Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 172 The Chairman's Invitation

Chapter 172 The Chairman's Invitation

"One, 1000 million?" At this moment, even Ah Fu on the stage lost his composure, raised his head in surprise, and looked in the direction of the voice.

Xiao Ye also looked up in surprise, at the entrance of the meeting place, a man appeared at some time, dressed in white, handsome, with a faint smile on his face, followed by two middle-aged men, both of them carried Two long swords stood quietly behind the man in white.

Xiao Ye was sure that these people had just come in.

"Ten million? Are they crazy?"

"Why is a spirit spring worth so much?"

"Is this person here to make trouble?"

"Just kidding, who rushed to Tianyu Auction House to make trouble?"

Everyone was chattering, and Ah Fu finally realized it, but he didn't respond immediately, and winked at a man wearing a hood in the background.

The man nodded, passed through the crowd, and walked towards the man in white.

The man came to the man in white, looked him up and down, frowned and said, "Please take a look at the invitation card on your body."

"No!" The man in white didn't hide anything, and said lightly.

"No, no?" The turbaned man frowned. He was sure that the little boy was here to make trouble. He resisted the urge to throw the man out, and said again, "Then please let me make sure you have 1000 million gold coins!"

The corners of the man's mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes were disdainful. He took out a thick stack of gold tickets and threw them directly into the man's hand.

"Huh?" The turbaned man took the gold ticket, feeling the weight of his hands, couldn't help swallowing greedily, and counted it carefully.

No more, no less, exactly 1000 million gold coins.

The hooded man was sure there was no problem, swallowed again, handed the gold ticket to the man, and apologized, "Excuse me."

Afterwards, the man in the turban gave Ah Fu on the stage a sign that everything was ok.

Ah Fu continued this time: "The bidding price of Fairy Spring is 1000 million gold coins. Is there a higher bid?"

Nooda's venue was silent. In their view, 500 million gold coins was already a sky-high price, let alone 1000 million gold coins.

Ah Fu subconsciously looked at the window where Xiao Ye was on the second floor.

At this time, Xiao Ye clenched his fists tightly, his face was ugly, and he never dreamed that Fairy Spring would win 1000 million gold coins in the auction.Xiao Ye added up all the gold coins on his body, and it was only more than 800 million, which was not enough at all.

"Damn it, you must get the Fairy Spring!"

Xiao Ye gritted his teeth, looked at Su Kun at the side, and asked, "President Su, can I lend you another 300 million?"

"This..." Su Kun wondered, "I only have 500 million on me, and I lent it all to you. Even if I go to get it now, I'm afraid it will be too late."

Shopkeeper Sun glanced at Xiao Ye and said, "I have a little bit, only 100 million."

"One million is enough!" Xiao Ye's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of the exchange system in the system mall. He now has 100 million experience points, and one experience point can be exchanged for one gold coin, that is, he can exchange for 500 million gold coins!
"System, I want to exchange 200 million gold coins!" Xiao Ye said to the system in his heart. Although he could exchange 500 million gold coins, experience points were harder to obtain than gold coins, and Xiao Ye did not exchange them all in one go.

"Are you sure?" The voice of the system sounded in Xiao Ye's mind: "The Fairy Spring in the mall only has 1000 million experience points, which means 1000 million gold coins. Are you sure you spent more than 1000 million gold coins to buy the Fairy Spring?"

"Eh?" Xiao Ye came to his senses suddenly, yes, isn't the elf spring sold in the system mall only worth 1000 million gold coins?

Thinking of this, Xiao Ye sat down and stopped participating in the auction.


At this time, Ah Fu knocked down the wooden hammer, and Fairy Spring was finally sold at a price of 1000 million.

Xiao Ye sighed lightly, feeling a little lost in his heart.

"Boss." Liang Kuan leaned over and said in a low voice, "I think the strength of those three people is average, why don't we grab them!"

Xiao Ye glared at Liang Kuan, speechless in his heart, even if a person who easily took out 1000 million gold coins, even if his strength was mediocre, there might be a terrifying force behind him, definitely not something they could provoke.

With the completion of the Fairy Spring deal, the auction ended smoothly, and everyone dispersed one after another.

Su Kun stood up, invited Xiao Ye again, and said, "Elder Xiao, are you sure you won't sit in the residence?"

"No." Xiao Ye shook his head. He didn't take pictures of the Fairy Spring, let alone in the mood. He took out 500 million gold coins from his bosom and returned them to Su Kun. The 1000 experience points are also worth it.

Just as Su Kun and Shopkeeper Sun left, there was a knock on the door, and a waiter dressed as an auction house walked in.

Xiao Ye thought he was here to chase people away, so he said, "Let's leave immediately."

"No." The waiter was taken aback for a moment, then came to his senses, smiled, and asked, "Excuse me, sir, did you bid for the Fairy Spring just now?"

Xiao Ye looked at the man suspiciously and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Our president invites you, please come with me!" The man made a gesture of invitation, and led Xiao Ye and the others to the third floor of the auction house.

"President?" Xiao Ye was surprised, he didn't know the president of Tianyu Auction House at all, what did he invite him for?
Xiao Ye was puzzled, but followed the man up to the third floor.

There is only one room on the third floor, which is not big, but it is filled with gold and silver antiques, and the stench of copper in the room makes people feel uncomfortable.In the middle of the house, a middle-aged man like a fat pig was holding a pig leg in one hand, feasting on it, with greasy hands, almost wearing a ring on every finger.That auctioneer, Ah Fu, was standing behind the fat pig man with a displeased expression on his face.

According to the waiter's introduction, this fat pig-like man turned out to be Tian Rong, the person in charge of Tianyu Auction House in Yuzhou City!
"President Tian, ​​the person you want has been brought!" The waiter greeted, then turned and closed the door and left.

"Uh!" Tian Rong burped, put down the pork leg in his hand, picked up a towel beside him, wiped his hands briefly, moved his position on the seat with difficulty, looked at Xiao Ye and the others, and asked: "Who do you want the Spirit Spring?"

Xiao Ye frowned, and said, "It's me, what's the problem?"

"Hehe." Tian Rong smiled slightly, took out a small jade bottle from his open fat chest, put it on the table, and said, "I still have a bottle of Fairy Spring here, 500 million gold coins, I'll sell it to you!"

"What?" Xiao Ye stared at the jade bottle on the table, and couldn't help clenching his fists excitedly. After paying back Su Kun's 500 million gold coins, he still has 300 million gold coins on him. He only needs to exchange another 200 million gold coins from the system. Gold coins are enough.

"Okay!" Xiao Ye immediately agreed.

Ah Fu beside Tian Rong frowned, looked at Xiao Ye, and hesitated to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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