Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 460 Dangerous!Dark Gate Arrives

Chapter 460 Dangerous!Dark Gate Arrives
Just when Xiao Ye's Fire Cloud Spear was about to stab Nangong Xing's throat, Nangong Xing got rid of the numbness and regained consciousness. Seeing Xiao Ye Nangong Xing's eyes change in front of him, Xiao Ye felt that his body became extremely heavy. Every step takes a lot of strength.

"My blood is actually frozen?! ​​The domain of law can still be used like this? Phoenix flames!"


Propelled by the hot and gentle flames of the phoenix, the frozen blood flowed again, and Xiao Ye, who had regained his freedom, jumped back to distance himself from Nangong Xing.

"Okay, you passed the test, and your physical condition is enough to practice my law skills."

Xiao Ye, who was planning to continue to attack, hurriedly dissipated his condensed strength and bowed to Nangong Xing, "Thank you, senior."

"Okay, then you can practice with me, and you can comprehend it within a year with your ability."

"One year? Senior, it's been a while."

"Don't worry, a year here is just a day outside."

"That's good. Right now, the Nanxia Kingdom is making enemies everywhere. When I go out in a year, I'm afraid the Nanxia Kingdom will be flattened. Then I really have no place to cry."

"Don't worry, it's only three days for the outside world. You should first feel the power of my domain."

"it is good."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ye sat cross-legged on the ground and waited for Nangong Xing to release the domain. After waiting for a minute, Nangong Xing still stood quietly and looked into the distance.

"Uh...Senior, I'm ready and I can start."

"I'm sorry I forgot to tell you, this space is my domain, you can just feel it directly."

"What... what?!"

The area covered by the general cultivator's domain is only a hundred meters at most, but the space on the second floor is a full tens of thousands of square meters!How could this not surprise Xiao Ye.

"Okay, let's realize it yourself first, my remnant soul can only last until now, and the next meeting should be half a year later."

Nangong Xing's figure gradually faded, and finally completely disappeared in front of Xiao Ye.

"It turns out that Martial Saints are also divided into many kinds of strengths. I don't know what kind of strength the strongest person of the human race, Hao Xing Saint, is. Forget it, let's take care of the immediate matter first."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ye sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to let go of his soul. The howling wind blew the snow and fell onto Xiao Ye's head piece by piece.

A day later, Xixilong opened his sleepy eyes and stretched vigorously. After shaking the snow on his body, he glanced at the snowman beside him. Although he felt a little puzzled, he didn't think much about it. The hunger in his heart no longer allowed him to meddle in his own business.

After arranging the feathers on the wings, Xixilong opened his mouth to call out the whirlpool and stepped in.

"Oh, wait for me."


A black line quickly bounced from Xiao Ye's side into the vortex, and after Xixilong's figure completely disappeared, the vortex gradually shrank and disappeared in place.

At this time, in the Nanxia Kingdom beyond the secret border...

"Hurry up! Move faster! This formation must be completed before dark!"

At this time, Zhou Xuan was standing on a high platform directing the soldiers of the Nanxia Kingdom to form formations. Luo Ying was constantly correcting the soldiers' standing positions off the stage. Strict training had been going on all day, even for a Martial Emperor like Luo Ying Even those who are strong in the environment feel a little tired, let alone these soldiers.

"General Zhou, tell the soldiers to rest for a while! Such high-intensity training will be unbearable for the soldiers."

"General Luo, there is no telling when the army from the Dark Gate will attack the door. His Majesty has entered the secret realm and has no time to take care of the Nanxia Kingdom. If the war really breaks out, His Majesty may forcefully come out of the secret realm. We still have to delay His Majesty." How long are the legs! Now they feel tired, it's better than the enemy's life is better!"

Zhou Xuan was the celebrity in front of Xiao Ye's eyes, even though he was at the same level as Luo Ying, Luo Ying was far inferior to him in terms of speaking power.

"Hey, what General Zhou said makes sense."

Luo Ying shook her head and could only give up.


Sudden!A deafening roar came from a distance, and the terrifying coercion of several Wu Zunjing shrouded the entire Nanxia Kingdom. The people on the street fled in all directions in terror, and the Nanxia Kingdom suddenly fell into chaos.

"Damn it! It's this time! Your Majesty still has two days to leave the customs. General Luo, hurry up! Gather our troops, let's hurry to the border now, I'm afraid the Great Wall will not be able to hold on if so many strong men besiege! We must go before your Majesty leaves the customs. Guard the city gate, otherwise the Nanxia Kingdom will become the next Great Chu Kingdom!"

"Okay, General Zhou, but I think you'd better let Longya's soldiers evacuate."

"What?! General Luo, are you joking? Longya is the most elite unit in the entire army. It is time to use them. What do you mean? Do you think my Longya soldiers are all The soldiers in the greenhouse?!"

"General Zhou, I agree with General Luo's point of view."

"See Prince Wu."

Seeing Nangong Wu approaching, Zhou Xuan hurriedly flew down from the high platform to stand with Luo Ying and bowed to Nangong Wu.

"General Zhou, General Luo is right, let Longya's soldiers hide in the depths of the Nanxia Kingdom."

"Prince Wu, what do you mean by that?"

Zhou Xuan became even more confused when he saw Nangong Wu also talking like this.

"General Zhou, Longya is a personal guard army selected and established by His Majesty. The existence of Longya is like a sharp knife in His Majesty's hand that ruthlessly pierces through the enemy's defense, rather than serving as a fragile shield to delay the enemy's progress." In seconds, if you bury all the dragon teeth on the front line, your Majesty's years of hard work will be in vain, this is not a deserter, this is a strategy."

"I'm sorry General Luo, I misunderstood you, I was being reckless."

Zhou Xuanchang took a deep breath, cupped his fists and bowed to Luo Ying.

"It's okay General Zhou, we are both members of the Nanxia Kingdom, so we should worry about His Majesty."

"Well said, two, I need to stay and protect the princess, I can't accompany you two to the front line for the time being, sorry."

"It doesn't matter, the princess's safety is the most important thing. If the princess makes a mistake, we will really be ashamed to see Your Majesty. Prince Wu, the soldiers have assembled, and things will change if it is too late. Let's take a step first."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Xuan and his troops rushed to the border with their troops.

After half a stick of incense time, the troops rushed to the border. At this time, the strong men of the Dark Gate were constantly bombarding the defensive formation of the Great Wall, and every time they bombarded the foundation of the formation, a crack would appear.

"It won't last long like this, bring the bow."

Zhou Xuan stretched out his hand for a move, and the soldier next to him handed over a high-grade black-grade longbow. Zhou Xuan took out an arrow and injected the power of lightning into the arrow tip, aiming at a strong man in the Wu Zun realm, and then let go of his hand.

"call out!"

(End of this chapter)

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