Chapter 947
"Hey? Brother Xiao Ye, your complexion is a bit ugly. Is it because my wine is not very good? This is all from my heart! You can't refuse!"

"No, Brother Zhang, please, let's not get drunk tonight."

Xiao Ye shook his head dumbfounded, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation to welcome Zhang Jinzi into the house, and then told Xiao Hei to take out the special fire-roasted fire-killing beast of the Huoyimen as an appetizer. Need to tangled up.

After a night of drinking, Xiao Ye regained consciousness the next day with force to back off the alcohol. Zhang Jinzi was still lying on the ground sleeping like a dead pig. Outside, Fu Qing had arranged for his disciples to start counting the items to be auctioned.

"Brother Zhang, it's dawn. It's time for us to go to the auction to register. If it's later, they will be closed."


"The power of the law of the water system! The dew of the sky!"


Xiao Ye raised his fingers together, and a handful of clear water appeared out of nowhere and splashed on Zhang Jinzi's face, Zhang Jinzi woke up instantly.

"Who?! Who is it?! Who sneaked up on me?! Did you die?!"

Zhang Jinzi stood up straight like a carp, touched the dew on his face and roared.

"Brother Zhang, it's getting late, we have to rush to the auction to register items, I didn't expect there are people as lazy as me in this world."

After lifting Xiao Hei's tail and throwing him into the Sumeru Dimension, Xiao Ye pushed open the door and teleported to the side of the spirit beast convoy, followed by Zhang Jinzi.

"Little friend Xiao Ye, let's go. We've finished preparations. All the goods that need to be auctioned are here. Do you need to auction anything? I can help you register."

"No need, I suddenly changed my mind. Keeping these weapons is of great use."

There are tens of thousands of earth-level weapons and hundreds of sky-level weapons in the storage space. Xiao Ye originally planned to take advantage of this auction to auction all of them, but the trillions of gold coins on the system panel made him give up this idea .

"Okay, let's go on the road, if we continue to grind like Jinzi for a while, we won't be able to line up."

"Hey! Master, what you said is not authentic. Brother Xiao Ye is only a few tens of seconds faster than me! Why don't you talk about him! Am I still your pro-disciple?!"

"But brother Zhang, you are indeed the last one to arrive."

With Xiao Ye's magical mending knife, Zhang Jinzi gulped down what he was going to say depressedly.

After chatting with a few people, they came to a huge venue. There was already a long queue at the far left entrance of the venue, while there were only a few scattered people at the right entrance.

"We belong to the chamber of commerce. Go to the right. That's the passage specially reserved for us by the city lord. Those on the left are the entrances for casual cultivators."

"It's good to pay the money..."

Fu Qing led the convoy into the entrance, and then, two auctioneers helped them classify and price the goods that needed to be auctioned.

"Master Fu Qing, what is this? This is the first time I've seen this in your cargo."

A staff member of the auction looked curiously at the bamboo joint in his hand, and unknowingly, he pressed his hand on the seal of the organ.


Xiao Ye's pupils shrank, and before the mechanism broke out, he jumped up and kicked the bamboo knots into the air. Then, a dazzling light burst out, and a cluster of light half a meter wide hit everyone in the longitudinal direction. On the mountain in the distance.

"Boom! Crash~"

After the deafening explosion, a mushroom cloud with a height of [-] meters rose into the sky, and the scorching fireball swept the gravel like a meteor shower and rushed towards Chenze City.


The moment the rubble fell into the city, a middle-aged man with a height of eight feet and sword eyebrows appeared on the top of the city wall out of thin air. He opened his arms and lifted it up. It was broken into powder and dissipated on it, avoiding the calamity of living beings.

"Damn! What happened?! Someone attacked Chenze City? Are you looking for death? There are hundreds of cultivators from major sects gathered here, and they dare to attack here at this time."

"No... No, I just saw a piece of bamboo flying over. Could it be the explosion caused by that thing? Damn, this is too powerful!"

The cultivators who noticed the movement stopped their movements and observed the changes in the sky in shock.

"Look! It's the Lord of the City! To be able to let a strong man of the Supreme Martial God Realm take action, is this really the damage caused by a magic weapon? Isn't this too terrifying?"

The staff member who caused the trouble had already been frightened dumb by the accident before him, and his mouth was wide enough to swallow an entire egg.

"Cheng Yan, you are too careless. You actually activated the guest's weapon and fined you a year's salary! You should go back to the city lord's mansion to be punished first. Just leave it to me here."

The middle-aged man jumped in front of the staff and scolded with a cold face.

"Obey! My lord, I'm sorry, but I was too reckless. Don't worry, I will compensate the guests for all losses."

The staff member clasped his hands and bowed to him red-faced, then turned and left.

"City Master Lin, I have lost my way. You don't have to punish that brother. We also made mistakes. The restriction of the agency is a bit too simple. It is indeed our negligence."

Fu Qing cupped his fists modestly and bowed.

"But what exactly is this thing? It has such great power, President Fu Qing, is this also for auction?"

"That's right, this is something made by my little brother. This time I'm here to set a good price for auction. Come on, little friend Xiao Ye, let me introduce you. This is the city lord of Chenze City, the city lord Lin Dongqing. The first one is Xiao Ye, Qin Yumen's core disciple."

Fu Qing pulled Xiao Ye to Lin Dongqing and introduced him.

"Under Xiao Ye, I pay my respects to the city lord!"

"It turns out that he is a disciple of Sect Master Qin, and he is far away. I would like to make a request. Can you divide these institutions into part of our Chenze City? Don't worry, the price we give is definitely higher than the auction price. You can find it at the end. We settle."

"I don't care, these are all produced by the brothers of Fuyangmen, and they are all ordered by Sect Master Fuqing."

Xiao Ye waved his hand and shifted the responsibility to Fu Qing. The latter understood and gave him a grateful look. If this matter can be accomplished, Lin Dongqing will owe Fu Yangmen a favor.

"It's my honor for the city lord to have a fancy to my goods. You can pick whatever you like and keep what you like. You don't need to pay any money, just treat it as a gift from me."

"Well, you are a businessman, so there is no reason for you to lose money. Just do as I said. This is a deposit. You collect it, and the rest will be calculated as twice the auction price."

(End of this chapter)

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