Elf Skill Master

Chapter 106 Get it!

Chapter 106 Get it!

Qianye looked at the defeated Huayan monsters in front of him, and felt relieved. There should be no danger in this siege, and then continued to order the two Pokmon to harvest.

After Zhi Chongxiong completed the first wave of impact, he specifically looked for the elite-level flower rock monster to attack, while the giant marsh monster had no scruples, turbidity and mud rushed around unscrupulously, it was a brainless output!
"Jie Jie Jie!" Suddenly, an unexplained black light lit up on a precarious Huayan monster wrapped in mud, muttering words, Chiba's eyes froze, and he immediately recognized the skill it wanted to use, cursed !

Curse, used by ghost-type Pokémon, consumes half of the physical strength, causing the opponent's physical strength to lose continuously and rapidly!

It is a very unreasonable move, which is why few people dare to single-handedly provoke the gregarious ghost-type Pokémon!

"Jie!" Suddenly, the lucky symbol Huayan monster next to Qianye screamed, and the Huayan monster who was using the curse started to breathe out purple smoke, and fell directly to the ground, turning into a keystone.

The surrounding Huayan monsters were all stunned. They stared blankly at this unrecognized beast of the same kind showing great power, and some of the weaker ones even started to retreat.

However, Huayan Monster didn't make another move for a long time. They looked at each other, as if they had reached some kind of tacit agreement, they continued to attack but dared not use the curse anymore!
"It's so awkward!" Qianye looked at the motionless Huayan monster beside him, and smiled secretly. He didn't want to attack the same kind, but he didn't allow the same kind to use "despicable" methods. This kind of entanglement may be caused by this kind Huayan monster special feature.

"Jie!" The Huayan monster moved back calmly after Qianye looked at it furiously.Chiba twitched the corner of her mouth, and felt that the Huayan monster was a little cute, it must be the wrong way for me to open it!
"Jie Jie!" The crushing battle didn't last long. When the last elite flower rock monster fell, all the other flower rock monsters fled.

There were many motionless keystones left on the spot, these were flower rock monsters that had lost the ability to fight, Qianye glanced at them casually and didn't care, took back the giant marsh monster, called Zhi Chongxiong, and continued on his way!

On the road ahead, Qianye still did not relax his vigilance, because along the way Qianye found that one or two Huayan monsters were always watching secretly.

And these were not discovered by Leaping Pig. The Huayan monster around Qianye was extremely sensitive to the existence of the same kind. Needless to say, the Huayan monster would step forward and force it back!

Seeing that the Polk clan's territory is getting closer and closer, Qianye is also gradually getting excited. He is looking forward to what effect half of the forbidden power will have!
"It's here!" Qianye gasped and said excitedly, the giant tree gradually enlarged in his eyes, and the leader of the Polk clan was also flying in the air, as if welcoming them.

"Gies!" Pokkisi swooped down and came in front of Qianye, looking at Pokpi next to him very excitedly, and with a wave of his wings, Pokpi naturally broke away from Tiaozhu's control, jumped The jumping pig has no power to resist at all!

"Gith" Pokkisi first carefully looked at Bokby under the wings with complicated emotions, and then resolutely released his own mysterious power, and the energy like white mist covered Bokby intermittently.

Slowly, Bobbi disappeared, replaced by a white cocoon with shining light, which looked like a handicraft.

Pokkisi carefully placed it in the thick feathers on his back, and placed it close to his body. Then he looked at Chiba, nodded, and flew to the hole of the giant tree club.

"Let's go up!" Chiba's eyes flashed with eager flames, and she replied on a cloudy day, and directly released the desert dragonfly to fly up!
Entering the cave again, Qianye didn't have the mentality of watching flowers on horseback like last time. He couldn't wait to find Pokkisi. Although he was not afraid that it would break the contract, he couldn't stop his eagerness.

Qing Tian, ​​who almost had to run to keep up, smiled helplessly, but she could also understand Chiba's mentality, and it would be a lie not to say that she was envious of having special abilities.

"Gith!" Pokkisi seemed to be adjusting his state, and when he saw Chiba coming in, he slowly opened his eyes.

Without any hesitation, both parties knew what to do next. Pokkisi flew directly above Qianye's head, and saw its red, white and blue three-color feathers gradually emit white mist-like mysterious energy, slowly covering Qianye. .

As if sensing something, the taboo power on Qianye's body also began to boil, dark green energy covered the whole body, and slowly began to come into contact with the white mist energy from Pokkisi again.

The scene was extremely quiet for a while, Pokkisi was suspended in the air, and Chiba below stood upright with her eyes closed, also motionless.

Zhi Chong Xiong and Tiao Tiao Zhu stood guard on both sides of Chiba, looking around vigilantly. Sunshine also released Qilin Qi and Cheng Long to guard Chiba at the entrance of the cave.

It didn't take long, and after only 10 minutes, Chiba and Pokkisi withdrew their respective powers at the same time. Pokkisi looked a little tired. With a flap of its wings, it flew back to the nest, closed its eyes, and began to rest.

Qianye slowly opened his eyes, his eyes gleaming with excitement, he turned around and bowed seriously to Pokkisi, and then led Zhi Chongxiong and the others out of the cave.

"Qianye, can I take a look?" Qingtian was also full of curiosity at this time, and asked directly without any reservations.

Qianye smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "I probably know what it is useful for, but I don't know when it will take effect."

"What... do you mean?" Qing Tian frowned slightly, feeling unreliable.

"Before that, I want to ask you first, what do you think is taboo?" Qianye didn't answer directly, but instead looked like a master, complacent.

"Taboo? Things that cannot be touched?" Qing Tian glanced at Chiba, but still took the slap in the face.

"Then what do you think is something that cannot be touched in our world?" Chiba continued to ask, he was in a good mood at the moment, so he didn't mind playing around like this.

"Ask again? You don't want to say it!" Qing Tian snorted softly, shook his head and left.

"Hey, hey, I said, I said." Qianye saw that she was pretending too much, and quickly admitted her mistake, and then said directly without being a joke.

"God beast!"

"Divine beast?" Qing Tian rolled his eyes, as if he understood something.

"To be precise, it's the power of the beast!" Qianye explained excitedly, regardless of whether Qingtian had reacted or not, he continued: "The power of the taboo is the power of the beast!"

"The power of divine beasts!" Qingtian covered her mouth and exclaimed, suddenly Qianye turned into a humanoid monster and fought against other divine beasts in her mind.

...to be continued...

(End of this chapter)

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