Chapter 916
Qin Yue pulled the corner of Qin Shuangya's clothes and spoke, which immediately made him gasp.

"Hiss~ What are you talking about? They're all dead? Yue'er, you're not kidding me, are you? The lowest strength of the guardian of the Fire Sting Sect is the fifth level of the Great Martial God Realm. How did you do it?"

"It wasn't us. Xiao Ye killed them all by himself. We can't help at all."

"Okay! Enjoy! It's so enjoyable! Kill well! I've wanted to do this for a long time! Xiao Ye, you've done a good job. You don't have to worry about their revenge. If they dare to come, I dare to wipe them out!" "

Xiao Ye nodded, sure enough he was right, Qin Shuangya was a man.

"Let's go, let's go back to the sect first, the elders of the three sects are still sitting in the sect, don't let them wait too long."


The six of them jumped into the sky and rushed towards Qin Yumen.

A day later, everyone passed through the Qinbei Mountains, and Qin Yumen's sphere of influence appeared in front of them. At the sect, two teams of disciples at the seventh level of the Great Martial God Realm lined up on both sides, ready to deal with emergencies.

"Welcome to the return of the suzerain!"

Seeing Qin Shuangya leading Xiao Ye and others to the ground, the disciples of the two groups hurriedly cupped their fists and bowed, and the elders of the other three sects came out cheerfully.

"Sect Master Qin, welcome to your triumphant return. Judging by your expressions, you should have gained a lot this time, right?"

"Hahaha, it's a fluke, with Xiao Ye here, our Qin Yumen won the seat of inheritors this time, it should indeed be a good harvest!"

Qin Shuangya laughed heartily without being low-key. For thousands of years, no sect has ever been able to obtain the inheritance, but Xiao Ye succeeded this time. After tomorrow, Qin Yumen's reputation will resound through several other forces area.

"What?! Got the inheritance?! Jinzi, have you learned any powerful skills?! If so, the Sect Master will definitely reward you when you return to the sect!"

The elder of Fuyangmen's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to walk in front of Zhang Jinzi and asked.

"Ahem... It's true that our team has obtained the inheritance quota. Unfortunately, the test of the master of the Sanhuang God Realm is too difficult. Only Xiao Ye passed the test, so we did not obtain the inheritance, but only got a few Heaven Rank Pills It's just medicine."

"It doesn't matter, as long as you work hard, the heavenly elixir is also good. Since Sect Master Qin has returned safely, then we will leave."

After saying goodbye to each other, the grand elder of Fuyangmen who couldn't hide his loneliness took Zhang Jinzi and flew into the distance.

"Hey, I really envy you, Sect Master Qin, why didn't our Shuiming Sect discover the genius Xiao Ye before you? It hurts so much!"

"Old guy, you still want to poach my corner. Believe it or not, I will go to Sect Master Li to give you a hard copy! Let you old boy be scolded!"


Compared with Fuyangmen, the elder of Shuimingmen seemed much more open-minded, and he didn't forget to make a few jokes to break the tense atmosphere while regretting it.

"Sect Master Qin, we don't want to bother you anymore, Huaishan is about to break through, stay here for a while, and leave!"

"Then we'll be staying soon, so let's say goodbye."

After bidding farewell to the elders and disciples of the two alliances, Qin Shuangya brought the mysterious Xiao Ye and Qin Yue back to the sect.

"Xiao Ye, what did you want to say just now, there are no outsiders here, so just say it, if you want to obtain any cultivation resources, just mention them, I will definitely satisfy you to the maximum extent!"

With a wave of his hand, Qin Shuangya made an attractive offer.

"On the contrary, Sect Master Qin, I can be said to be the biggest beneficiary of this trial. Do you remember what I promised you when I joined Qin Yumen? I did it."

Xiao Ye opened the restriction on the storage space, and a majestic building directly appeared on the flat ground, and the rich fragrance of dan filled the sky of the entire sect.

"This...this is?!"

"That's right, these are the treasures of the Sanhuang God Realm. I moved them all back. I planned to divide them into three. Who knew they would run so fast."

Xiao Ye rubbed his nose and said in embarrassment, but anyone can guess that he definitely did it on purpose.

"Xiao Ye, let me set a price. I'll take care of everything. This treasure can directly promote our Qin Yumen to the ranks of the top four sects! It only takes a month, and I'm sure that we can fight the Fire Stingmen." On an equal footing!"

Looking at the treasure house in front of him, Qin Shuangya's breathing became short of breath.

"Sect Master Qin, you are being polite. This is what I promised the sect, and I don't need to get any reward. Although the quality of these treasures is high, they are far from meeting my needs."

"Zilla! Crackle!~"

In order to show his wealth, Xiao Ye took the Zileiyan Spear from the storage space and held it in his hand, and the dazzling electric arc spread in all directions.

"Okay! Then I won't be polite. If you need anything in the future, just say it."

At this time, many disciples came to the place where the three of them were smelling the fragrance of the elixir, and even the Great Elder and the others were attracted by the smell.

"Xiao Ye, open it and let the disciples see the world, so that they will have the strength to practice well."

"no problem."

Xiao Ye nodded and blasted open the solid door with his palm. In an instant, everyone's sight was occupied by colorful lights, and the rich spiritual energy almost merged into a fog visible to the naked eye.

"Heaven-rank low-grade long whip, sky-rank mid-grade long sword, that knife, is that a heaven-rank high-grade weapon?! My God... so many sky-rank weapons?!"

"Junior brother Xiao Ye, don't you think you're going to loot other sects?! You even have this kind of top-quality pill! These are rare in the market, and you actually took out a bunch of them..."

A disciple who had never seen the world was stunned and exclaimed.

"Tch, Senior Brother Xu Gou, you haven't seen the world too much, have you? It's just dozens of holy pills for healing, so why make such a fuss?"

Qin Yue glanced at him speechlessly. These pills could only stabilize a seriously injured cultivator. If he knew the existence of the Rejuvenation Pill, his jaw would drop in shock.

"It's all heaven-ranked exercises. You've made a fortune, you've really made a fortune! My lord, why don't you assign it to the disciples now? Our strength can definitely be multiplied by dozens of times!"

The corner of the Great Elder's mouth was drooling, his eyes almost stared at Baoku, and he didn't even turn his head when he was talking to Qin Shuangya.

"Don't worry, these are brought by Xiao Ye to our Qin Yumen. Since this is the case, there must be rules. From today on, Qin Yumen will set up a reward and punishment department to distribute pills and weapons according to credit. Without rules, there will be no rules. , Great Elder, I will leave this matter to you."

(End of this chapter)

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