Chapter 915

"Ahem... wait a moment, you two, sit down and talk about something, we are all our own people, there is no need to be so tense, right?"

Xiao Ye smiled bitterly and said to the two of them.

"No! Today you have to reject him directly, Xiao Ye, you promised my father, you can't go back on your word like this, you should hurry up and say something."

Qin Yue's tone was firm, and she didn't intend to give in at all.

"Xiao Ye, I hope you can think about your own future, sister Qinyue, your behavior is a moral kidnapping, no matter what, you have to respect the opinions of the parties involved, right?"

"Okay, let me just say it straight, Your Excellency Hai Nu, I have no intention of leaving Qin Yumen for the time being. As Qin Yue said, I promise Qin Sect Master first. If I break my promise, I will have no face to meet the Sect Master. Even if I want to leave For the sect, Sect Master Qin can only order me to leave, or let Qin Yumen become the overlord of the central region, so that I can continue to pursue martial arts wholeheartedly."

Immediately, Qin Yue's complexion eased, and then she showed a proud and provocative smile to Hai Nu.

"Sister Qin Yue, don't be complacent. Didn't you hear what Xiao Ye said? He will naturally leave after your Qin Yumen become the overlord. At that time, our Haishan Company will definitely bring him in."

In order not to offend the forces of both parties, Xiao Ye didn't say anything deadly. He is very good at Tai Chi, especially in the current embarrassing situation. It just makes Qin Yumen the overlord of the central region. Sooner or later, Huo Lianzi will know about killing Huo Gunyun, and Qin Yumen will definitely usher in a catastrophe.

"Then you just wait for that day! Noble Ama-sama, I won't send you off!"

Qin Yue bent down and made a gesture of invitation, and the ugly sea girl disappeared into Sanhuang God Realm with her four disciples.

"Sister Qinyue, you are so strong! Just three words made Lady Haenv go away in anger! You know, I was so frightened that my legs went limp just now, but that is the direct disciple of the sixth-rank top power! You are simply Take food from the tiger's mouth! Admiration, admiration, women don't give up their eyebrows."

As soon as Hai Nu left, Zhang Jinzi couldn't wait to run up to Qin Yue and praise her.

"Hmph, I've never seen such a thick-skinned person digging out our sect's genius in front of me. If my father were here, she wouldn't dare to give her three courages. She just thinks that Miss Ben is a bully! Then I will really show her if I am so easy to bully!"

Qin Yue raised her head triumphantly, as if she had just won such an incredible battle.

"Hey~ You brat, you are always liked by girls no matter where you go. I really envy Benlong to death. You say that Benlong is so handsome and handsome, so why are no girls like him? God is really unfair!"

Xiao Hei, who was hiding in the Sumeru space, said a little indignantly, his eyes were full of envy when he looked at Xiao Ye.

"Brother Xiao Ye, tell us the truth, have you obtained the inheritance? You have only been in it for a few hours, so it shouldn't be that simple, right?"

"It's only three hours for you, but it's been three years for me."

"Inheritor, I did not misread you. You actually passed the master's test and obtained the inheritance of the god emperor. Since this is the case, you will be the master of the Sanhuang God Realm from today on."

Suddenly, the guardian Qianxu appeared in front of everyone, scaring the unsuspecting Xiao Ye into a shudder.

"Damn it! Are you still alive?! I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I meant that the phantom of the Lord God Emperor has disappeared, and you can still exist. It's a bit beyond my expectation."

"My power comes from the entire Sanhuang God Realm, and it has nothing to do with the afterimage left by the master, but I am not far from disappearing. The domain left by the master was refined by you, and the Sanhuang God who lost the source of power The world will slowly collapse, and I will also disappear with it, inheritor, if you can, you can take away these treasures and weapons left by the master."

Gan Xu thought about the formula, and a huge treasure house appeared in front of everyone out of thin air. The aroma of pills and the smell of rusted weapons could be smelled from hundreds of meters away.

"Thank you, Lord Guardian, for your generosity. I'm sorry, I'm running out of time, and I still have something important to do, so let's say goodbye."

Xiao Ye used a trace of spiritual power to mark the entire Treasure Pavilion, and then opened the restriction on the storage space, and the Treasure Pavilion disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"I'm going...Brother Xiao Ye, where are you hiding?! Such a big arsenal storage ring will definitely not fit in it?!"

Li Zhiqiong asked dumbfounded, Xiao Ye's handwriting really surprised him.

"It's just some small tricks, everyone, don't make Sect Master Qin wait too long, let's go out."

At this time, everyone remembered Qin Shuangya who had been waiting outside Sanhuang God Realm. After saying goodbye to the guardian, the five of them jumped into the portal.

After a few minutes of space travel, the five people came to the outside of the valley, breathed in the fresh air, they couldn't help stretching, Qin Shuangya, who had been waiting for a long time, hurried up to greet them when they came back.

"You figured it out! I thought something happened to you, how is it? Are you injured?"

"Thank you, suzerain, for your concern. Thanks to brother Xiao Ye, we are all fine, and brother Xiao Ye has also successfully obtained the inheritance of the master of the Sanhuang God Realm."

Zhang Jinzi clasped his fists and replied, and the rest of the people also nodded in agreement.

"What?! This... This is really great! No wonder the people who just came out are all downcast. It turns out that you got the quota for the trial. God bless me, Qin Yumen! Xiao Ye, it's great to have you join !Ha ha ha ha!"

Immediately, Qin Shuangya's face was filled with joy, and he couldn't help laughing heartily.

"However, Lord Suzerain, don't be too happy. I met the people from the Huoyanmen inside, and they personally admitted that they wanted to overthrow Qin Yumen."

"It's okay, Zhang Xuanqing is dead, I will settle the debt with them sooner or later!"

"No need for the suzerain, what we have to worry about right now is the crazy revenge of the fire sting sect. Now we go back to the sect and set up a large formation, waiting for the attack of the fire sting sect."

"Oh? These bastards, I don't want to trouble them, but they want to trouble me. Is this bullying me, Qin Yumen, for being weak?! It seems that I, Qin Shuangya, have been keeping a low profile for too long. I dare to dare any cat or dog. Calculate me."

"Father, that's not the case. Xiao Ye killed all the disciples of the Fire Sting Sect who came to participate in the competition. Even the son of Huo Lianzi did not escape, and those guardians who protected Huo Juyun were also killed. Xiao Ye was slaughtered."

(End of this chapter)

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