Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 946 Unannounced Visit

Chapter 946 Unannounced Visit
"You old man! Little friend Xiao Ye kindly saved your life! You are treated like a donkey! If I knew it, I should have let you be beaten to death by Liu Tao! Old guy! How rude!"

Fu Qing didn't show any weakness, pointed at Ge Ai's back and hopped back and cursed.

"Okay, Sovereign Master Fu Qing, don't worry about it. Maybe Boss Ge is afraid that it will hurt our chamber of commerce. By the way, what do you think of this Mr. Chen? I always feel that this person is not as simple as he appears on the surface."

"Little friend Xiao Ye, what do you mean... this Mr. Chen is a member of the Chen family, the power behind Shadow Valley?"

A bold guess came to Fu Qing's mind.

"It's just a suspicion now. It seems that he should not leave the city in a short time. I will test him after tomorrow's auction. If he is really from Shadow Valley, I will kill him."

"Girl, since Mr. Liu has already left, please arrange a room for us. This is the room fee, and if you have more, please take it as your tip."

Zhang Jinzi knocked on the counter, took out a Lingyu and put it on the table.

"Brother Zhang, Gan Shanxiong, Sovereign Fu Qing, I will take my leave first. Tomorrow will be the auction. I need to sort out/the items I intend to consign for sale tomorrow."

After clasping his hands and bowing to everyone, Xiao Ye couldn't wait to enter his room.

"Xiao Hei, protect the law for me. I must find out the details of this so-called Mr. Chen. The matter is of great importance. Don't let anyone disturb me."

"Don't worry, brat, you can use the exercises with peace of mind. With my uncle around, no one can get in."

Xiao Hei walked slowly to the door with a beast leg in his hand, Xiao Ye nodded, sat cross-legged and performed the Soul Technique, a ray of light flashed, and Xiao Ye's Soul came out of his body and floated outside .

"There are so many soul bodies, which one is Mr. Chen?"

Looking at the hundreds of millions of rays of light in front of him, Xiao Ye was in trouble for a moment. Suddenly, a familiar breath broke into his sight. It was Mr. Liu whose leg was broken by him. At this time, the light of his soul was extremely irritable. , which is out of tune with the surrounding ray body.

"Idiot, I really want to thank you, the system teleports!"

"call out!"

Xiao Ye's spirit disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of a huge building, and Liu Tao's spirit was coming from the building.

Xiao Ye restrained his breath and quietly floated into his room. At this moment, Liu Tao was smashing things crazily in the room. His short leg had healed up, and the leg that kicked against the wall could not be seen at all. Injured.

"Young master, you should calm down, if this continues, this small shop will be destroyed by you, and the city master will blame our Liu family."

"Castle Master Shit, Bird and Hair! I don't even care if the Heavenly King is here! You actually let me lose face in front of Young Master Chen, didn't you two see the way Young Master Liu looked at me? What kind of expression was that? That's disappointment! Disappointment understand?!"

Liu Tao grabbed the collar of the accompanying old man and roared hysterically, as if he wanted to vent all his humiliation and unwillingness on him.

"Don't worry, young master, I have already sent people to inquire about this little beast quietly. When our people find out about his chamber of commerce, we will send people to slaughter his sect immediately. I will kill this little beast." The family members caught it and let you handle it yourself."

"Okay, I want them to disappear completely in this world! This is the price for embarrassing me in front of Mr. Chen, you bastard, just wait and see! You won't be jumping around for long!"

"Bang! Wow~!"

The two-meter-long wooden round table was shattered into sawdust all over the floor, and a trace of blood flowed down his wrist.

"Young Master, why is this Young Master Chen sacred? I have never heard from the Patriarch that if you meet privately, you should send someone to inform the Patriarch, otherwise it will bring disaster to our Liu family."

After hesitating for a while, the old man who had been standing behind him without speaking spoke.

"Don't worry about it, Uncle Clan, don't worry, everything I do is for the good of our Liu family. The forces behind Mr. Chen are definitely not what you can imagine. It is no exaggeration. They want to destroy a fourth-rank The top sect is so easy, a small city of Chenze is not in their eyes at all, this time Mr. Chen was able to come here for a treasure, and I don't know exactly what it is."

"If this Mr. Chen is really so strong, I think you still need to inform the Patriarch. Young Master, you must know that although our Liu family is the largest family in Chenze City, it is simply vulnerable compared to those big sects. If you take one wrong step, you will be doomed!"

"Don't worry, as long as we climb up to Mr. Chen, let alone the third-rank strength, what about the fourth-rank sect? We are all from our own family, so I won't hide it from you. To tell you the truth, Mr. Chen is actually..."


Sudden!A loud noise rang in Xiao Ye's ear!His spirit regressed uncontrollably!In just a few seconds, he flew back to Woyun Villa and merged with his physical body.

"Damn it! It was just one step away from success! Who is it?!"

Xiao Ye, who was furious, jumped up and ran to the door, only to see Zhang Jinzi desperately pushing Xiao Hei who blocked him from entering the door.

"Stinky boy! Come here quickly! This guy is trying to break into it, I can't stop him at all! If it wasn't for your sake, I would have beaten him a long time ago!"

"Okay, Xiao Hei, let him come over, my kung fu has already been broken by him."

After getting Xiao Ye's permission, Xiao Hei got out of the way, and Zhang Jinzi jumped in front of Xiao Ye carrying two huge jars in three steps at a time.

"Brother Xiao Ye, you are too mean, do you have something good to share alone? You even let your pet stop me at the door."

"Hey, hey, little bastard! Who are you talking about as a pet?! This uncle is the owner of this stinky boy! Be careful, if this uncle is unhappy, he will clean you up!"

"Okay, Xiao Hei, stop making trouble, Brother Zhang, what do you want to do with me? Aren't you going to bed so late?"

Xiao Ye rubbed his aching temples, forcibly breaking the kung fu has produced sequelae.

"Hey, look at this thing. I just bought it from a wine dealer, and there are only the last two barrels. I ran here without even going to my master's place. Why, is it more interesting than your kid?"

Zhang Jinzi patted the wine jar in his hand vigorously, and cast a smug look at Xiao Ye, and four black lines appeared on Xiao Ye's forehead.

"Brother Zhang...Is this why you smashed my door so late..."

Xiao Ye said a little speechlessly, at this moment he wanted to kill Zhang Jinzi, but he actually delayed the biggest thing because of drinking.

(End of this chapter)

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