Chapter 948
Lin Dongqing stuffed a piece of top-quality spiritual jade into Fu Qing's hand, and then put half of the mechanism into the storage ring with a wave of his hand.

"Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient! Lord City Master, don't worry, our Fuyangmen will definitely give you the best price."

Fu Qing bowed to Lin Dongqing politely.

"Okay, then I won't bother you, Mine Lin, take inventory of the goods for the distinguished guests, and don't make any mistakes, everyone, take your leave!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Dongqing turned around and left. As the leader of the auction, he could not stay out of everyone's sight for too long, otherwise he would be suspected of intercepting high-quality goods. This is a big taboo in the auction, and it is easy to lose stable customers.

Half an hour later, all the goods were recorded, Fu Qing left his disciples to take care of the goods, and took Xiao Ye, Zhang Jinzi and Gan Shan to the front of the auditorium.

"Brat, look across from you. Isn't that the Liu Tao who opposed you last night? The one next to him is that little bastard surnamed Chen? Pay attention to them."

Xiao Ye nodded, and Mr. Chen and others sitting directly opposite them obviously noticed them too. Liu Tao put his hand under his neck and wiped his neck.

"Fu Qing? It's really a narrow road to Encounter, and you're actually sitting here."

At this time, arms dealer Ge Ai sat beside Fu Qing with a few disciples of the chamber of commerce. Xiao Ye smiled and waved his hand to greet him.


Suddenly, a huge platform slowly descended from the sky, and a handsome auction host appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Everyone! Welcome to our annual auction in Chenze City! I am the host, Lin Zhenghui, and I will announce that the auction will officially begin!"

"Boom! Crack!"

Lin Zhenghui raised his hand and clasped his five fingers. Purple thunder and lightning filled the entire sky. The screams and shouts on the field reached the peak, and some female practitioners even fainted.

"Okay, everyone be quiet! Please invite the first product to be auctioned tonight, the heavenly sword Bi Tao Jingyun, the starting price is 100 million gold coins!"

A staff member appeared on the auction stage holding a light blue long sword with a peculiar shape. The moment the long sword appeared, all the female cultivators present covered their mouths and exclaimed. This long sword is really amazing. It's so beautiful, the color is like the ocean, the unique pattern and the miniature whale spirit around the hilt attract the attention of these girls all the time.

"1000 million gold coins! I bought it!"

"I will offer [-] million! Note, I am talking about spirit crystals. If someone offers more, I will give up immediately."

"Hmph, one hundred million is fart, and I will also offer one hundred million. I'm talking about Lingyu."

In an instant, the field fell silent, and everyone looked along the source of the sound, only to see Liu Tao raised his hand proudly.

"This idiot, the highest price of this weapon is 2000 million gold coins, and he actually got rid of [-] million spirit jade..."

Xiao Ye took a playful look at this big guy, one hundred million Lingyu is enough to exchange for ten billion gold coins, the fact that such a dude can survive till now also indirectly proves the power of the Liu family.

"One hundred million Lingyu, is there any more? Does anyone want to increase the price?"

"One hundred million spiritual jade twice!"

"Wait a minute, I will offer [-] million and one Lingyu."

Just when the host was about to read it for the third time, Xiao Ye raised his hand and quoted a very insulting price, and Liu Tao's face turned dark immediately.

"Little bastard! How dare you fight against me! I will offer 5000 million Lingyu! Let's see who can afford who!"

"One hundred and fifty million and one spirit jade."


Zhang Jinzi, who was drinking water, sprayed tea all over the head of the bald cultivator in the front row.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I did it unintentionally, and please forgive me, brother Xiao Ye, what are you adding one by one for? You don't want to snatch this sword at the lowest price, do you?"

Zhang Jinzi asked Xiao Ye suspiciously while wiping his bald head with a rag.

"I can easily forge the same sword. I did it just to disgust him. He will never admit defeat in the first auction. It's about the face of the Liu family."

"Two hundred million spirit jades! You little bastard! Do you still dare to increase the price?!"

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Ye finished speaking, Liu Tao, whose face was as ugly as eating shit, quoted an even more astonishing price.

"I give up."

Xiao Ye raised the number plate in his hand and said, his goal has been achieved, there is no need to continue entanglement.

"Hahaha! Little bastard! Get scared! Compete with me again! I'll let you know what it means to be rich and powerful! Those who don't know how to live or die, compete with me, don't inquire about my Liu family's financial resources!"

"The third time for [-] million pieces of Lingyu! It's a deal! The winner of this Bitao Shocking Cloud is Mr. Liu Tao! Congratulations, Mr. Liu, for getting his love sword!"

"call out!"

A ray of light flashed, and the long sword flew directly into Liu Tao's hand. He deliberately raised the hilt to show off to Xiao Ye, without feeling that he had been taken advantage of once.

"Hey hahaha! This idiot, I'm dying of laughter. How did he survive with such an IQ? If he was in our Qinbei Mountains, he would have been tricked into digging ore in the mountains long ago!"

Finally, Zhang Jinzi couldn't hold back his belly laugh anymore, Liu Tao's face froze, looking at Xiao Ye who was smiling, he seemed to understand something, and suddenly his face showed unconcealable anger, even sitting next to him Chen Haoxuan beside him couldn't help shaking his head with his forehead, for fear of being mistaken for the two of them knowing each other.

"The next treasure, a ground-level low-grade long spear, comes from the secret realm of the homeland. It is the weapon of the former Supreme Martial God Realm cultivator. The starting price is 500 million gold coins!"

"510 million!"

"I'll offer 540 million! Don't rob me!"

Even if it was a low-grade ground-level weapon, it was still looted by the cultivators present, and the following treasures had almost nothing that could attract Xiao Ye.

"Everyone! Be quiet, everyone. The item that will be auctioned below is a treasure from another world. It is rumored that this treasure is a space fragment that was left behind by a strong man in the God Emperor realm when he ascended. From the fragment, you may be able to perceive the ascension. clues, starting price, 50 billion gold coins."

The staff walked up to the auction stage holding a shiny golden token, and immediately!Xiao Ye's breathing became rapid, and the token was engraved with the name of the long-ascension Saint Hao Xing!

"I must get this token! No... I have to find a way. If I act too urgently, Liu Tao's people will deliberately increase the price. I'm not being taken advantage of by him."

"Brother Zhang, do me a favor. This token is too important to me. I am determined to get it. You will be like this for a while..."

(End of this chapter)

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