Chapter 989

Before taking two steps, Chu Yan only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the severe pain from his abdomen made him kneel uncontrollably on the ground.

"Hmph, vulnerable, is this Qinling's genius? I'm so disappointed, I thought you guys could give me some surprises, hey~ go to hell."

Wang Chen shook his head regretfully, then opened his palms and aimed at Chu Yan, a slender dagger gradually enlarged in his pupils!


Just when the dagger was about to stab Chu Yan in the eye, his body disappeared out of thin air. The dagger lost its target and directly nailed a Shadow Valley disciple not far away to the wall.

When he reappeared, Chu Yan had already stood beside Xiao Ye, blood was continuously flowing down their foreheads.

"Huh~huh~ Brother Xiao Ye, thank you for saving me. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have to go to Fengdu City to report."

"Ha... It's too early to thank you now. This old dog has suppressed his strength to such an extent in order to kill Wang Yan with my hands. It seems that the two of us will have to spend a lot of effort today."

Xiao Ye gave a wry smile, the matter was gradually out of his control, he somewhat underestimated the half-step god emperor level powerhouse, other suzerain level powerhouses were fighting, no one would come to help them two.

"What's the matter, little mouse, are you desperate? Don't worry, there will be even more desperate ones, the sword technique! Jing Kongxiao!"


Wang Chen raised his hands up, and thousands of flowers made of weapons bloomed behind his back. Immediately afterwards, Wang Chen pointed at Xiao Ye, and the dagger whizzed past!The dense one is as dense as raindrops.

"System teleport!"


Xiao Ye's figure disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was behind Wang Chen!The Tianming sword with a cold glow in his hand quickly pierced his back!
Sudden!Wang Chen turned around quickly, and under Xiao Ye's horrified eyes, raised his foot and smashed Xiao Ye to the ground.


Xiao Ye only felt a pain in his soul and lost the connection with his body. Chu Yan hurriedly flew forward, and a wind beast roared towards Wang Chen.

"Too weak, your strength is far from enough."

Wang Chen shook his head, drew back his claws, and Chu Yan's body flew towards him uncontrollably, and he directly grabbed his neck.

"Cough cough... damn thing... let go! Cough..."

With Wang Chen's palm exertion, Chu Yan coughed up a lot of blood, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape Wang Chen's control.

"Brat, wake up! Wake up quickly! If you continue to sleep, boy Chu Yan will die at the hands of this black-robed monster! Elder Qitian, hurry up and think of a way!"

Xiao Hei hurriedly paced back and forth in the Xumi Dimension, but there was nothing he could do. As Xiao Ye fell into a coma, the restriction of the Xumi Dimension was also sealed.

"Don't worry, I'm contacting Xiao Ye's soul. It may be that the shock when he landed was too strong, and the force of the impact hurt his head."


In Xiao Ye's soul space, the magic dragon condensed a spiritual black needle and pierced Xiao Ye's thigh with a whistling sound, and his soul immediately regained his sanity.

"Damn! It hurts me to death! Who!? Who dares to sneak attack?!"

"Senior Qitian? You... why am I here?"

"Boy, you were knocked unconscious by that assassin. I woke you up. Hurry up and fuse with your body. Chu Yan is about to die. Hurry up and help him."

"Okay, thank you, Senior Qitian."

Xiao Ye nodded, closed his eyes and merged his soul into his body. The next moment, Xiao Ye from the outside opened his eyes sharply, and stabbed Wang Chen's leg with an ice knife in his hand.

"Huh? The little mouse woke up? I thought you had to sleep for a while, it's really troublesome."


Wang Chen frowned, and kicked Xiao Ye a hundred meters away. While he was distracted, Chu Yan hurriedly broke free from his control and flew to Xiao Ye's side.

"Brother Xiao Ye, are you alright?"

"Well, it's okay... This monster kicked and broke two of my ribs. Fortunately, it didn't pierce my internal organs. It seems that I can only use the secret method, otherwise, we will definitely die."

Xiao Ye called up the system panel in his mind, opened the remaining invincible plug-in time, and immediately his injuries healed as before, and the addition of a thousand times of strength made his realm instantly climb to about the seventh level of the Supreme Martial God Realm.

"Brother Chu, I will take the lead next, and you will support me. With the secret technique, I will enter a short-term invincible state."

"This should be the power you used when fighting me, right? Well, be careful."

Chu Yan nodded, and the two of them rushed towards Wang Chen again with weapons in their hands, and an armored Fengshen giant appeared behind him, cutting off all Wang Chen's escape routes with a wind knife in his hand.

"The power of water law! Ice pulse condition!"

"Stab! Ding Ding Ding!"

Xiao Ye made a tactic with both hands, and a row of ice thorns sprang out from the ground towards Wang Chen. The latter jumped and flew into the air to avoid the attack of the spikes. The Fengshen Fengdao swept across him, and he hurriedly turned around in midair. Cut the dagger vertically in his hand, cutting the Fengshen knife in half.

"System teleport!"

"call out!"

Xiao Ye moved to Wang Chen's side, used the golden law in his hand to condense a gold brick, aimed at Wang Chen's head and slapped it hard!


"Ah~! You little bastard..."

Wang Chen let out a scream, clutching his forehead and fell from mid-air, fell heavily on the ring, the black robe covering his head fell off, revealing a simple and unremarkable middle-aged man's face.

At this moment, he was covering his bleeding forehead and staring at Xiao Ye viciously, wishing to kill him a thousand times with his eyes, this was the first time he was injured since he seriously fought against the two of them.

"I didn't expect this thing to be so convenient that it could be smashed to death by a gold brick. This was the dream of many people in previous lives."

Xiao Ye weighed the gold brick in his hand in satisfaction, aimed at Wang Chen's figure and jumped down, the flowing shape of the gold brick in his hand turned into a golden spear.

"The power of the law of thunder and lightning! Illusory Thunder Nine Tribulations Flash!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The nine thunder tribulations overwhelmed the first and attacked Wang Chen. There were thunder tribulations from the pursuers above, blocking all his escape routes for a while.

"This kid, what crooked secret method did you use? It has raised the realm to such a level, and the injury has also healed, the shadow stabbing technique!"


Wang Chen's figure flashed and disappeared on the ring. Xiao Ye opened his soul perception, and a large dazzling light appeared in front of him!Different from other assassins, Wang Chen moved quickly after using assassination. Even if Xiao Ye could catch his figure, he couldn't make an effective attack.

"Brother Chu Yan, back off, I'm going to blow up this old thing!"

Chu Yan nodded, and leaped back to leave the edge of the ring. Xiao Ye flung out four top-quality Hunyuanjing in pain, and a large formation that sealed the sky rose from the ground!Blocked the arena tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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