Chapter 990
"Do you want to die alone? You are very confident, but this enchantment can't trap me. When I kill you, I will break the enchantment and send everyone to see you."

Xiao Ye smiled and didn't speak, but took out a dozen Thunderbolts from the storage space.

"Don't think too much, the enchantment is just to protect the people outside."

Wang Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at the pill-like thing in Xiao Ye's hand with some horror. He actually felt the crisis of death from above!
"You... What are you going to do? Little beast, do you want to die with me? I warn you, don't mess around, maybe I can spare your life."


Xiao Ye threw all the thunderbolts into the air, put his fingers together and raised them to his mouth, and let out a loud shout!The dazzling light instantly flooded the entire arena!The enchantment covering the four sides of the arena expanded rapidly!


"Damn it! Shadow Assassination Technique! Dissipate!"

"Brother Xiao Ye! Crazy! What a lunatic! If I had known that you would die with him, I wouldn't have agreed. There are many ways to defeat him. Why did you choose this path!"

Chu Yan beat his chest and stamped his feet angrily, with grief written all over his face.

"Brother Chu, just curse me to death like that. Don't worry, I won't die easily until I become the strongest person in Qinling Mountains. Isn't that too cheap? You, cough cough, really choked."

Xiao Ye's figure stepped out of the smoke, and the shields surrounding him were shining golden, blocking the invasion of all forces.

"Brother Xiao Ye, you didn't die, hahaha, I knew you wouldn't die so easily, this doesn't suit your style, how about that old thing should have been blown to death?"


Sudden!A cold light flashed through the smoke, and the shield at the back of Xiao Ye's neck was wiped out with a string of sparks!
"The power of the law of the water system! The prison of suffering!"


The [-]-meter-high wave rushed down, protecting Xiao Ye and Chu Yan in the center, and a drop of blood was quickly decomposed when it fell into the water. Wang Chen's blood-dripping body flashed past and disappeared again.

"This old dog is really resistant to bombing. Such a powerful force didn't kill him. I only used a thousand bombs to bomb the Chen family."

"It's really miserable to be your enemy... No wonder Shadow Valley took the opportunity to invade like crazy. It turns out that you took the lair. Where did you get all these weird things?"

"It's just passed down from the ancestors, haha, don't worry about it, this old dog is staring at the two of us, we must find a way to kill him, my practice can last for five seconds, after five seconds, we must face it head-on. "

The longer the time dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be for them. There were still 3 minutes left in the invincible plug-in. After the time passed, both he and Chu Yan would die.

"Three...two...Brother Chu, get ready!"

Chu Yan nodded, looking around vigilantly, waiting for Wang Chen to appear at any time.


Xiao Ye clenches his hands to dissipate his strength, countless cold lights flashed from all directions, Chu Yan took a step forward to protect Xiao Ye, blocking all the attacks, and then, a thousand-foot black dragon roared past!It hit Wang Chen's body and smashed him to the ground!


Wang Chen's right arm was twisted at a strange angle, and the body that was already injured by the thunderbolt was even worse. A large mouthful of blood mixed with internal organ fragments was coughed to the ground, and even the state fell to the ninth level of the Supreme Martial God Realm.

"Hit, old dog, you can't hide now, can you?"

"Huh~huh...Little bastard, I really underestimated you. I didn't expect that you survived the explosion and didn't even suffer any injuries. You are the first one to force me like this for so many years."

"Then I'm very honored, but I should be No.1 to kill you soon."

A cold light flashed in Xiao Ye's eyes, and rows of ice spikes suddenly rose from the ground!Wang Chen stepped on his feet and flew into the sky, but Chu Yan had been waiting in mid-air, and stabbed down with all his might with the Tianming sword that Xiao Ye gave him!

Wang Chen twisted his body to dodge to the left, the Tianming sword pierced his shoulder directly, and the corrosive force devoured his entire arm like a rotten one.

"Damn it, why did you cooperate so well with each other?!"

"Ask Hades! The power of the law of thunder and lightning! A moment of thunder!"


Xiao Ye's feet flew up into the air, his fingertips flashed with dazzling thunder, and Chu Yan pushed him to a dead end one after the other.

"I really didn't expect that I would be forced to such an extent by two little mice, but do you think it's over? As the deputy altar master of the Shadow Valley Wang family branch, my methods are beyond your comprehension. "

After finishing speaking, Wang Chen took out a white pill from his pocket with his remaining left hand and swallowed it instantly!A ray of red light rose from his Tianling Gai to the sky!The severely injured right arm quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!
"Not good! Brother Xiao Ye! Kill him quickly!"

Chu Yan's complexion changed drastically, and the two rushed towards Wang Chen one after the other!And at this moment, Wang Chen's realm has climbed to the first level of the god emperor realm!
"It's too late, go to hell!"

In Xiao Ye's eyes, Wang Chen suddenly turned into a series of afterimages, and a tyrannical force suddenly acted on his abdomen. With the external protection, the huge impact force still caused his internal organs to churn.

"Brother Xiao Ye! How are you doing?!"

"Hehe, let's take care of yourself first, shadows accompany you!"


A large amount of blood splattered, Chu Yan's broken arm shot up into the sky, large beads of sweat slid down his cheeks, and the severe pain caused him to fall to the ground in agony.

"Not good! Brother Chu! Quick, take the pill."

Xiao Ye hastily broke off a branch from the golden divine tree in the Primordial Realm and pierced it into his severed arm. A brand new arm quickly grew out, and Chu Yan showed a surprised expression on his face.

"Brother Xiao Ye, what kind of method are you doing? You can regenerate a broken arm. I thought my martial arts in this life were completely over. It's amazing, it's exactly the same as my original arm."

"Brother Chu, now is not the time to sigh, take the pill quickly."

After eating the Rejuvenation Pill, Chu Yan's aura quickly calmed down. He was surprised again, and couldn't help but become more curious about Xiao Ye's background. Prevent Wang Chen from attacking again.

"Healed up?! Little beast, what did you do?! This is impossible, how could the broken arm be reborn! Is it a blindfold? No... the breath will never lie."

In the next second, Wang Chen's face was ferocious, and a bold idea came to his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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