Invincible plug-in system

Chapter 968 Chu Yan

Chapter 968 Chu Yan
After watching the game, Zhang Jinzi asked with some insatiable desire, he actually had the idea that he couldn't wait for Xiao Ye to come on stage and play with him.

"Strength is different. His strength belongs to acquired practice. His luck is very good. He is facing a swordsman. If he is a practitioner who is proficient in martial arts, he will not be so easy. If he is facing a sea girl ..."

Xiao Ye couldn't help shivering. Thinking about the terrifying strength of the sea girl, if it weren't for the power of the black dragon, he might not dare to deal with it head-on. Thinking of this, he must not only pay a moment of silence for the strong people in Shadow Valley at that time.

"In the next match, Chu Huaimen of Qin Xiling will face off against the Spirit Lion Sect of Qin Nan. Players from both sides are invited to play."


Two young men jumped onto the stage. The spirit lion sect sent Gu Xin, a disciple of the seventh level of the Supreme Martial God Realm, and Chu Huaimen, a strong man of the eighth level of the Supreme Martial God Realm.

"Chu Yan?! Why is he back?"

Qin Shuangya said in surprise, Xiao Ye was startled, seeing his tone, this man named Chu Yan was definitely not a good person.

"Xiao Ye, this guy can be said to be the most threatening opponent to you among all the disciples of the sect. Chu Yan is Chu Xiu's eldest son. Whether it is the strength of the skills or the combat experience, they are all top-notch, if you encounter him on the field, let Jinzi and the others go, and losing a game will not hurt."

In Tian Ji's horse race, he pitted the inferior horses of his own camp against the superior horses of the opponent's camp, so as to preserve his strength and consume the enemy's combat power. Obviously Zhang Jinzi was the cannon fodder pushed out by Qin Shuangya.

"Okay, no problem, as long as this guy is on the field, I will go up and fight him. I hope this guy is a good-tempered person."

Zhang Jinzi gritted his teeth, for the sake of the overall situation, he had to do this.

"No, if Chu Yan is on the stage, I will fight him personally. Don't worry, I won't be blown off the ring. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. At the very least, I want to see his methods and standards. Mrs. Gu Xin If he is weak, his true strength cannot be measured at all.”

On the field, the children of the two sides had already started to fight, just as Xiao Ye said, Gu Xin's full attack was easily blocked by Chu Yan who stood still and didn't move a step.

"Sword God Charge! Three Swords Divine Brilliance!"

Angry and angry, Gu Xin raised his long sword above his head and launched the unique fairy art of the Spirit Lion Sect. Suddenly, the field erupted with light, and countless sword qi raged around Chu Yan.

"The power of the law of the water system! Prehistoric secret art, return to the Yuan!"

"Wow~! Boom!"

Chu Yan changed his gestures, and a water dragon column steamed up!The roaring waves with a height of [-] meters were photographed!After intercepting all the sword energy, Chu Yan appeared behind Gu Xin in a flash. Before he could turn around, he raised his hand and hit him hard on the back of the neck.


Gu Xin froze, his pupils gradually became dilated, his legs softened and he fainted on the ring.

"Having fainted, Chu Huaimen and Chu Yan won!"

The battle was one-sided without any suspense. Under the pressure of Chu Yan's supreme Martial God Realm, Gu Xin was defeated by everyone's expectations.

"Is this guy really only this age? Judging by the strength he erupts in an instant, he can fight against the strong at the peak of the Ninth Level of the Supreme Martial God Realm. If I don't activate the invincible plug-in, maybe I really can't beat him. The realm is still too low."

If Xiao Ye's realm was raised to around the fifth level of the Supreme Martial God Realm, he would be confident enough to fight him, but unfortunately, the time was too short and there was not much time for him to prepare.

"The next match, Qin Dongkun King's Sect will face the southwestern faction Jinqiu Sect! Please join the field!"

The Southwestern faction is just a small sect, and it will only fail if it meets the Kunwang sect. The Jinqiu sect sent a cultivator at the third level of the Supreme Martial God Realm, while the Kunwang sect sent up a direct descendant of Wang Kuncheng Wang Yuhen.

"Senior, this is Jin Chiling, the core disciple of the Jinqiu Sect, please be merciful."

Jin Chiling put on a smile that was uglier than crying, cupped his fists and bowed to Wang Yuhen.

"Don't worry, our Kunwang Sect never bullies the weak. Let's start. If you lose the battle, don't blame me for not being merciful. How about this, you go first."

"The golden law field is opened! The golden body is immortal!"

Jin Chiling was not polite, turned his fists into golden yellow and attacked Wang Yuhen!Xiao Ye looked at this cultivator with great interest. Among the powers of the six conventional laws, the most difficult to see is the metal system, except for the wood system. It is rumored that the metal system is invincible, with both offensive and defensive capabilities. There is almost no law that can restrain him. .

"Sky jump! Unsurpassed and overturning the clouds!"

Wang Yuhen shot the ground with a long gun in his hand, and his body rose into the air. Taking advantage of the opportunity of Jin Chiling's flying into the air, his body turned and stomped hard on his back!

A circle of terrifying shock waves spread in all directions, and were offset and dispersed after hitting the barrier. On the ring, Wang Yuhen's kick directly stepped Jin Chiling on the ring. At this moment, Jin Xihua's hands became his The burden and heavy weight made him unable to stand up at all. Then, Wang Yuhen put the spear in his hand on his neck.

"you lose."

"Convinced, Your Excellency is really strong, there is no need to fight anymore, I admit defeat."

Jin Chiling smiled wryly and said, if it wasn't for Wang Yuhen's mercy, he would already be decapitated. In terms of combat experience, the two of them are not at the same level at all.

"Jinchiling concedes defeat, Kunwangmen wins!"

"There are too many strong people in this Kunwang sect, isn't it? Apart from Qin Xiling, who is recognized as the strongest sect, it seems to belong to him. This meeting is really exciting, so many geniuses and talents have emerged. Strong!"

"Yeah, I never thought that so many geniuses would appear. It seems that Qinling's power is about to rise."

In the auditorium, a cultivator had a strange look in his eyes. There was no emotion in his indifferent eyes, as if he was despising the common people. However, no one in the lively venue noticed that something was wrong with him.

All the disciples from the three major forces came to the stage to finish the competition. Two and a half days had passed. Sitting in the auditorium, Xiao Ye almost got a clear idea of ​​the details of these geniuses, except for a few strong men who threatened him. All but one can be defeated with a wave of hands.

At night, the exhausted people returned to their respective residences. Compared with them, the arrival of Qin Bei's forces seemed a lot easier.

"Xiao Ye, it's time for us Qin Bei to play again tomorrow. Be careful with that Chu Yan. I always feel that his strength is definitely more than what it appears on the surface."

Qin Shuangya was very worried. In the past two days, the strong men who fought against Chu Yan were basically defeated by one move.

(End of this chapter)

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