Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 171 Sky-high Fairy Spring

Chapter 171 Sky-high Fairy Spring

"What?" Shopkeeper Sun on the side was also surprised: "President, didn't you say that the Wanli Autumn Wind Map was destroyed by Master Liu? Why did it appear here?"

"I don't know either." Su Kun frowned, shook his head, then looked at Xiao Ye, coughed awkwardly, and asked, "Small, Elder Xiao, how did you recognize this painting?"

Xiao Ye didn't know how to explain it, so he thought for a while and said, "I just feel that there is something hidden in this painting, and I don't know it's a map of autumn winds in thousands of miles."

Xiao Ye naturally lied, this painting can be clearly seen under the identification function of the system, there is no secret at all.

Su Kun swallowed, and no longer dared to underestimate Xiao Ye, looked at the scroll in his hand, and said to himself: "This is Master Liu's sealed work, and it is an invaluable treasure!"

Su Kun couldn't help looking at Xiao Ye, hesitantly said: "Elder Xiao, this painting..."

Knowing what Su Kun meant, Xiao Ye shook his head, interrupted him, and said, "President Su, I'm not interested in calligraphy and painting, and this is a treasure you photographed. It belongs to you in the first place, just."

Xiao Ye paused, and said: "I'm curious, what is the relationship between this Song Yi and this Liu Wenbai? Why do you want to cover the other party's scroll?"

Su Kun was taken aback, the world insulted Song Yi for pirating Liu Wenbai's works, and they had never thought about the relationship between the two.

Xiao Ye thought of something, and asked doubtfully, "Is Liu Wenbai's authentic work hidden under every Song Yi's work?"

"This?" Su Kun looked at the scroll in front of him and thought it was very possible, and said, "Elder Xiao, there are still two works of Song Yi in my house, why don't we verify them together after the auction is over."

Xiao Ye shook his head and said, "I still can't, I'm just curious, not interested in calligraphy and painting."

When Xiao Ye said this, Su Kun couldn't insist on it. After accidentally getting the picture of the autumn wind in thousands of miles, Su Kun didn't have the slightest interest in the items to be auctioned next. He just wanted to go back quickly and verify the two paintings at home.

"Huh? Look, why is it that a child is being auctioned this time?" Liang Kuan pointed at the auction platform and exclaimed.

Sure enough, on the stage, a dark-skinned child was locked in a cage, his hands and feet were still chained. The child looked only seven or eight years old, but he was not afraid at all. The open mouth revealed two sharp teeth, and the auction price at this time had already reached 100 million gold coins!

"Slave?" Xiao Ye couldn't help thinking of something, frowned, and asked, "Isn't the slave trade in Nanyun Kingdom illegal?"

"This is a primitive man living in the depths of the Guling Mountains." Su Kun explained.

"Primitive?" Xiao Ye and the others stared at the boy in the cage in amazement. As expected, he had no clothes on and was full of primitive aura.

Ke Ya couldn't bear it, and said, "Why are they bidding for primitive people? Isn't it a bit too cruel?"

Both Su Kun and Shopkeeper Sun have become accustomed to it, and shook their heads. Su Kun explained: "Although these primitive people are backward, they have unique cultivation skills. They are true martial arts masters when they grow up. As they grow older, they can even break through to the Martial King realm. The strange thing is that they can sign a contract with humans, so humans try to turn them into magical beasts, and it is not illegal to buy and sell primitive people here!"

"A master of true martial arts as an adult? Can you still sign a contract?" Liang Kuan couldn't help swallowing, no wonder everyone was so crazy, it was worth spending 100 million gold coins for an extra true martial artist, even a loyal subordinate of the martial king!

In the end, this primitive man was bought by a person in the private room on the second floor at a sky-high price of 250 million. He seemed to be a member of the Sun family, one of the four major families in Yuzhou City.

As the auction continued, Xiao Ye looked at the item being auctioned on the stage in surprise, his eyes widened, and it turned out to be a dragon ball!
The dragon ball is the essence of energy in a dragon. If he had this dragon ball, Xiao Hei would be able to break through the seal without any need for the Dragon Transformation Pill.

Xiao Ye knew that Xumi Space and the outside world were connected, that is to say, Xiao Hei also found the Dragon Ball on the stage, but he didn't ask Xiao Ye for it.

"Xiao Hei." Xiao Ye and Xiao Hei communicated: "Is this dragon ball helpful to you?"

Xiao Hei was laying on the ground basking in the sun, when he heard Xiao Ye's words, he raised his head slightly, and said, "Boy, forget it, save the money to save that girl, the seal on my body has no effect on me, There's no rush right now."

"Thank you..." Xiao Ye was moved in his heart, Xiao Hei wagged his tail and continued to sleep on the ground.

Su Kun sensed the longing in Xiao Ye's eyes, and couldn't help asking, "Why, Elder Xiao is interested in Dragon Ball?"

After Xiao Ye helped Su Kun uncover the true face of Chunxi Tu, Su Kun's attitude towards him changed 180 degrees.

Xiao Ye nodded with a wry smile, and said helplessly, "Yes, but all my money is used to bid for the Fairy Spring, and I'm afraid it will exceed the budget."

"It doesn't matter." Su Kun patted his chest, then took out a thick stack of gold coins from his arms, and said, "Here is 500 million gold coins, just let me lend it to my little brother first!"

"Really?" Xiao Ye's eyes lit up, and he quickly took the golden ticket without being polite to the other party.

At this time, the bidding price of Dragon Ball has reached 300 million, and Xiao Ye also joined the auction, thinking in his heart that as long as the final transaction price does not exceed 500 million, he can accept it.

After the price reached 300 million, there were only two people competing with Xiao Ye. In the end, Xiao Ye bought the dragon ball at a sky-high price of 460 million.

But from Xiao Ye's point of view, the price is worth it. As long as Xiao Hei refines and unseals the seal on his body, he will have a strong combat power!

Soon, the dragon ball came over, Xiao Ye threw it to Xiao Hei without any hesitation.

Xiao Hei was also polite, after accepting the dragon ball, he started refining directly.

The auction continued, and finally arrived at the last item, which was also the grand finale of this auction. A small jade bottle was placed on the central auction stage.

Xiao Ye stared at the jade bottle, couldn't help but became short of breath.

Ah Fu picked up the jade bottle on the stage and introduced it: "I think everyone knows it. This is the finale treasure of this auction, the Fairy Spring. The starting price is 100 million gold coins, and each increase must not be less than [-]!"

"150 million!" Someone raised the price immediately.

"200 million!"

The bidding price quickly reached 300 million, and the growth rate slowly slowed down.

Xiao Ye took a deep breath, took out the sign, and said, "500 million!"

"Wow!" There was an uproar among the people below.

"Did I hear you right, it went directly from 350 million to 500 million?"

"Oh, it looks like I'm out of action!"


"Quiet!" On the stage, Ah Fu stopped the noise of the crowd and glanced at the private room on the second floor. He was also surprised. Fairy Spring took 500 million yuan, which is already a sky-high price!
"1000 million!" Ah Fu was about to make a final decision, when a faint voice suddenly came from the door!

(End of this chapter)

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