Chapter 969
With his current strength, it's not even the tip of the iceberg. Even so, he still easily defeated other geniuses.

"This person is very dangerous, but it is far from the point where I should be on guard. Unless he is a strong man in the God Emperor Realm, my lord, your aura should break through to the God Emperor Realm recently, right? Our Qin Bei is finally about to appear The No.1 God Emperor Realm is strong, but breaking through the God Emperor Realm will be risky, this is my gift, you accept it, if you refuse, I will immediately quit Qin Yumen."

With a serious expression, Xiao Ye put a milky white pill in Qin Shuangya's hand.

"Tianyuan Pill, which can guarantee the immortality of the soul for thousands of years, even if the body is damaged, can keep the soul. Now the market price is as high as trillions of spiritual jade, and there is no price. Xiao Ye, where did you get this kind of elixir? It's just too precious."

Qin Shuangya's face showed horror. Even a sixth-rank top sect might not be able to get such a treasure.

"It's just a elixir. It's a waste product to me, but it's just what you need. As for the value, it's just something that has been hyped up. You can accept it."

Xiao Ye replied casually, without even taking a second look at the elixir. The price of this elixir in the system is only 700 million gold coins, which is not considered precious.

"Okay, then I will accept it, Xiao Ye, if you have any requirements, just ask, I will definitely satisfy you if I can do it."

After finishing speaking, Qin Shuangya carefully placed the elixir on the innermost side of the storage ring, for fear of accidentally destroying this treasure.

"Brother Xiao Ye, where do you think the people from Shadow Valley and the Fire Sting Gate are ambush us now? Tell me... Will there be any people from the Fire Sting Gate among these audiences? I saw a few viewers today There's something wrong with your eyes."

Seemingly thinking of something, Li Zhiqiong said hesitantly.

"It's not just them. It's estimated that many participating sects have been infiltrated by them, but it doesn't matter. They don't know that we already know the plan. As long as they dare to come out, the main force of the four major forces will immediately surround Qin Zhong heavily. This time, none of them can escape, and with luck, we can even dig out the old lair of Shadow Valley."

"Stinky boy, don't worry, they won't make a move yet, come on, don't just drink, you also eat some meat."


The next day, all the strong sects came to the competition venue again. The three-day protection period has passed. Today is the day when the Qinbei forces will compete. Many sects have been eliminated in the past two days, and they can still stay here The last time, they were all sects with sixth-level Supreme Martial God Realm powerhouses. Qin Bei was the first to have a team composed of only a few Great Martial God Realm and one Supreme Martial God Realm.

"Everyone! Welcome everyone to come to our Gold Yuan Mine meeting again! At the request of the various sects, the Qinbei faction will be the first team to play today! Next is the Qinbei faction vs. Luan Yuzong! Both sides are invited to play !"

"Brother Xiao Ye, it seems that some people can't sit still after you haven't shot for a long time. Be careful, don't let them study your moves, but you have so many moves, it won't hurt if they study one or two moves."

Zhang Jinzi grinned, Xiao Ye mastered four or five kinds of magic arts alone!Not to mention those skills extended from the power of the five elements of law.

"You should try to preserve your strength, especially you, brother Jinzi. If I'm right, you should have brought a lot of organs and formations this time, right? If you meet someone I can't defeat, I will rely on you gone."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Ye jumped onto the ring, and there was a burst of intense applause from the audience. His strength was obvious to all three days ago. If Xiao Ye's realm was at the same level as other cultivators, I'm afraid this time 80.00% of the gold mining rights will be in the hands of Qinbei forces.

"Your Excellency, I am Li Shaoluan, the chief disciple of Luan Yuzong, and I am a cultivator of the law of wind."

The young man standing across from him bowed politely, clasped his fists, and reported his family background and practice skills. To show his courtesy, Xiao Ye also bowed in return.

"Hi, my name is Xiao Ye. I am the core disciple of Qin Yumen, and I am proficient in the power of the five laws."

Li Shaoluan froze, his expression froze on his face, it was the first time he had heard of a practitioner of the Five Lines of Law.

"Sure enough, he is worthy of being able to defeat a sect with his own strength, but don't be careless. If you practice too many laws, it will be complicated, and it is not even as good as those of us who are cultivating first-line cultivators."

"Okay, I see, you just go ahead."

Xiao Ye waved his hand carelessly, and didn't put his words in his ears. Suddenly, a trace of warmth and anger surged on Li Shaoluan's face.

"Stop being crazy! The power of the wind law! The winter wind knife!"

Li Shaoluan changed the seals with both hands, and suddenly there was heavy snow in the sky, and the whole arena was full of strong winds, turning it into a world of white snow, and every snowflake waving crazily had enough power to penetrate the throat of a fifth-level warrior in the Martial God Realm power.

Immediately afterwards, Li Shaoluan clasped his hands together and pushed towards Xiao Ye violently!The storm whirls with snowflakes and rushes towards Xiao Ye crazily!Along the way, there was a piercing sound of piercing the air, and bursts of sonic booms exploded in Xiao Ye's ears, as if pulling him into the icy world of ice and snow!


Just when the storm swept to Xiao Ye's side, a transparent shield blocked Xiao Ye's front. His firm body was like a knife stabbing the ground, splitting the storm in two and passing by.

"You can use the power of the wind element law so flexibly, how is this possible?! You should be a half-assed practitioner of the five elements of law!"

"Sorry to disappoint you, wind pressure cannon!"

Xiao Ye raised his palm and pointed it at Li Shaoluan, and an invisible air cannon half a meter long was aimed at him. The latter shrank his pupils and hurriedly retreated. Unfortunately, it was already too late. Xiao Ye suddenly exploded with power, and the air cannon roared Pass!It hit Li Shaoluan's chest heavily!His body floated down the ring like a dead leaf in the wind.

"When it lands, Li Shaoluan loses the qualification for the competition, and the Qinbei camp wins!"


Sect Master Luan Yu, who was sitting under the stage, smashed the seat beside him with a gloomy expression. He raised his eyebrows, and the strong man behind him understood, and jumped onto the ring.

"Your Excellency, it's a little bad to eliminate our disciples as soon as you make a move? Should you give me an explanation?"

"Oh? What kind of explanation do you want?"

Immediately, Xiao Ye became interested, and said with a playful smile.

"Hmph, either you voluntarily give up the qualification to continue the competition as an apology to us, or accept my challenge and let me knock you out of the ring in a fair and square way. You don't want to be called a shrinking turtle, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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