Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 961 Stepping into the Supreme Martial God Realm Level 1

Chapter 961 Stepping into the Supreme Martial God Realm


In mid-air, a blood-red vortex condensed, and the tyrannical suction burst out suddenly!All objects visible to the naked eye on the ground flew up into the sky and were sucked into the vortex.

"Is this the Taotie Swallowing Heaven Technique?! It has such a strong power! Not good! If this continues, I will be sucked into the vortex."

Xiao Ye only felt that his soul was about to come out of his body uncontrollably, and the Thunderbolt in his hand was quickly sucked towards the vortex. At the moment when the Thunderbolt approached the vortex, Xiao Ye hurriedly changed his gesture to detonate the Thunderbolt.


The scorching flames spread in all directions, but the vortex was still hanging firmly in the air. Under the action of suction, a large piece of flame was directly swallowed into the vortex.

"It seems that I can only use the trick I least want to use."

Xiao Ye sighed helplessly, raised the Zileiyan Spear in his hand to his shoulder, and a terrifying killing power erupted!Above the red vortex, an even bigger purple vortex appeared!

"The thunder of the infinite, the fierceness of repairing thunder, all dharmas merge into one, become the Tao, and all dharmas merge into nothing, and become the sky! Shadowless and formless, return to the primordial mists! Heavenly Dao Thunder Technique! Extinguishing Cang Lei!"


Xiao Ye stabbed the Zileiyan Spear into the ground!A circle of power fluctuations spread in all directions, and the vortex in the sky dropped countless crazily twisting lightning arcs, and just one encounter tore the red vortex into pieces!

Taotie's pupils shrank suddenly, and he kicked his hind legs vigorously towards Xiao Ye.

"It's just in time! Go to hell! Ziji Instant Lightning Technique!"

With a roar, Xiao Ye quickly pulled out the Zileiyan gun that was stabbed on the ground and raised it upwards!A high-pitched dragon chant sounded!Extending from the tip of the spear, a thousand-meter-long thunder line passed vertically from Taotie's body!


Taotie's body froze in mid-air, and the next moment, his huge body began to disintegrate.


Xiao Ye's face was flushed, and a mouthful of blood sprayed onto the ground. His internal organs were broken and his internal organs were damaged. The beating speed of his heart had exceeded the load-bearing speed. Beads of blood oozed from the pores of his body. His right arm was out of control. It hangs down naturally, and the densely packed slender electric arcs pierce countless small holes in the bones and tendons.

"Kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, this damn Heavenly Dao technique, system, exchange for a Rejuvenation Pill, hurry up."

After taking the Rejuvenation Pill, Xiao Ye's body collapsed at a stagnant speed and began to reversely reorganize, but the hanging arm still showed no sign of recovery.

"Is it too bad?"

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Xiao Ye swung his sword in pain, and his right arm was cut off by the roots. He sank his mind into the realm of primordial Meng, cut off a small branch and stabbed it at the wound. A brand new right arm slowly grew out. As it grows out, the dense lightning arcs once again destroyed the bones and muscles of this arm, leaving it riddled with holes.

"Damn, system, scan it quickly, what's going on?! Could it be the sequelae of the Heavenly Dao technique?!"

At this moment, Xiao Ye really became flustered. The sequelae of using the Heavenly Way Kung Fu can be healed with the Rejuvenation Pill. Over time, he did not take the sequelae of the Heavenly Way Kung Fu seriously. He did not expect that it would appear in such a serious situation today. Unexpectedly, thinking about the crippled bodies of those ancestors, cold sweat involuntarily flowed down his cheeks.

"Scanning, analyzing the source of the power, the analysis is complete, the source of the power is the Dao of nature, the sequelae caused by the host's privately pulling the power of the Dao of Heaven for his own use."

"Sure enough... the system, is there any way to solve it? I can't live like this forever, can I?"

"Ding! It will take about seven days to temporarily suppress the sequelae of the Heavenly Dao technique by constructing a Heavenly Dao isolation formation for the host."

"Seven days... is enough, just in time for the start of the Gold Dollar Mine meeting."

At this moment, the power of Qi and blood that had been floating in the air suddenly poured into Xiao Ye's body crazily, and the strong aura rose rapidly!There was a sound of breaking the shackles, and the pressure of the Supreme Martial God Realm swept every corner of the fairyland space.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for slaying the god-emperor-level gluttonous beast and rewarding one trillion gold coins. The realm is directly promoted to the first level of the supreme martial arts realm. Because the host has integrated the power of the gluttonous blood, the gluttonous sky-swallowing technique unseals the seal, simulating the space of the fairy world It is about to collapse, please move the host into the real space."

Fortunately, the ending is good, but it's just that he can't use his right arm for the time being, which is insignificant to Xiao Ye, and the next time is used to stabilize the realm.

"Huh~ Xiao Hei, help me protect the law, don't let other people disturb me if there is no big thing."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ye sat cross-legged, formed a reincarnation seal with one hand, and began to circulate the power in his body to wash the meridians and dantian. Above his head, the Dharma signs of the sun, moon, and stars emerged. The entire retreat room seemed to be a self-contained vein, and the Dao and the universe revolved on their own. , and Xiao Ye is the carrier of all this.

Every time the power rotates for a week, the sun and the moon above the head will be brighter, and the evolution speed of the universe will be accelerated. In the center of the universe, a wonderful lotus blooms, and the nine petals of the lotus set off a golden Trees, with a rotating planet hanging from the tip of each branch.

At noon five days later, Qin Yue hastily pushed open the door of Xiao Ye's retreat.

"Xiao Ye, are you okay? Why hasn't there been any movement?! We are going to the Qinzhong area soon, have you encountered any difficulties?"

Xiao Ye's pupils shrank, and after putting away the portrait, he hurriedly opened the door and walked towards Qin Yue.

"Miss Qinyue, didn't you say that the competition meeting for the Gold Yuan Mine will start after seven days? This is only the fifth day, why is it so hasty?"

"Xiao Ye, you probably overslept, right? It's the sixth day, and tomorrow is the start of the Gold Yuan Mine meeting. My father and the others are already waiting for you."

Qin Yue showed a strange face, and gave Xiao Ye a strange look, if she didn't feel the surging breath on his body, she would have thought that he hadn't woken up yet.

"What?! This is the sixth day? No... No... How is it possible? In my memory, this is obviously only the fifth day. Could it be that the time passing speed in the fairyland space is twice that of the outside world?!"

Other than that, Xiao Ye has no better answer to explain what happened.

"Have you stepped into the Supreme Martial God Realm? What a freak, anything can happen to you. Xiao Ye, what happened to your right arm? Couldn't it be an injury from practicing kung fu?"

Seeing Xiao Ye's right arm hanging down to his waist in an abnormal posture, Qin Yue asked curiously.

"There was indeed an accident, there is no other way, we can only bite the bullet, and hope we don't run into too strong enemies, Miss Qin Yue, let's go, let's not make the Suzerain wait too long."

(End of this chapter)

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