Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 492 You Must Keep It Secret Forever

Chapter 492 You Must Keep It Secret Forever
"The field of water law is open! The waves are overwhelming!"


Xiao Ye slapped his hand to the ground, several hundreds of feet of huge waves rose into the sky, and the overwhelming water curtain enveloped the four people of Xie Huangzong. As long as Xiao Ye waved his hand casually, the four people would immediately die on the spot!

"Damn it! Earth element domain! The earth is turning and the sky is shifting!"

The strong blue veins on the forehead of the strong man of the evil emperor's sect burst out, and he hurriedly burned his blood and exhausted his life to use the earth system's defensive power.


Mountains rose from the earth to envelop the four members of the Xiehuangzong. The strong defense made Xiao Ye feel a little tricky. The only law power that can restrain the earth attribute is the indestructible gold.

"These few turtles, it's a pity that I haven't comprehended the field of golden law, otherwise this layer of defense is as fragile as paper in front of me."

Xiao Ye frowned, not knowing how to attack for a while.

"Boy, haven't you learned Nangong Xing's ice domain? Although ice is not as powerful as metal, it is enough to tear this layer of defense!"

Just when Xiao Ye was going to exchange two Thunderbolts, Molong gave him an idea.

"Good idea! Thank you, Senior Qitian."

Xiao Ye's eyes lit up, and then he pinched his hands to gather strength, and the huge waves began to freeze at a speed visible to the naked eye. After three breaths, thousands of ice thorns with a length of [-] meters hung in the air, ready to go. The cold light emanating from the sharp edges made the pupils of the four members of Xiehuangzong shrink.

"Second brother...can your law domain hold up?"

A strong man from the Evil Emperor Sect swallowed with a thud, and asked the strong man who had used his domain power suspiciously.

"Don't worry big brother, although my domain power can't restrain water, it's not something that can be easily broken by his mere water system law."

The strong man of the Evil Emperor Sect raised his head and said proudly.

Next second!Xiao Ye started to move, and saw that he spread his hands down and pressed down hard, and the overwhelming ice thorns pierced down quickly with the power to destroy everything!


The defensive barrier formed by the mountain lasted for only a second before being pierced by the ice thorns. Afterwards, the ice thorns remained strong and inserted the strong man of the Evil Emperor Sect who was exposed under the defensive loopholes into an ice hedgehog. A large stream of blood flowed from him. squirt from the mouth.

Three seconds later, the strong man of the Evil Emperor Sect lay back with his eyes wide open with an expression of unwillingness.

"Big brother!"

The two strong men who were still alive widened their eyes and roared in grief. The ice thorns hit the body of the deceased continuously along the loopholes like raindrops. The two of them could only watch helplessly as their elder brother turned into a Beach meat paste.

Gradually, the power of the technique dissipated, Xiao Ye slowly landed from the air to the ground and stomped his foot, the riddled earth element barrier in front of him shattered, and the three lingering Evil Emperor Sect were exposed in front of Xiao Ye .

"You... how can you be so strong..."

"Go ask Hades, he will tell you."

Xiao Ye looked indifferent, raised the fire cloud gun and walked towards the three of them step by step, every step seemed to be stepping on the apex of their hearts.

"You can't kill us! We are the outer sect disciples of the Evil Emperor Sect, and this is the Great Elder of our Evil Emperor Sect's Artifact Refiner! If you kill us, you will suffer unimaginable revenge!"

"call out!"

Xiao Ye appeared directly in front of him in a flash, and then Xiao Ye swung the Fire Cloud Spear and swept across his throat.


A huge head soared into the sky, and blood sprayed the faces of the two of them from the fracture.

"He... He actually dared to kill me."

The head flying in the air widened its eyes, which were filled with disbelief.

Finally, Xie Hui couldn't bear the psychological pressure anymore, knelt on the ground and kept knocking his head on the ground. Although he couldn't speak, the meaning was very obvious.

"Old dog, you know how to beg for mercy now, what did you do long ago, if you want to blame, you can only blame you for recognizing me, otherwise I wouldn't bother to spend so much effort to kill you!"


Xiao Ye raised the fire cloud gun and stabbed him in the throat!The jumping arc of the gun tip directly passed through the body with tearing power, and scarlet blood sprayed all over the ground.

"You...wait...for revenge..."

One second before he died, Xie Hui finally broke through the shackles of the Yin Poison Needle and spoke, but unfortunately, it was already too late.

"Noisy old dog, dying with so much nonsense!"


Xiao Ye sent a trace of destructive power into Xiehui's body along the Fire Cloud Gun, and his head exploded like a watermelon, blood mixed with brains splashed all over the ground, the headless corpse twitched twice and then lost its vitality .

"It's just you."

Xiao Ye raised the spear to the only surviving strongman from the Evil Emperor Sect and said.

"Elder... my lord, I have offended you because I don't know Taishan. Now my elder brother and second brother are dead, please spare my life."

The strong man of the Evil Emperor Sect showed fear, knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing his head.

"Who are you, Ding Nian?"

Hearing Xiao Ye's question, the pupils of the Evil Emperor Sect powerhouse shrank, and he finally knew why Xiao Ye intercepted and killed him. It turned out that the young man in front of him was the culprit who killed Ding Nian!

"My lord, Ding Nian is the core disciple of our Evil Emperor Sect. It is rumored that junior brother Ding Nian can fight three martial arts experts with his own strength. I didn't believe it at first, but I believed it after seeing the strength of your lord. It turns out that there really are peerless geniuses like your lord in this world!"

The powerhouse of the Xiehuangzong showed awe, and was convinced by Xiao Ye's tyrannical strength.

"Tell me carefully about the specific strength of your sect. If there is a false statement, these corpses will be your fate."

"Yes, my lord, the master of my Evil Emperor Sect is a peerless powerhouse who has been a martial saint for a hundred years. No one knows his current strength. I only know that last time a third-rate sect robbed me of the Evil Emperor Sect. After the suzerain knew about the belongings of several experienced disciples, he slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in their sect with just one move."

"It's so tyrannical. This person's strength is far superior to Li Hengxiu's. It is estimated that his strength is infinitely close to that of the strongest human race, the Haoxing Saint."

Xiao Ye narrowed his eyes, just relying on this point, the Evil Emperor Sect was not something he could shake.

"Furthermore, the three elders of my Evil Emperor Sect are all martial saints, and the rest of the elders are around the ninth level of Wu Zunjing. My lord, why don't you join my Evil Emperor Sect? My sect will definitely treat you favorably!"

The eyes of the Evil Emperor Sect powerhouse flashed, and he thought of a way to delay Xiao Ye temporarily.

"No need, no matter what, I'm just a cultivator of the Martial Emperor Realm, and I can't climb the high branches of your Evil Emperor Sect. If the strong people of your sect come out in full force, I'm afraid I will die instantly without a place to die. , you have to keep the matter of me killing Ding Nian a secret forever!"

"Don't worry, my lord, I will keep my mouth shut."

The powerhouse of the Evil Emperor Sect was overjoyed, and hurriedly nodded in agreement with Xiao Ye's conditions.

(End of this chapter)

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