Chapter 914
"Hey, you little dragon, I'm an old man, tens of millions of years older than you, what's wrong with me regretting my moves? It's okay, okay, I'll make you two grilled fish at worst."

"Is this true?!"

Immediately, Xiao Hei's expression turned from anger to joy, and he couldn't wait to sit back to his original position.

"This time, I will conjure up some different types of sea creatures for you. You little dragon, you are really good at grilling fish. Seeing that you are less than a hundred years old, did you learn it in your mother's womb?"

God Emperor Sanhuang waved his hand contentedly, and in the next second, his expression froze on his face. No matter how much he waved his hand, the surface of the brook beside him remained motionless, not even a single ripple splashed.

"Old man, you don't want to lie to me, do you?! You're really stingy! It just needs a little bit of your strength, and you can't bear to give it!"

"No, it's definitely not my fault. It's strange, why was my connection with the domain cut off? Could it be... no, it's impossible, it's only been three years."


The scene in front of him quickly passed, and it returned to the white scene at the beginning. At this time, Xiao Ye was looking at the two of them with a smile on his face.

"Stinky boy? Okay! It turned out that you, a bastard, did the trick! You pay me for the grilled fish!"

"Inheritor, you have completely merged with my primordial domain in just three years?! Or do you say you failed? No, no, if you fail, all power will return to my control, which means you have succeeded gone."

"Lord God Emperor, I have lived up to everyone's expectations and completely integrated your primordial realm."

Xiao Ye clasped his fists to God Emperor Sanhuang and said, at this moment, the golden sacred tree in his primordial realm is still growing rapidly, and it has raised the height of a thousand meters in an instant, and even the area of ​​the realm has expanded thousands of times. It is said that the previous domain was a world of its own, so now it is enough to be called a universe.

"It really surprised me! Your talent is so strong. In time, maybe you can take my inheritance to the pinnacle of this world! My Sanhuang God Emperor can also become famous! Boy, my time! Not much more, I can’t last long without the transmission of domain power, and you don’t need to instill power in me, all my inheritance is in the domain, so I don’t have to do fearless things.”

The phantom of the Sanhuang God Emperor gradually faded, leaving only a faint outline that can still be seen with the naked eye.

"Hey, old man... you just left, this brat doesn't lack this strength, what are you afraid of, if you leave, who will play chess with me."

Xiao Hei said with some reluctance that after three years of getting along, he and the Sanhuang God Emperor have become year-end friends.

"Haha, Xiaolong, there is no banquet in the world that lasts forever. Don't worry, after I disappear, my main body will receive this memory. When my main body returns, I will have a few drinks with you!"

"You old fellow! It's a deal!"

"It's a promise. This is my promise to you. Of course, if my main body is still alive... let's not talk about it, I should keep my promise."

The Sanhuang God Emperor condensed the remaining power into a speck of light and bounced it into Xiao Hei's dragon ball. Immediately, the aura of the Martial God realm spread, and the Sanhuang God Emperor directly helped him break through the last barrier.

"I should go... Inheritors, don't fall into the prestige of my Sanhuang God Emperor..."

After finishing speaking, the figure of the Sanhuang God Emperor completely disappeared in the world, and a door leading to the outside world appeared in front of Xiao Ye.

"Don't worry, Lord God Emperor, I will definitely bring your inheritance to the top of this world, Xiao Hei, don't be sad anymore, we should go, maybe in a certain plane in the future, we will meet with Lord God Emperor again." We can meet."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ye stepped into the portal and appeared in front of everyone. Seeing this, everyone rushed forward and surrounded him.

"How about Brother Xiao Ye, have you obtained the inheritance? You don't seem to have changed much from your appearance."

"Yeah, you came out after only a few hours. Could it be that the trial of Sanhuang God Realm is not in it? Or is it that you failed to obtain the inheritance, the test is so difficult, and it should be even more difficult to obtain the inheritance?"

"Everyone, everyone, listen to me. Inheritance is a secret. Forgive me for not revealing it. Please come back, everyone. Thank you for your hard work waiting for me to come out here."

Xiao Ye, who couldn't bear the siege of the crowd, hurriedly used the system to teleport away from the encirclement. After carefully searching around but failed, everyone walked towards the gate leading to the outside in disappointment. Only Qin Yumen's four teammates and the people from Haishan Company were still guarding. in place.

An hour later, Xiao Ye appeared in front of Qin Yue out of thin air, and he was relieved after confirming that everyone from other forces had disappeared.

"You don't need to look, everyone is gone. How about it, Xiao Ye, have you obtained the inheritance of the master of the Sanhuang God Realm? It seems that your aura hasn't changed much."

Seeing Xiao Ye appearing, Qin Yue couldn't wait to ask, in fact, she was more anxious than those irrelevant people.

"It's really not. It's just a fusion of some powers, and then I learned some weird exercises. Please forgive me for the specifics. I have to keep it a secret."

"Xiao Ye, that's good, I'll ask you again, do you want to join our Haishan Company? As long as you agree, you can immediately become a core disciple of our Haishan Company, and you can practice dozens of fairy arts in the Tibetan Palace Pavilion."

After Huawei finished speaking, Hainu came to Xiao Ye and extended a warm invitation again.

"No need, Mrs. Hai Nu, we Xiao Ye are not the kind of people who cling to the powerful. Besides, I, Qin Yumen, is a fourth-rank sect after all, and I have a very rich background. I can just reject you for him. There is no need for him to answer in person, thank you for your kindness, come to Qin Yumen as our guest some other day, my father will definitely treat you well."

Afraid that Xiao Ye would agree, Qin Yue stepped forward and stopped between Xiao Ye and the haenyeo and said, she is still young, and she is half a head shorter than the tall haenyeo, in order not to lose her momentum, she stood on tiptoe and added a few more. The height of centimeters, so that I can look at the ama with my unflinching gaze.

"Hehe, sister Qinyue, you are so cute. It seems that you can't be Xiao Ye's master, right? Let him answer it himself. Don't worry, if Xiao Ye agrees, I will definitely go to Qin Yumen to give you a generous gift. After all It’s us Haishan who are the first to snatch people, I think, you will not refuse this request for fair competition, right? Or are you afraid? Are you afraid that Xiao Ye will agree to my request?”

Hai Nu smiled and said to Qin Yue, the atmosphere on the field seemed calm, but in fact there was an undercurrent. There was a strong smell of gunpowder between the two women, and only Xiao Ye was caught in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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