, and with a move in his heart, he blinked at Xiao Ye who was on the side, and said, "Brother Xiao, are you sure you don't want to join? The freshmen need to be united. As long as you join, I am willing to give up the position of leader to you." you!"

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Xiao Ye, and Qin Yun looked at Xiao Ye, hoping that Xiao Ye could be the new leader.

Xiao Ye secretly scolded Chu Mo for being cunning, knowing that he was not interested in this position, and still saying that, if he refused, it would seem like destroying the unity of the freshmen.

However, Xiao Ye also understood Chu Mo's purpose, shook his head slightly, and said: "Although I don't join any forces, I still support this force formed by everyone. I have 15 blood spirit fruits here, and [-] gold coins each." I will sell them all to Young Master Chu!"

Saying that, Xiao Ye took out six porcelain bottles from his bosom, which contained blood spirit fruit.

"What? Thirty blood spirit fruits!"

The crowd suddenly exploded, everyone can enter the Yuzhou Academy, and their knowledge must be far beyond ordinary people.

"I heard that the blood spirit fruit is a holy medicine for breakthrough, and a single blood spirit fruit is enough to make a real martial arts master!"

"Oh my god, this Xiao Ye actually took out thirty of them at once, it's too scary!"

Everyone looked at the porcelain vases in front of Xiao Ye with greedy eyes. If they didn't know Xiao Ye's strength, they would have gone up and snatched them.

(End of this chapter)

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