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Chapter 962 The Swordsman

Chapter 962 The Swordsman
"Even if you get up early tomorrow and come out again, my father won't say anything. You are our Qin Yumen's baby now. Who dares to say that you are not, my father will not kill him!"

There was a strong sour taste in Qin Yue's tone, and Xiao Ye, who showed embarrassment, hastily accelerated the speed of his feet.

Half an hour later, the two of Xiao Ye arrived at the sect. Qin Shuangya and the First Elder were already waiting there, along with two of Xiao Ye's old acquaintances, Zhang Jinzi and Li Zhiqiong.

"Brother Xiao Ye, you are finally here. If sister Qin Yue hadn't said you were fine, I would have rushed into the retreat to look for you."

Seeing Xiao Ye's arrival, Zhang Jinzi and the others couldn't wait to meet him.

"Haha, Brother Zhang, long time no see, huh? You have reached the seventh level of the Great Martial God Realm? It seems that you have made a lot of preparations recently."

Xiao Ye raised his left arm and patted Zhang Jinzi's shoulder awkwardly.

"Xiao Ye, what happened to your right arm?"

Qin Shuangya asked with some doubts after noticing Xiao Ye's right arm.

"It's okay, there was a little accident during the cultivation, it's not a problem, it will be recovered in less than two days, don't worry, Sect Master Qin, don't delay my game."

"It's good that it's okay. It's less important than not competing. I'd rather Qin Yumen abstain this time than have anything happen to you. I don't worry if there's nothing serious about it. If something feels wrong tomorrow, I will abstain immediately. We Qin Yumen will not Need that bit of gold ore and genius."

Qin Shuangya patted him heavily on the shoulder, although Xiao Ye grinned in pain, but there was still a tinge of warmth in his heart.

"Since everyone is ready, let's go. I am waiting for everyone's triumphant return at Qin Yumen. When you come back, I will definitely clean up the dust."

The Great Elder cupped his fists and bowed to the crowd, then swiped his whip on the spirit beast's back. After a wail, the spirit beast soared into the sky and flew towards the Qinzhong area.

"Brat, I don't know why. From just now, I always feel a little restless. It seems that something big is about to happen. I can guarantee that it is definitely not a good thing."

After flying high into the sky, Xiao Hei poked his head out from the Sumeru space and leaned into Xiao Ye's ear and said.

Xiao Ye was taken aback, he had never doubted Xiao Hei's premonition, it seemed that the trial of the gold dollar mine this time was not that simple.

"Xiao Ye, what's wrong? Is this your contracted spirit beast? What happened?"

Seeing Xiao Ye's face getting more and more serious, Qin Shuangya asked with some doubts.

"Sovereign Master, is there any conflict between our Qin Yumen and forces in other regions? Or is there a life-and-death enmity with a larger sect?"

"No, we, Qin Yumen, have always had friendly exchanges with other sects. In my father's generation, we even made an alliance to drive away the invasion of Shadow Valley, so the relationship is relatively friendly, except for some disagreements over the right to compete for the Gold Yuan Mine. Other frictions, and the gold dollar mine is just a means for the sects to win over geniuses and influence."

After thinking about it carefully, Qin Shuangya said that the major forces in Qinling are still relatively united, at least they are relatively consistent in resisting the invasion of external forces.

"That is one of the Shadow Valley or the Fire Sting Gate. To be honest, Xiao Hei's premonition of crisis is far superior to other races. Relying on his early warning ability, I have escaped from the death gate countless times. He just told me that in the future we will In the event of a catastrophe, it seems that the enemy has already focused their attention on this gold dollar mine meeting."

"What?! There is such a thing?! Xiao Ye, after arriving in Qinzhong, you and I will go to meet the sect leaders of several other forces. Since this is the case, we have to guard against it. They are all geniuses who are one in a million, if there is an accident, it will be a catastrophe for our entire Qinling Mountains, and within a thousand years, it may be very difficult for a God Emperor Realm expert to appear."

Qin Shuangya's face was serious, obviously aware of the seriousness of the matter.

The heavy atmosphere shrouded everyone's hearts all the way. In the evening, after half a day's long journey, they finally came to the Qinzhong area. In front of everyone, a huge city appeared, which was comparable in size to Chenze City.

"It's really spectacular. I didn't expect such a luxurious city to exist in Qinzhong. Tsk tsk~ In contrast, our Qinbei is a bit barren."

Zhang Jinzi was like a bumpkin who had never seen the world, constantly looking at every corner of the city with curious eyes.

"Haha, Jinzi, this is the common property of us Qin Bei and several other forces. You Fuyangmen also paid a lot of money, so during the meeting, all our expenses will be free."

"See Sect Master Qin, you guys, it's been a long journey, and we have prepared a first-class guest room for you, you can go there at any time."

Before the spirit bird landed, a cultivator in a crown robe greeted him.

"Cheng Yu, thank you for your hard work. Let's go to the heads of several other forces first. Please take good care of the spirit bird."

Qin Shuangya threw a bag of spirit jade into the hands of the recipient, who immediately showed joy, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation to the five people, and then led the spirit bird and disappeared in front of him.

"Let's go to the suzerains of several other regions first. We have to tell them about this and find a countermeasure together. If the Shadow Valley attacks, we have to temporarily put aside the matter of the gold mine. Take a look at the talented disciples of several other sects."

The four nodded and followed Qin Shuangya to the tallest building.

Yuanxing Hall, located in the center of the Qinzhong City, was designated as the place where the leaders of the previous Jinyuan Mine Meetings met. When Qin Shuangya led Xiao Ye into the palace, it was already full of cultivators from other sects.

"Sect Master Qin, long time no see, don't come here without any problems. The last time you Qin Bei's forces came to my city of Chenze, you didn't notify me, which made me fail to fulfill the friendship of a landlord. This is your fault."

Seeing Qin Shuangya enter the door, an old man with a white beard greeted him with a smile. He is Bao Liantian, the patriarch of the most powerful sect in Qin Nan's domain, the Spirit Lion Sect. .

"Haha, Sect Master Leopard, long time no see. Last time, my lover left in a hurry and forgot to notify you. Besides, we came back in a hurry to discuss countermeasures after such a big incident happened."

"Hey, Sect Master Qin, is this the disciple you are going to fight? Why did you bring a cripple? Does it mean that there is no one left in Qin Bei?"

Xiao Ye narrowed his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man who spoke. It seemed that Qin Ling's forces were not as harmonious as Qin Shuangya said.

"Wang Kuncheng, what kind of a dog are you to dare to point fingers at my disciples? Have you forgotten the massacre that our Qinbei forces killed Qin Dong ten years ago? Have you got some fresh blood?"

(End of this chapter)

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