Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 459 The Powerhouse of the Nangong Family

Chapter 459 The Powerhouse of the Nangong Family

Xiao Ye couldn't help but smile bitterly as he looked at the two dragons who were throwing their hands away. He didn't even have a tour guide, so how could he practice.

"Is it time to open the secret realm again? Time flies so fast, who came in this time? Is it Su'er?"


The sudden sound from behind made Xiao Ye's hairs shudder. Xiao Ye stepped forward and jumped tens of meters to distance himself from the people behind him. Behind him, one can see the terror of the strength of the incoming person.

"Oh? Not Su'er? Are you a descendant of my Nangong family?"

A middle-aged man with sharp brows and starry eyes looked at Xiao Ye suspiciously.

As the most talented member of the clan, Nangong Su entered the practice every time a secret realm was opened, and Nangong Su had been killed by Nangong Wu, and now only Xiao Ye was qualified to practice.

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Xiao Ye hurriedly cupped his fists and bowed: "Senior, this is the current king of the Nanxia Kingdom, Xiao Ye, this time I came to the secret realm to practice on the recommendation of Prince Nangong Wu, please take care of me senior. "

"The current king? That is to say, is Yuer dead? Who did it?"

"Back to seniors, it is the Great Chu Kingdom, but you don't need to be too sad. Yesterday I led the troops to completely smash the Great Chu Kingdom. I have personally avenged the old king."

Xiao Ye's words made the middle-aged man relax his frown.

"You have done a good job. Although my Nangong family has fallen, it is not easy to be bullied. I approve of you. You can practice here as my disciple."


Violent power soars into the sky, and the sky is full of storms mixed with blizzards flying in the air. The thin snowflakes are like blades cutting dry wood, frozen into ice blocks, and hard as iron. Dead wood is as fragile as tofu and cut into sawdust by snowflakes. When the wind blows, the sawdust turns into a piece of powder and dissipates in the air.

"Wu Sheng..."

Xiao Ye stared dumbfounded at the man in front of him, never expecting that the ancestors of the Nangong family had a strong martial artist.

"Little guy, you don't have to be curious. Back then, my Nangong family was one of the largest families in the human race, and it was normal to have martial saints.

I am Nangong Xing, the first ancestor of the Nangong family. I led my people to open up this secret land. Ten thousand years ago, I led my people as a vanguard to fight against the demons. Unexpectedly, I was betrayed by the Tiankun people as reinforcements.

In that battle, my clan members fell seven or eight times. In order to ensure the continuous blood of the Nangong family, I used the forbidden technique to forcibly teleport my clan members, and wiped out tens of thousands of Tiankun clan members here, even their patriarch Lu Wei was forcibly sealed in Heiyun Mountain by me.

With the help of my compatriots from the human race, my remnant soul and body were preserved. Later, the tribe settled me in a secret realm opened up, and then chose this battlefield as the foundation of the Nanxia Kingdom to guard Luwei forever. After so many years, I don't know if you have dealt with this big trouble. "

"Senior, please rest assured that Lu Wei has been beheaded by me. From now on, the Nanxia Kingdom will no longer have any worries."

Xiao Ye clasped his fists to Nangong Xing and said.

"Oh? Even though Lu Wei has been sealed for thousands of years and his strength is not as good as before, he still has the cultivation of Wu Zunjing. You can kill him? No wonder the Nanxia Kingdom chose an outsider to be the king. Yu'er has a good vision."

"Senior, the old king's biological daughter Nangong Yan is my wife, so I can be said to be half of the Nangong family."

"Okay! The future of my Nangong family is promising. You can become a Martial Emperor at such a young age. Your future achievements are immeasurable."

"Senior is wrong."

"Little guy, I can't teach you much, but it's more than enough for you to master the power of a field. Let's start. First, I want to test your foundation and attack with all your strength."

After finishing speaking, Nangong Xing let go of his defense and stood behind his back, allowing Xiao Ye to attack.

"Offended the senior, open the dragon field! Open the field of the law of thunder and lightning! Activate the indestructible body of King Kong! Shocking finger!"

"Boom! Crack! Crack!"

Xiao Ye concentrated all his strength on his fingertips to mobilize the sky thunder. The sky that was originally covered with snowflakes was suddenly covered by black clouds, and large raindrops mixed with hail fell down.

After the black cloud was dense enough to a certain extent, it began to rotate according to the law. A terrifying vortex with a diameter of [-] meters appeared in the center of the black cloud, and blue electric arcs danced around continuously. The terrifying power turned the snowflakes approaching the vortex Vaporizes in mid-air.

"Interesting, it can actually affect my power of law. You are qualified by this alone. You surprised me more than every clansman I have taught."

Nangong Xing raised his eyebrows, the more he looked at Xiao Ye, the more satisfied he felt.

"Senior, be careful, I'm about to start, Shocking Finger!"


A thunder snake with a thick wrist meandered from the center of the vortex and landed on Xiao Ye's fingertips. Xiao Ye's eyes flashed, and the blue electric light with the thickness of a thumb pierced Nangong Xing at the speed of light. The terrifying piercing force rubbed against the air A spark, bursts of sonic booms rang in Nangongxing's ears.

"Glacier protection!"


A [-]-meter-thick block of ice rose from the ground to block Nangong Xing, and the electric light shot through the ice as easily as a bullet piercing tofu, and continued to stab Nangong Xing with undiminished power.

"That's right, a cultivator of the Martial Emperor Realm can display strength close to the seventh level of the Martial Venerable Realm! This is really unbelievable, let me break it!"

Nangong Xing shouted loudly, and the electric light disintegrated directly from the source into starlight, floating in the air.

"Thunderbolt Arrow! Ten Thousand Attacks!"

Xiao Ye, who had been defeated, took out the earth-level top-grade weapon, the Extinguishing Soul Bow, from the storage space without hesitation. As Xiao Ye pulled the bowstring, a light arrow formed by lightning appeared on the bowstring.


Xiao Ye loosened his fingers, and the light arrow quickly shot towards Nangong Xing. Halfway through the flight, the light arrow instantly dispersed into tens of thousands of paths and enveloped Nangong Xing's figure.

"Ice law field! Ice and snow world!"


With a sweep of Nangongxing's finger, a huge tornado that goes straight to the sky and the earth spins rapidly around him. Snowflakes mixed with ice cubes knock down the lightning arrows continuously. After three breaths, the last light arrow is wiped out by the tornado. Xiao Ye is extremely powerful His move was broken again.

"God Breaking Strike!"


Unprepared Nangong Xing was hit firmly by the sledgehammer condensed by Xiao Ye's mental power on the soul. Nangong Xing lost control of his body for a short time in pain, and the hurricane around him dissipated invisible.

"Good opportunity! Strange star combo!"

Xiao Ye was overjoyed when he saw this. Although the opportunity was only for a short moment, it was enough to change the outcome of the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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