Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 491 Killing Xiehui

Chapter 491 Killing Xiehui
"Elder Xiehui, how are you? Do you feel any discomfort? If so, please nod your head and I will continue to heal you."

Xiao Ye walked towards Xie Hui with a concerned face, but to Xie Hui the expression on his face was like a grin on the face of a demon from the deepest part of the Nine Heavens Hell.

"Great Elder! How are you doing!"

Just when Xiao Ye was about to break his arms, a strong man from the Evil Emperor Sect arrived.

"One at the fifth level of Wu Zunjing and three at the third level of Wu Zunjing, the Evil Emperor Sect really has a rich background."

Xiao Ye frowned, and could only temporarily give up this idea.

Overjoyed to see Xie Hui, who came from his sect, he took a vigorous step and rushed towards him.


Xie Hui grabbed the clothes of the leading Wu Zunjing fifth-level powerhouse, pointed at Xiao Ye with resentment, and groaned strangely.

"Elder Xiehui, what's wrong with you? Write me down what you want to say, I don't know what you want to say if you're like this."

The leading strong man handed Xie Hui the paper and pen with a confused look on his face.

Seeing this, Xiao Ye's heart was beating wildly, and he hurriedly ran forward and cupped his fists to worship him: "Your Excellency, Elder Xiehui is very weak, you'd better not let him torment you, I think I know what he's going to say, just now I have been treating Elder Xiehui's illnesses, he probably wants to thank me."

"Oh? So it's you, thank you for taking care of our elder, a little care is not enough respect, dare to ask what disease our elder is suffering from?"

The strong leader of the team took out a bag of gold coins and stuffed them into Xiao Ye's hands with a pleasant face. Seeing this, Xie Hui's pupils shrank, and his finger pointing at Xiao Ye trembled violently.

"Oh, Elder Xiehui, you don't have to be polite, this is just my effort, so it's nothing to worry about! Come on, take this pill, it will help your condition."

Xiao Ye took a friendly step forward and held Xie Hui's hand. The smile on his face should be as friendly as possible. While shaking hands, Xiao Ye stuffed a Juyuan Pill into his mouth, and Xie Hui immediately The aura on his body has stabilized a lot, but it is just a drop in the bucket for his injuries, the fire poison is still eroding his body constantly.

"My lords, I have sent my healing power into his body. Elder Xiehui's illness is caused by fire poison. I suggest that you bring him back to the sect and stop refining weapons. He will wait for a while. His condition will get better."

"Well, I will bring Elder Xiehui back to the sect first, and I will visit the sect in person someday."

The three bent down and bowed to Xiao Ye, then turned their heads and said to Chang Xiu: "Elder Chang, I am afraid that the Great Elder will not be able to continue to participate in your Liuyun Sect's Artifact Refining Ceremony, so I will take my leave first!"

"Okay, then I won't keep a few of you, take care!"

After finishing speaking, everyone carried Xie Hui, who had a distorted face, to the outside of the sect.

"Everyone! I'm sorry for a little accident. Now Elder Xiehui has some accidents. The weapon refining competition can only end early. Vice President Xiao, I'm sorry."

"Elder Chang, you don't have to blame yourself. Please continue to preside over the ceremony. After all, the overall situation is the most important thing."

"Okay! Next, I will tell you about the source of my Liuyunzong's weapon refining line. If you are interested in my Liuyunzong, you are welcome to come and discuss with me. I will answer any questions."

Chang Xiu walked to the center of the venue, raised his cultivation base and shouted loudly.

Taking advantage of Chang Xiu to attract everyone's attention, Xiao Ye quietly sat down at the nearest position to the exit. It has been a short while since everyone from the Evil Emperor Sect left, and it is time to move on to the next step of the plan.

"Miraculous changes! The system teleports!"

"call out!"

Xiao Ye's figure was directly divided into two, and then Xiao Ye's body disappeared out of thin air.

"Strange, I saw two of them just now, could it be that I've been blindsided?"

A bystander rubbed his eyes vigorously, some couldn't believe what happened before his eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, what's the matter?"

Xiao Ye's avatar smiled at him and said.

"Sure enough, I was wrong. I'm sorry to disturb you. I will leave."


Xiao Ye's avatar smiled again, and made a gesture of invitation to him.

At this time, Xiao Ye's body had already flown to a position a thousand meters away from Liuyunzong. After feeling the spiritual imprint left on Xiehui's body, he quickly flew to the northwest.

After half a stick of incense time, the figures of the four strong men of the Xiehuangzong appeared in Xiao Ye's eyes.

"Several! Wait a minute! I forgot to tell you something!"

Xiao Ye gathered enough strength in the air, and then he fell in front of several people.

"Vice President Xiao turned out to be you, why, do you have anything to do with us?"

The leading strong man had a good impression of Xiao Ye, even if he thought about it, he would never think of Xiao Ye's plan.

"Guys, I forgot to tell you about the last medicinal ingredient. With this medicinal ingredient, Elder Xiehui will recover immediately!"

Seeing the dying Xie Hui, Xiao Ye breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that he hadn't been exposed for the time being.

"I'm really sorry to trouble you, I don't know what the last medicinal material you mentioned is?"

"Strange star combo!"


Without waiting for the leader to react, Xiao Ye pulled out the Fire Cloud Spear and directly stabbed him in the throat, chest and abdomen, and suddenly three bloody holes appeared on his body.

"Uh... you, why..."

The leading strongman covered his throat and stared at Xiao Ye with wide eyes. He didn't understand why Xiao Ye would suddenly attack until he died.

"Damn it! You actually killed the deacon elder! How is this possible?! You are just a kid at the Martial Emperor Realm!"

"Don't be fooled! Get ready to fight! This kid, like our sect's inner disciples, cannot be measured by realm!"

The remaining three Wu Zunjing experts were shocked, and hurriedly pulled out the weapons around their waists to prevent Xiao Ye from attacking again.

"War Trample!"

A stern look flashed in Xiao Ye's eyes, and his left foot, which had condensed strength, stepped on the ground fiercely. The spider web-like cracks spread in all directions around him, and the strong shock force directly stunned the three of them in place.

"Lightning law field! Lightning roundabout!"


A powerful electric current gathered on the tip of the fire cloud gun, and Xiao Ye put the electric fire cloud gun on his waist and spun it like a top.

"Damn! Break it for me!"

Seeing this, a strong man directly burned blood and broke through the limit. He swung the sledgehammer in his hand and smashed it at Xiao Ye. The sledgehammer quickly compressed the air on both sides, and bursts of sonic booms exploded in Xiao Ye's ears.


After the guns and hammers intersected, the two retreated ten steps each. The impact force from the gun barrel made Xiao Ye's hands numb, and the strength in his body was extremely disordered.

The strong man of the Xiehuangzong who had been hit hard couldn't bear it either. His hands burst open, and traces of blood flowed down the hammer handle to the ground.

"How is this possible? The second brother is famous for his physical strength, and he didn't get hurt in such a tyrannical confrontation. He is really just a cultivator of the Martial Emperor Realm?!"

(End of this chapter)

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